I feel like everyone plays WoW yet no one plays WoW

They all show up on launch day, start of a new patch or content update.

Then proceed to no life then log out till the next cycle.

:night_with_stars: :milky_way: :night_with_stars: :milky_way:

Maybe Riot will pull through.

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Yup, it’s all about a good community now. There’s really no need for everyone to be in the same guild anymore.

I ran keys this expansion with folks from 3 other guilds. We just get along and enjoy running with each other. But some of them are still into raiding, I’m just not going down that road again.

On raid nights, they aren’t available but I find other things to do or pug a key or two.

Honestly, to me WoW is like Pokemon GO. “Everyone” is playing it, but then you look at your friend list and there are no gifts opened or received, and won’t be for a week at a time.

I feel “most” people at this point just get on to do their weekly raids or whatever and then are gone until the following week.

OR it’s more like the typical subscriber to a gym membership. They have it, they keep paying for it, but they forget to unsubscribe when they stop using it.

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Yeah, a lot of my complaints could honestly probably just be addressed by having a better guild finder tool, one where you can see more details such as their activity level and just more details in general. Also if the game had more reasons to play as a guild, just think it would be nice to have a steady group of gamers hanging out in discord gaming but just have not seen that thus far in WoW, could just be me though /shrug. Will keep on looking.

Please define “normal”

people seemed obsessed with the fact that I used the word normal, so removed it and my point stays the same without it.

The reason you don’t see the non sweaty players who are casual yet skillful is because they don’t recruit they already have a small casual guild run mostly in a discord and play some what infrequently cos they have jobs. They aren’t sitting there in trade chat looking for people and usually aren’t pugging much either

You answered your own question. The weird team that spend 40 hours a week training are the ones you need to do your Mythic + and raids.

quoting for truth. Every time someone rerolls on tich or illidan, elite tauren chieftains… a guild loses its healer.

This has also been my experience living in a couple of different west coast hub cities. Lots of, “I used to,” very little “I still do”. Definitely gives the impression that the masses moved on some time ago.

There’s also a fair number of people marooned on the minority side of a server that’s lopsided majority opposite faction, like myself who has a bunch of characters on Bleeding Hollow which is a moderately big Horde server but a no name when it comes to Alliance.

In addition to this, that group of players sits pretty much squarely in the middle in terms of difficulty, which has been hollowing out for years as the greater bulk of players are pushed to the extreme high and low ends.


I had a group of friends on here I would run lots of content with but they always wanted to drag this guys girlfriend into groups with us. This girl was the worst WoW player and would just die randomly in keys because she was on her phone not paying attention to the game. Got a little frustrating trying to time 15’s when other people didn’t care or didn’t try. I felt a bit of a friendship with them but it felt great to pug and get away from it


At first I thought you were playing classic until the mention of M+

Much of your barrier seems to be perception. I’m someone with a 9-5 for 45-50 hours per week, starting my own business in addition, and have managed to get KSM and/or actively raid in all but last season.

Married, own a house and all that daily upkeep, and I’m super lazy.

You don’t need 40 hours for farming consumables. Even right now, with mat prices at an all time low and consumables at a higher %% relative the mats, just an hour of farming once is often enough to carry you for weeks. But even then, if you’re struggling to get gold for consumables outside of the first month of an expansion, you’re just not really DOING anything.

In Shadowlands, I had guildies who would take months to hit 30k gold TOTAL, despite being on all the time. They didn’t like doing ANYTHING that involved gold. No dailies, no learning the auction house for even one niche. Just passive flow and buying dumb stuff nonstop.

And even THAT person could afford consumables just by playing.

If you want good players and a consistent guild, trialing is basically nothing extra. If you cannot commit to the most basic level of consistent, timewise, why SHOULD anyone be taking you into content that depends on time?

You’re wanting the social experience, but aren’t doing the bare minimum for the social buy in.


We need a “Guild Hall” deluxe edition.

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Sad to hear things went that way…
I always hoped of havin’ four friends to fill out a dungeon group with 'n we would have so much fun. But I guess that fantasy wont be apart of this fantasy game for me.

But I gots me<3

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Never join a guild that advertises in trade chat.

Whole lotta issues get resolved, just by following that simple rule.

Healthy guilds don’t need to advertise in trade chat.

They all moved on to phone games. They’re the type of people who aren’t actual gamers, but like to try gaming ever since it stopped being the nerdy thing and went mainstream.

And for non-gamers, who really don’t want to play the game, but just want it to be over so they can say they played, phone games are far more ideal. That’s why “pay $5 and insta-beat this level you’re having trouble with” is such a good business model for it.

Which is fine. Get them out of here.

I’ve been playing alright. With the U.I five weeks in and no achievement yet. Still Dragon along here.

Some guilds have people who come back for every expansion but leave when the content gets old. That can add up to a large roster of everyone and their alts that aren’t very active near the end of an expansion.

About half the people who buy every expansion quit the first month, it’s normal. Level up a character, look around a bit, quit, come back in 2 years. Like clockwork.

Blizzard probably doesn’t mind, they just like the extra box sales.

But yeah, that’s a lot of reserved seats in a lot of guilds that are sitting empty 95% of the time.

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