I feel like Asmongold's viewers don't actually play WoW

You’re hitting Alex Jones levels of conspiracy about a forum like 200 people read

Online tribalism is way too overbearing and damaging to the social psyche. I’ve decided to do away with social media and always hide stream chats when possible. I don’t care for sheepish mob opinions. If you like the game, play it; if you don’t - don’t. I just wish negativity and nihilism weren’t so trendy, because they’re seriously damaging and mobs tend to get tyrannical when you disagree with them, because they are inherently envious and hate it when you have or do something that they don’t.

There’s plenty of great research on online tribalism (sociology, psychology, memetics…)


I wish he would do his transmog competitions again I really liked watching those ones.

Why watch anything? TV or online viewing doesn’t do anything productive for you or your life.

Nor does playing games. It’s all about what you find entertaining. Most streamers are boring. But there are some who have entertaining personalities. A lot of people watch for the person not the game, usually because they’re funny.

Plus, it doesn’t cost you a cent to watch them. So.

And you should have waited for Sunday.

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i like asmongold. i dont have to agree 100% with someone to still appreciate them. he’s often offensive but i dont let it stop me from enjoying his inoffensive stuff. i learned this skill watching comedians make fun of people in my demographic and world view. it only hurts occasionally. hehe

That is subjective. The Kardashians are one of the most watched shows, that does not mean anyone has to have any respect for them or the people that watch them…or Honey Booboo or any low brow trash “entertainment”.


:sweat_smile: hey I play wow

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There’s hundreds of thousands of people who watch him from all walks of life, im sure a lot of them do play and a lot of them start playing because of him. In hardcore wow a lot of people are telling me it’s because of Asmon/Esfand and others who make wow content.

Hundreds of people are joining and leaving his stream in seconds. Not everyone will be a wow player that be unrealistic.

Wanted to name someone else, but also don’t want to look like a hypocrite. :pensive:

Because most of them are boring.

At the end of the day, streaming is a form of entertainment and if you aren’t entertaining to watch, people aren’t going to want to tune in. Most of the time, the game the person is playing is irrelevant, it’s what the person makes of it that matters. Asmon isn’t great at the game but he is entertaining and to most people, that’s all that matters.

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All this. Its trash TV only on social media. Literally brings no value to society or to your life. I mean, can you even talk to another living person face to face about the thing you saw?

Do you actually go up to a person a ask them if they caught that great thing that someone did during a gaming stream?

OH BRO BRO, BRO, did you catch that thing “influencer name did playing gamename? It was AMAZINGLOLZ the way the game moved on my screen with his tiny face in the corner with near no expression as he did it! I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT DUDE!”



Whom? I don’t know trendy e-celebs.

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asmon was the person who got the /spit removed from the game

Not all things are equal and you pretending it is says a lot.

Watching a stream of a person playing a video game is not the same as watching a podcast streaming of two intellectuals having a conversation about a topic and watching the Kardashins is not the same as watching a high quality show with a well written story.

And no, Asmongold’s words are not equal to the words of…Richard Dawkins just because you can watch videos of both of them online.

Influencers are no better than listening to old ladies gossiping. Their “opinions and views” are just as credible.


She doxxed someone and is the FOTM e-celeb to hate

Oh, right. Remember hearing about that.

FYI she got doxxed first and he sent his followers after her, literally. Her dumb move was showing up at his door after it. She had Youtube fully behind her because there was a CLEAR case of Libel she could have slapped on him but instead went full derp.

Also, only braindead people “hate” her. She is just one of a million mostly useless influencers and like what mostly useless influencers do, they jumped on a hot topic because they are soo useful and talented and by no means do not need something that appears controversial to get clicks.

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Because a lot of his content isn’t just him playing a game? I mean I really don’t care what you do, I’m just saying there are some good ones out there.