I don't use a cell phone so no Battle.net Authenticator

Nope not buying it. Emulators don’t work and shouldn’t work. The resistance and lengths some people will go to to avoid using cell phones is bizarre. :rofl:

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you obviously need them now for an authenticator so get off your high horse. people used to put hieroglyphics on pyramids but we moved on from that

Um what? Who said I didn’t.

All I said is right now, most even low income people don’t qualify for a phone. The tangent you jumped off on was unnecessary.

But you do you.

I’m out.

Doesn’t work… people really need to stop spreading this misinformation. :person_facepalming:

Two Words: HAM Radio.


I’ll take some time to test it later just for you.
And you clearly miss the point of emulation.
Either way, you can also use WinBMA, which is not an emulator, and achieve the same effect.

A phone is still not needed.

Yep and with the advances in technology with cell phones, pretty soon people will not be able to get cable or DSL internet in rural areas.

It’s already starting where I live. It’s not worth it for companies to service me so I was denied Frontier and some other place, name escapes me. So I was using my cell phone for internet for years until I got my Starlink.

Running cables underground then maintaining them is expensive. People can laugh and bash Elon Musk all they want but the man is leaps and bounds ahead of the world in some aspects.

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I can confirm it works, I did it myself to avoid installing the bnet app on my phone.

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The point is emulation should NEVER be an option to use for anything security related.

As long as operators can keep the towers up I guess you’re right.



Even then, most are not “land-lines” any longer.

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Because I do not want a social media app to have permissions on my phone? For all your talk of security that’s pretty unsecure behavior.

lol you can do that if you have a phone. I don’t have any social media apps installed on mine.


Why? If I can sandbox and have full control of the emulator, what is the “security issue” here?

Mind you, I’m a SciComp major and especialized in Digital Security. In 10 years of working for the government, in Education and Justice, not a single breach.

So you tell me, what is this risk?

And for those that are not old enough to know, that is part of a telegraph machine.


I have an old ‘land line’ phone in my house. It’s not connected to anything, but I continue to trick people to pick it up and try to use it. Oh, yea. I mess with people IRL too.


You do you but that’s a lot of effort to not use a cell phone. :person_gesturing_no:

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I do use a cell phone, mind you.
I have 3 actually, one specifically for bank accounts, a rooted one to mess with, and a general purpose one with the bnet app etc.

I’m just saying it’s not necessary at all for WoW authentication.

It’s also hilarious, “I refuse to pay extra money just to play WoW!” and “I don’t want to be tracked” but meanwhile these same people…

  • have no issues paying like $100+/month for hi-speed internet (WoW is unplayable without internet)
  • have no issues paying $100-$200+/month electricity bills (need electricity to run a gaming PC)
  • regularly upgrade their gaming PC every 2 years or so, often hundreds of dollars there for the latest graphics card and such
  • have social media accounts such as Facebook, and regularly post their location (in public/in broad daylight) and what they’re doing (either to brag or fish for ‘likes’) all the time
  • have driver’s licenses, vehicle registrations, file taxes, etc… all of which give away your location/address
  • etc

So between just internet and electricity costs that’s like a minimum of ~$200/month just to support a WoW habit, and of course the monthly $15 fee… but having a basic $20/month cell phone plan is a “deal-breaker”? Okay :face_with_raised_eyebrow: