I don't use a cell phone so no Battle.net Authenticator

Get gud nib?

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Don’t forget random/unexpected car breakdowns while you’re out and about… ask me how I know as a former Chrysler owner :rofl:

Cell phone is basically required to get emergency roadside service when (not if) your car suffers an unexpected/surprise breakdown, especially if you happen to be in an inconvenient location or out in the middle of nowhere

The last time Chrysler left me stranded was at a busy intersection - car just suddenly turned off with no warning (…there wasn’t even any check engine lights or warnings on the dash :roll_eyes:) - thankfully it didn’t stall “inside” the intersection but rather behind a stop light

Fortunately I had my smartphone on me (…since I carry it everywhere, obviously), so I stayed calm, opened up the State Farm app and requested a tow.

About ~45 minutes later the tow truck dropped off the Jeep at my usual shop and the tow truck driver gave me a ride home on the way to his next call

If you drive an older car, and especially if you drive one of the “unreliable” car brands such as Chrysler/Jeep/Hyundai/Kia/Nissan/etc you’re crazy if you don’t carry a cell phone with you while out driving :joy:

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I don’t think you need an active phone. If you have a smart phone that is not active you can just connect to your WiFi to use the authenticator.

Incorrect. Blizz went out of their way to make sure you had to have a phone number they approve of to setup the authenticator.

I have never had an authenticator and have never been stopped from doing anything.

What is the actual issue here ?

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I don’t understand why Blizzard’s SMS Protect doesn’t work with prepaid phones. SMS is definitely a feature of every cell phone. It also has to do with your number. I ported my AT&T number to Boost Mobile and I have no issues.

Stop using non-free and non-open source hardware and firmware.

Besides your info on non-mobile devices isn’t safe either. The charitable folks up in Utah have been operating a save now, decrypt later policy for traffic for a while. Just wait when quantum cryptography and qubits become scalable and used by the govt regularly. Nothing prior to post-quantum encryption is safe.

Ah the good old, “got rid of something, but now its important again” problem. Classic.

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Never ditch tools. Even ones you think you don’t need. Its more costly to reacquire them later on. But too many people have a “throw the baby out with the bathwater” type of reaction when trying to become less materialistic.

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played since BC, never had any problems and never used an authenticator.

… wont be downloading any junk to my phone to play 20 yrs old game either

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I havent had a land line in over 10 years, cell phone is far more superior since you can take it with you and you dont have to be home to get calls

You don’t need a cellphone. Just get a tablet. I have mine on my tablet fine.

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I still have my physical authenticator. I dont know if you can get them any more though.
I have a flip phone and 0 intention on getting a ‘normal’ cell phone for as long as I can.
I dont need one. I’m very happy with my flip phone and I roll my eyes anytime someone tells someone else that they NEED to get a ‘normal’ cellphone or that they shouldnt be able to play video games if they dont want to spend the money on a ‘normal’ phone.

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Apparently you do need cell phone, or why complain. I’m old, retired keep up or fall behind

Right! Guy is on windows that literally does worse things tracking wise with you data than phone.

Absolute nonsense with this thread.


Did they mention they were on Windows?

Pre paid cell phones do in fact work in the US.

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Land lines aint that cheap really

Maybe a few but most don’t. I had a Boost pre-paid before switching to T Mobile 10+ years ago and the Boost phone never worked for authentication. It’s all a matter of if the number you have shows up as a pre-paid number.

Apparently they changed it a year ago and non-contract phones and numbers from places like cricket now work.