I feel like a god right now in bgs

I’d say it’s equally maddening to go against war ww ret dh rog AND bm. They’re equally toxic in their own way.

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Honestly BM is the scariest thing to face on my shaman in arena as I cannot root pets as ele. I just get run down by a good KFC/Jungle and there isn’t much I can do as the pets are destroying me from all angles. I’m sure a strong healer with good hps is necessary vs their sustain but I generally just get overwhelmed by their pressure throughout the game not to mention feint death hard countering my flameshocks and bursts on a simply too short cd.

This was interesting thread until the derail about hunters. To the OP: at least someone is enjoying it I guess.

Yea I’m on my 40k hp alt (Necro WW) now not quite as fun but I just take my lumps and know soon enough this guy will be a wrecking ball as well. Am shocked to see this keeps getting attention. I made it kinda just trolling and then that one alt Pally got super upset

sounds like a successful post.

The only spec on Paladin that isn’t viable for Rated or Arena is Prot, if you can’t do good on Ret or Holy because of Hunters then that is a YOU issue.

I saw this as a thread about how gear imbalance was making random BGs a great experience for a few and horrible one for everyone else. Not whether or not hunters needed to be nerfed (they don’t).


Well then we agree!

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And even that is questionable. Bowling over an undergeared team is not really that fun.

ilvl disparity in PVP is crap
rating gates that cause that disparity are crap


Call of Duty meets Candy Crush.

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Reminds me of Stryper. Miss those log overs to hear them moan on level 1s. :whale:

Actually Prot is kinda disgusting in arena if played correctly. They can do decent dmg and heal just about as well as a healer, have a self immune and an immune for the team. I was playing with an undergeared Prot pala the other day boosting him to 1.6 and one match I was in CC and the dps just randomly died…I was like wtf was that…checked details he hit a 28k judgement. Wasn’t even with divine toll and this guy was in combatant gear and I had the same HP as him as a hunter that he had as a tank. Imagine if he was duelist geared with 85k-90k hp

Stryper would 100-0 you. You aren’t even qualified to make Stryper a sandwich let alone talk smack about him.

Ty check names.

That old burnt out pala that could not make 20% vers is SL S1? HAHA

OP Hunter Ft Eminem

I’m beginnin’ to feel like a Trap God, Trap God
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
Now, who thinks their arms are long enough
To slap box, slap box?
They said I rap like a robot, so call me trap-bot

Ya This SL gearring system is the worse of all wow hystory.
PVP world now is from 30hp to 65k hp
imagine the huge gap.

even the 52k hp struggle alot vs 60k hp.


If i goin random BG my main goal is to have fun , learn my char class in every specs, learn how to react with other class, winning just ad prize the main goal prize is having fun with pvp and can can practice my char at main spec or other specs at pvp event.

Maybe they make this huge ilv gap system coz they don’t wanna their end boss mythic raid boos easy defeated after launched. they wanna the mythic need boss down few months later that’s why they created time gated catch system. huge ilv gap coz to defeatd that boss need an certain item level to do raid DPS check, increase raid player defence hp and self healing.

this system created all lower lv content its like a joke when u hop into with high item level. when dungeon lower key mobs and boss easily melted with high BIS ILV.

Item level system poorly manage make ur lower level content like a joke same as pvp lower level player pvp gear item level is like a joke.

the new pvp gearing system at patch note just make add change to make something different not fixing the problem.

Still cant believe high tier game IT who working at blizzard cant fix this problem.


did you read anything in this thread?

The Light is with me, I shall smite all those greenskins, foxpeople and ambiguous elves into dust.

3,4,5, sometimes up to 7 infidels get evaporated in the hour of the Final Reckoning, the Light’s Verdict is Final.

Jokes aside, we just need 1 honor set 1 conquest set 1 wep upgrade back. As for severely undergeared folks getting deleted… This has always been a thing, it’s nothing new. I’ve played an unhealthy amount of bgs over the years and it wasn’t different in Wrath/Cata/MoP/Wod/Bfa.

If you believe you are so good, can you please merc to Alliance, we need good Horde players to Merc in BGs.