I don't use a cell phone so no Battle.net Authenticator

I have a phone but I’m not gunna bother doing this seasons master keystone, we got a cool looking mount from S2, beautiful appearance, cool glowing yellow aura around it, overall nice, they made it look somewhat premium versus the absolute horrid season one mount and I engaged in the activities and got keystone master for season 2, the season 1 looks absolutely boring and plain, I thought they were going to make the S3 one similar to S2 one but nah, another boring looking mount. No thanks. So inconsistent. One expansion we get flying mounts from mythic keystones the next we get riding only like what is this.

You need an authenticator to do dungeons now? Why?

No. You do need it if your gonna make a group and want to add text to dungeon your doing, in the dungeon finder.

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I had to remove it from my account because it would not accept the security code. Now I can’t make groups and lost the extra bag slots.

I feel like the people who complain about smartphones in this thread don’t realize that you don’t need a facebook addiction to use one. 95% of my phone usage is just checking texts and messages.

It’s also just nice to have the added benefit of being able to look anything up on demand should the need arise.

You only need a authinticator to list other peoples keys. Not your own, other then fall or rise which are bugged. So you can still join others. Or just have a friend list your key.