I don't want to forgive, I don't want to forget

Except that she never did anything of that scale before which is exactly the point. Sylvanas was a gray edgy character but it wasn’t at all like the current Sylvanas. If working with the Jailor made sense for her character, we wouldn’t still be asking why the heck she is working with him.

A hard fact that Sylvanas hater like you like to forget is that the super evil Bfa Sylvanas is even more out of her character than the redeem Sylvanas. Yet you consider the Bfa Sylvanas as ok but hate the idea of getting back the Sylvanas of Mop to legion intro.

Sylvanas was clearly write many way by many writer but all you do is denying those that you don’t like and consider those that you like ( the evil Sylvanas) as the only true one. Well i got a new for you, if you want to consider Bfa Sylvanas as canon and in her character since it is now part of the lore, you got to accept the same way the redeem Sylvanas since it is also part of the lore.


i´m pretty sure…there are existing protests against genocide right now…many of them…it is a important and if you will a “popular” Theme, because it happened right now…in africa, in parts of south and central america…

in parts of asia/southasia

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really says something about the difference in writing quality between then and now, doesn’t it?
Almost as if Arthas had a written character arc with progression and nuance while Sylvanas just has plot armor because “reasons”, wait and see.

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There’s multiple cases of it outside of Sylvanas

Nah this is a holdover from last year’s Me Too movement with WoW high end pve/pvp players and content creators

Blizzard didn’t want anyone called out on the forums

Even if they admitted to it

it was ugly


Or maybe the difference between getting the nearly full story right way like in a rts or having to wait many years like with a rpgmmo.

Switch the role, make the same Sylvanas arc in wc3 and the same Arthas arc in 3 wow expansion and it would be the same.

The tragic and complete story of Sylvanas vs the long and hated story of the plot armor arthas who always manage to survive at the last second ( vs Sylvanas,illidan and the deathgate) and which everyone are tired to see everywhere.


I mean yes. Why do you think those major retcons are so hated?

You know, one difference with Arthas versus Sylvanas was…that with Arthas you could just watch the villains and Redemption was never an issue, or part of his Ark.

So it was just the pleasure of watching one of the best villains WC has ever seen rise.

Sylvanas noticeably blizzard couldn’t decide what to be now.

THATS the big difference, not so much the medium of storytelling

I was reading and I have to say 2 things:

  1. Bolvar did not ask me to eliminate the dragons he only said do what you want and if you choose to be a monster he will tell you that you are just as empty inside as he is, in my case I did not murder anyone.
    at least that’s how I understood it, I don’t think the language will cause confusion.

  2. The Teldrassil thing is a crime against us and the war is too.
    It is personal, it is not a third party who was harmed, for that reason it is about revenge and not something as pretentious as the misnamed “justice”,At least on a personal plan I am indifferent to whether or not she is a danger to others. It is something much simpler and more primitive like harming the person who hurt me, it is a selfish act.

I am not a good person.

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I agree with your sentiments. Unfortunately, Sylvanas gets a redemption arc due to fan and writer bias. To make a comparison; The people Sylvanas raised into undeath weren’t in a position to consent to becoming undead due to being dead. Sylvanas made them undead without their consent. Sylvanas might not have forced them to serve her (initially), but she didn’t give them a choice about becoming undead in the first place.

And Sylvanas may not have killed them (in most cases), but she’s exploiting their deaths; what if they just wanted to stay in the afterlife?

In light (pun intended) of that, here’s a question; why is it okay for Sylvanas to raise people like Derek and Delaryn as undead without their consent, but the naaru Xe’ra is widely reviled for trying to Lightforge Illidan without his consent?


Not the DK saying he won’t forgive Sylvanas :sob: don’t you have villages to raze?


Those were Scarlet Crusade villages, and according to Blizzard it’s cool to hate anything to do with the Light now.

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In BFA Blizzard gave the Horde a storyline choice, but kept the same from the Alliance. This would be a good time for the same for the Alliance.

We all know they won’t.


I know but in asking there is no deception or hidden intentions, I do not claim or have the power to change the whim of the writers so my intention is simply to be able to stand aside and drown my sorrow and anger in cheap beer.

I am aware that there is no weapon that can pierce such thick weft armor

I wasn’t so angry if the horde hadn’t monopolized the evils during BFA and given us the right to anger and blood.

the only one we were allowed to be late took the head of someone who must have died long before.

Blizzard didn’t give horde a choice. They gave dialogue options with the illusion of choice. Nothing changed in the storyline and the only consequences of that choice was a toy.


Blizzard has NEVER given its players a choice with their story. Not truly. The only time ever do it you know it will have no effect. Look at the choice they gave with regards to Tosh/Dr. Hanson. Those characters are forever no longer relevant because Blizzard cannot add them back into the story without making player choice meaningless.

No Arthas is the one who freely walked down the path he was on, he’d already massacred a city, betrayed his soldiers, and betrayed a friend and mentor before picking up Frostmourne, an act which he did of his own accord and pride.

Slyvanas we have somebody who had this state forced upon her, was extra messed up since Arthas intentionally made her conscious while being under the Scourge (most Scourge weren’t), and then when she gets her freedom it is one where she’s missing part of herself (Forsaken being like this isn’t new just the reason is now known), which then leads her down the path of being manipulated by the person who actually knows what the Forsaken are lacking, and has done this before with Helya turning one of the victims of his plan to his side.

As for the thread if you want a plot thread where you essentially sit in a corner pouting while were busy trying to deal with Zovaal, go ahead, just don’t expect it to end any better than the Loyalist/Rebel choice.

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Hasn’t i already said about half a dozen times that I don’t want to change the plot?

I simply asked to be able to skip that, a black screen and that’s it.

surely a loyalist like you loves that the rest of us have to help who we hunted for years to kill him.

Isn’t it enough for you to snatch the revenge on my face?

You also want me to participate in this farce.

no, thanks.


I’m okay with this.

For a man so fervent about ideals of peace, he was pretty quick to resort to political assassination.

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Argueably. The Alliance did declare war on the Zandalari the moment they captured Zandalari royalty. The mainland Zandalari never lifted a hand against the Alliance, except when the Alliance captured the Zandalari princess for the sole reason that she was Zandalari, and when the Alliance pursued the escaped princess into Zandalari territory.

Both times the Alliance made themselves legit targets of Zandalari aggression, and both times the Zandalari only responded in defense of themselves. The attack on Dazar’alor, was a result of the Zandalari defending themselves, basically.


Potentially but not necessarily. War had already broken out between the two factions and Talanji was en route to Orgrimmar with the explicit purpose of forming an alliance between the Horde and the Zandalari. The Alliance just intercepted her before she got there.

Now, when you’re dealing with a Horde-friendly nation that is on the cusp of granting naval supremacy to a superpower that just did a genocide, and they send someone with political power over to said superpower, that’s more than enough cause for concern.

The intelligence of that move is something that can be questioned, but it’s clear that the Alliance didn’t just abduct her for no reason; she was taken as a prisoner of war. The Horde wasn’t exactly playing the role of a global peacekeeper when they decided to burn Stormwind to liberate Talanji.