I don't want to forgive, I don't want to forget

Arresting diplomatic envoys of a third party is an act of aggression against that third party though. Just because you don’t like who their talking to isn’t an act of aggression, against you, by the third party.

Had the Alliance arrested Xul and let Talanji go on her way that might have been something, but the Alliance seized the whole ship.

Not even sure how to respond to this, since its like you were responding to something else than what I’d written.


I mean like… Zandalar was neutral in the Horde-Alliance conflict. They were talking to the Horde, simply because the Horde… oh yeah, rescued the member of the royal family and high priest of the religion that the alliance kidnapped then tried to assassinate.

Engaging in diplomacy with your enemy does not make a third nation also your enemy.

The Alliance aggressed on the Zandalari. Absolutely no part of this was “legitimate.”

if Taran Zhu weren’t in a drunken stupor somewhere in Kun-Lai, he’d tell you.


The Zandalari declared war on both the Alliance and Horde in Cata, why do people always seem to forget that? They were already an aggressive enemy state, it’s not like the Alliance acted out of nowhere when they captured Zul and Talanji.


Zandalar also sank into the ocean in Cata.

The place has been bludgeoned with the retcon bat enough to make the Draenei wince.

Characters reference the conflicts in Cata and Mop several times in BfA. It didn’t just not happen.

Cool, and? Doesn’t mean it means anything in any regard.

Also, after “declaring war on the horde and alliance,” the Zandalari got their cheeks clapped because all they managed to do was turn two raids into 5-man dungeons.

Just for info Dazar’alor have happened only after this:

P.S. You also managed to set KulTiras on fire, and also that attack on the Fisherman’s village after. So it takes 3-1, and its time for Kultirian revenge…


They will not hear in their heads Zandalar was a kind of neutral country that never did anything, they conveniently forgot that they were already enemies of the Alliance that they were even enemies of the Horde too.

two enemies of the Alliance came together that just happened.

what the Alliance did is within what is considered a just war in order to neutralize a threat to its security.


Deal. Feel free to massacre Jaina and put Gelbin in jail. (Gnome boy doesn’t deserve it).

But yeah. Down with the humans.


To help your rage going here’s a tidbit I just realized a few days ago: Sylvanas knowingly and willingly sent an untold number of night elven children and babies to hell to be tortured for all eternity… and Blizzard STILL wants to redeem her.

I honestly can’t think of a villain more evil than that and she still gets to live and feel other emotions etc.? Like dam, even Thanos only went as far as wiping out half of all life painlessly and in an instant, but sending babies to hell? I can’t even process that.


I have to agree. I’m sick of companies telling stories where characters commit warcrimes and then try to redeem them like the power of love and friendship will conquer all. She had her story arc, it was messed up and it was an act of genocide. Plain and simple. She needs to go.


Time to leave those old grudges behind and in the past. And unite under her banner. We are Forsaken. We are the Alliance. We are the horde!

The barriers between our factions have fallen and we have become our own shadows…united under one Warrior.


of course if give me a big hug boy.

/literally smashes the tauren against his armor until his life is terminated

They meat back to menú!

not until the witch Jaina burns

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As a somewhat related aside, I recently binged the new Masters of the Univeree:Revelation series. One of the things I did like about it was the almost, but not quite redemption story on one of the characters. (not spoilering who). That’s the thing about redemption stories… they can be good even if the character involved does not complete the journey.

I highly recommend the series…(On my third binge of it.)

It’s the same as not watching GoT final season. Enjoy FF while you wait for our story to be over. c: