I feel like everyone plays WoW yet no one plays WoW


Responses like this are all too common amd jaded. People arent on as much because its the calm before DF release, not even the high end guilds are running continuous mythics of raids theyve already completed.

Generations of kids wanting things NOW and instant gratification not being met, sounds horribly lazy and concieted. Peoppe take breaks before the next wave of content is released so just chill and relax

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All that would incentivize is something similar to snapchat. You’ll just see spam snaps every day to keep a “Streak” going, but nothing of much meaning. You mistake the act itself as something that must be engaging.

Too many Asmongold wannabes and ‘supporters’.

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I meet decent players regularly. I don’t group with them every day or even often. Its more like a whatever type of thing. If they want to run some we can run some. But I don’t think I can run with the same group non stop every day. I don’t like being dragged into content if I get bored of it either. I do different activities pretty regularly. A bigger friend’s list with a diverse group of players to pick from is more meaningful imo.

Regarding your issue, it might just be your server tbh.

Join the mplus community by working on your keys, and you will see that many people actively play this game.

guilds, however, are a total crapshoot.

I am not unemployed, but I’ve been playing for 16 years and am single with no children and I understand the game and I humbly call myself a good player…

If you’re in a guild with 800 people and no on’s on, that’s a failed guild full of alts from a previous expansion or something. I didn’t play bfa but when I came back and had no guild and I wanted to play with others, this is what I did.

To find a guild to play with people is really simple: follow these important step(s)

Step 1. Type in trade chat ‘LF active raiding/mythic+ guild’

There ya go.

Edit: this is literally two weeks before the expansion, barely anyone is gonna be doing raiding or mythic plus.

Most people only play for a few weeks after new content is released then drop off until the next content release. People who raid seriously or do high level keystones or even just grind solo content like reputations or achievements are a minority.

Guilds are for lower heartstone cooldown. Which I dont have right now.

I’ll take your Khoshek and raise you a Paladina!



I think you may be onto something.

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I really wish I had my IRL friends play WOW. It feels so lonely, yet it doesn’t. But I can’t get my friends into it due to the $ 15-month sub or how competitive I play.

We need all groups of people. Guilds fail if they don’t have sweat lords at the helm farming and explaining and organizing. The social world dies if you don’t have scrubs who don’t even know where Naxx is. The rest of us (well, You, bc I play 8-12 hrs a day lol) are the middle class- quiet in raid, worried only about your own consumes, and logging off at midnight. Synergy

This is super important to remember and I think some people have trouble understanding it. It was something I had a hard time explaining to my mother (even though I was an adult at the time) “hey I need to be home by 9pm because I’ve got my raid tonight”. The way I finally broke through to her was by explaining the whole reason I schedule my WoW group time is so that I know when I do not need to be online. Raid isn’t until 9pm means yes I can go to that movie at 5p or yes I can go out for early dinner with someone or yes I can walk a couple miles at the park.

Granted, in my guild we have so many interested in M+ there’s rarely a night goes by without some group coming together on Disc, but even that is kind of last minute planned and looks like:

“Who wants to run a key?”
“Oh me! I need 10min to finish dishes!”
“No worries, Soandso says they’ll be home from the grocery in 30min.”
“I’m just farming herbs. Whisper when we’re ready to go”
“Count me in! I’m just watching some TV. Ping Disc when to log in.”

And voila. They have a group planned for 30min in the future. That’s how responsible adults do things randomly. It’s still all planning time.

This! Some people don’t have fun in groups with extremely differing ability levels and I get that, but at the end of the day, it’s very rare to have groups of people who are 100% exactly evenly able in WoW. Sometimes you’ll be the one doing a little more and sometimes you’ll be the one doing a little less. Trying to set up a situation where you’re always the one doing the little less isn’t going to fly.

This is why it’s so important to find the right guild. When you’re playing with friends, they don’t treat you like crap for some one dumb mistake. When you’re in a guild with someone, it’s worth everyone’s time to help each other out because everyone knows if they were the ones who needed help, someone would turn around and help them.

If you do nothing but play the PUG scene, it’s no wonder you’re having a bad experience. While possible to run into good people in PUGs (I’ve run into some serious amazing winners of people!!) the general attitude is everyone for themselves and no one helping anyone else.

(On the other hand, maybe people who are PUGing should stop and think about how they treat PUGs in return. A lousy community is not always just someone else’s fault. A better community can always start with YOU.)

This is a good technical point too when guild searching. For various reasons, my original guild’s GM never removed any characters, even when people stopped playing. Over 14 years, that added up. We had a list of 1000 and maybe 50-80 would be active.

Lesson: Always ask about how many active players there are in the guild, or on per night.

No, that’s not the case and I’m really tired of people who keep saying this. You do not need to put in stupid ungodly hours to raid. If you want to be in a cutting edge world first guild, then maybe that might be close to it, but even they do not do that for long stretches at a time. However this is not the level of group we’re even talking about. There are plenty of guilds who raid 9 or fewer hours week. (In my guilds my AotC groups raid 5 hours a week and 6 hours a week respectively, and the mythic team raids 6 hours a week. And, being more specific, each of those groups is it’s own entity. Don’t add 5+6+6 and say raiding takes 17 hours a week.) Consumables do not come anywhere near that much time to gather, craft, or just buy off the AH.

People need to stop with the overinflated time estimates for raiding. At least without defining exactly what level of raiding they’re talking about.

Sylarsong, I’m struggling to not quote your entire, very awesome, post. This. THIS. THIS. THIS. Especially the last. No one wants to be friends with someone who isn’t being friends back. No one wants to try to do something with someone who doesn’t want to contribute to the activity. My grandfather was dead on saying the best friendships are when both sides contribute 80%. The same goes for people you know in WoW.

This is something I failed to point out in my other post. When you’re looking for a guild, do not limit yourself to just your own server. Finding the right group is worth paying for a character transfer!! (Remember character transfers can be paid with gold!) If you have to save up the money or gold to do it, you can play with your new guild in the meantime via cross realm grouping.

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I like collecting and battling pets

This whole post is great advice, but this in particular is what I logged in to comment on. Our guild struggled for a long time to find good “casual” players for M+ and normal/heroic raiding. We finally have a good consistent group, but every new person we invite, we’re terrified will put-off one of our other new recruits that we already know is a great fit.

And as others have pointed out, a lot of people are inactive before DF. Once our guild got heroic raid achievements and KSM for as many guildies as we could in S4, a lot of us have scaled way back until there’s new content.

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Sounds like what classic is like or was we all just play with one or two people I’ve done that for like 11+years.unless i que for something on my own. Most of this game is random people who have their circles and the rest have their own thing . This isn’t classic and most real long time folks don’t want to be around the people you described .it’s why you hear so much about solo players there is a larger and larger group every year and if you play long enough you will find out why.

Try a community… or two… or three. Join as many as you like. It kind of feels a lot like active, cross server guilds.

I feel like the people you’re looking for are casual pvpers! Raiders tend to be a little intense for me, but there are elitist pvpers as well.

idk doesn’t bother me. got a friend played with him since cata. since i think Legion he has stated “I play WoW” yet he doesn’t have anything really done. never see him logged in despite he is always on discord/bnet claims he is always hiding from his other friends who want him to play LoL or w.e.

i always tell him “BS” lol he plays here and there like once in a blue moon kinda thing. plays more classic rn then retail but in the end it’s always the same thing. plays during launch week and maybe 2-3 weeks in quits. claims school/work/other friends. it’s w.e. though i just like to tease him about it. skill wise he is pretty good but yea wish he played more often.

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