I feel sorry for the WoW team

Sure they did that’s why tbcc is going way down and nothing but complaints to keep thinking that. And classic flat dead.

That’s how I learned not to start a new expansion at launch. I was spared from 8 months of whatever. Because I was one who studied and did research on SL alpha/beta when 8.3 was still live. Nobody in the forums wanted to talk about it. So when it hit, it was the poo-show we all knew was coming. If more people did what I did(voting with their feet), Blizzard could have really felt the consequences of their actions.

Plus all that Blitzchung stuff and canceling Blizzcon 2020 didn’t really help a thing at all.

Not everyone gets cancer. Heart *disease is statistically a more common killer, so that’s actually legitimate, regardless that Blizz’ efforts were greatly appreciated by cancer patients and survivors.

Me too, especially now that Hunters are actually good once again and meleecraft has ended.

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i like all the changes, especially the SKIP Maw intro. now i can level more alts. i appreciate them finally making the changes. and their hard work during this I’m sure crazy time in their work environment.

just hope their taking notes, and those working on Next expansion are already like "Ok guys and gals lets 1- not do borrowed Powers againa, 2- make every aspect of the Expansion Alt friendly, 3- make Flying unlockable at Launch. ( Reach max level, 100% explore new zones, Reach Exalted with “w/e Main rep grind”). "

I unsubscribed a few months ago and still have a few weeks left. Haven’t bothered logging in since I cancelled my payments, so I uninstalled ages ago. Why play a game I believe I have no future with? Once I cancelled payments, the rest of the sub became a sunk cost, mentally written off. I’ve mostly moved on but still check in on the forums now and then - I’ve enjoyed some of the forums more than the game this year.

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Are you serious? :joy:

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Yes because a moment of thinking beyond “Oh neat” you should get to the point of asking yourself "Why now? What made things that were said not going to happen, or happen after SL or what else they might say but now suddenly are just knocking out stuff left and right?

Yeah, it is great that they are finally getting to it. I hope people enjoy it. Though they’re going to get crap for it still because we’ve been through this with time and time again. It gets tiresome especially when the timing of this sudden explosion of addressing issues feels like them working damage control.

Of course I or anyone else have no proof that is the reason but neither do you to say otherwise. Though you’ll have to forgive me for not seeing the good right about now.

No matter how many time X fixes the problems of Y eventually people grow tired of waiting for the same things to be fixed over and over.

In my defense, BFA was my first real expansion. I started about halfway thru Legion.
Now that theyve shown me what their game is we…the wife and I…have decided we arent buying any more expansions. When they are free with the subscription price, then we’ll play the content.

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I havent logged into SL in probably 6 moths. I play TBCC and read/post on the forums. It really sucks considering what the GAME could be. If only the devs had the passion and creativity of the old school WoW team. Sad times my friend.


DOH! My bad. I make weird typos sometimes. But if that wasn’t what you were cracking wise about, it is none the less true. Cancer research is not going to save a bigger chunk of the population. If more commonly dangerous stuff like heart-related issues was targeted, then that could bring people to a healthier stage to help with cancer subsequently.

You and the wife missed out. I’m sorry about that. MoP and WoD were the greatest of moments. I got my copy of SL at a discount as well. BFA launch was just terribad and notwithstanding some great moments at Brewfest and Hallow’s End it was a wasted effort.


bro…my account is linked to another account that has time in it. what the hell are you talking about. i am unsubbed. the account linked isnt. end of story. jesus… just accept you were wrong. you are wrong. and you will still be wrong everytime you try to call me out on this. peace

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You remind me: Aren’t the WoD quivers in the game files? Why not just release them?

They should be grateful for the people with stockholm syndrome still playing Shadowlands.

Sorry, they don’t get any points from me for ignoring player feedback for over a year going back to the alpha and only making changes when more than half the playerbase has bailed.

This has been happening Since Legion. Ignore feedback implement half backed system that we have to suffer with on the live game for years and after they fix it we are all supposed to cheer? Then the new expansions drops and they remove the system that has finally been fixed after 2 years and start over with a new half baked system.

Learn to listen to feedback and make changes during the PTR. Wow Devs are arrogant and ignore feedback thinking they know best, this is what the game looks like. Wake the F up.


Hopefully they will cause if they don’t the next expansion is likely to be the death blow to this game.

Majority of the new fixes are things that should have had some sort of a fix from the start of the expansion. People are sick of the cycle of Blizzard waiting until it’s too late to fix major design issues.

I rather replay old expansion content than deal with SL’s issues.


I know my first post was more eloquent and fair but also the petty part of me loves reading the levels of salt and frustration in this thread because honestly Blizzard deserves it. Here’s hoping players don’t let them off the hook until they start consistently listening to feedback and stop plugging their ears and telling us we’re wrong.


If we’re going with this. A parallel would be people shrieking for years that cancer is a thing, Blizzard telling us it isn’t a thing. Then releasing a cure for it with some jab about “Well, we feel cancer doesn’t exist, but here’s the cure for the problem.”

Nobody is faulting Blizzard when they do right the first time, nobody does except a handful of super diehard hatemongers. The problem here is that Blizzard was made aware of problems, concerns, and potential fixes by the players a year before this game launched. Now we’re getting changes almost a year after it launched exactly in line with what people told them. A lot of these problems specifically emulated problems from other expansions they had to fix also. We learned with Azerite that people will never have a true choice, one is just always better. Covenants were supposed to be “balanced within a percent of each other” which never happened as everyone figured would happen, most specs had a very clear victor. Rogues had the option of choice early on, all of our covenants were acceptable picks. If you were a druid and didn’t go Night Fae though you were screwed if you were a dps.

Players will be a lot more cheerful if you know, this wasn’t literally them acknowledging all the alpha feedback over a year late. The fact this is the THIRD expansion they’ve done this. The fact they told us it “couldn’t be done” yet now magically is. All coincidentally when the game is on life support.

WHY weren’t these changes in place from the very beginning as they should have been? If they were, Shadowlands would have been a lot better. Instead we’re preached to about “muh meaningful choice” and “we’ll be better at balancing.” It was only after a massive exodus leaving this game on life support they decided to throw everything including the sink at us to keep playing.


You only get better by accepting criticism. When you just surround yourself with people that praise anything you do, you are doomed to fail.

Applying changes over a year later and on top of it STILL say how wrong it is to make those changes really gives critics plenty of gasoline to throw on an already burning WoW game.

Clark, the awe-shucks attitude you have is why you will never amount to what you could be. You are happy with how things are now, never wanting to be better. And that is fine for you, but for the rest of us, we actually want to do better.

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I remember that you need to head back to your class trainers, if you wanted to get better skills, etc. I do missed the roleplaying parts, dunno why they remove them. Guess so many complaining that their legs hurt and too lazy to do it.

Actually someone else would tell Blizzard what the cancer was but Blizzard would wait a year and then go to the graveyard and tell the tombstones why they waited a year to announce the cure.

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