I don't Understand the Mindset of #nochangers

No chucklehead… I’m betting that if enough people stick with classic Blizz will add content to it… BUT it should be new lvl 60 content and NO expansions that raise the level cap or change anything class wise… There is a reason people wanted vanilla back no changes. Go play retail and shut up.

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Tell that to people who level exclusively in dungeons pulling 4-5 packs at a time like it’s retail.

I know you are passionate about this subject, but I’m guessing our philosophies don’t lend to each other. I see this server as an attempt for Blizzard to look back into history and rediscover what made WoW great originally. But that knowledge would be a waste if its not utilized going forward (but knowing Blizzard lately, maybe classic is all that will ever come of it). The classic servers can remain as is, classic, but I wouldn’t be surprised if any lessons gleamed from this venture makes its way to other works in WoW be it retail, “classic+ servers”, or otherwise.

Also, I don’t like every aspect of Dark Souls but I still play that game all the same. Same goes with classic Everquest which is even harsher an environment for gamers than WoW Classic is, I still love that game all the same. Those games are for me even though I don’t agree with certain design decisions and principles. My word alone is not going to change Classic, and like I said before I’m in the minority with my opinions. I simply think that the past is in the past and history is meant to be used as a guide through the future, not the future itself. Mistakes are made and learned from, and the product is improved upon.

Think of it this way…

Economy = all the gold and items from every player on the server added up in one giant pool

Economy Faucet = any transaction where an NPC gives players gold (quests, selling a vendor loot, etc)

Economy Sink = any transaction where the player gives an NPC gold (you buy taxi ride, you repair your gear, etc) or also if a player decides to delete gold or delete a character carrying gold.

I mentioned items as being part of the economy too because technically you can add and subtract items from the economy in exchange for gold. You buy a sword from an NPC for 1 gold…a sword just got added to the economy and 1 gold just got removed from the economy. You no longer need the sword so you vendor it and you get back 60 silver. The sword is no longer in the economy but in exchange you added 60 silver back into the economy.

Gold can also change hands from one player to another but that’s neither a faucet nor a sink. A player can craft a sword out of some copper that they mined themselves and sell it to another player via a trade window. What happened there though is one player added a sword to the economy and gold changed hands from one person to another. But if the player were to craft a sword out of auction house purchased items then some gold does leave the economy via auction house fees which would be considered a sink.

But yah basically think of it in terms of how gold enters the game, how it leaves the game and where the gold is going to whether its from a player to another player or from npc to player or player to npc.


whose idea of what is a beneficial change to the game?
yours? mine? larry? jenny?
does larry agree jenny about whats a benefit?
does jenny agree you?
do you agree with me?
see why its an issue?


and yet i have seen people asking for these changes. i have seen
Dual Spec
AoE Looting
Balance Changes.
but yeah. nothing big right?

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and even yet is wrong. in the past two years i’ve watched these forums i’ve seen literally everything under the sun asked for.[quote=“Kaeth-grobbulus, post:157, topic:286885, full:true”]
I want Transmog, it was something desired by many RPers and people alike back during Vanilla. It doesn’t harm anything whatsoever.

except pvp and the economy, and enchanters trying to level there profession, but nothing whatsoever.

If it were up to me it wouldn’t be the same Classic. I’d throw some curveballs at the playerbase. They think they know everything about everything but let’s see what happens when I release 5 new instances and 200 new items. Now what do you know? Welcome to Classic+ newbs!! Haha.

At least that would be the route I’d go. Learn from previous mistakes and build on a successful model.

I don’t understand how people can’t see that if you make these “little changes”, the game would just become retail in a very short time. If you want all these “QoL” changes, then go back to retail. A lot of people, myself included, want authentic vanilla. Or as close to it as possible.


That is a perspective that is unique only to you. And how you can have that perspective, knowing what has happened over 10 years to get this version revived, is a mystery that eludes me. It was brought back – not to pull Retail players away from Retail – but to satisfy the call by folks who are fed up with Retail and lure them back into the fold. That’s it. That’s the ONLY reason Blizz has for reviving the early WoW. To make money off of people who would likely have eventually stopped paying for Retail, or who DID stop paying for Retail years ago.

It wasn’t to redesign the game and produce a WoW alternative universe. It was brought back to be a museum piece and make a profit from it. That’s it. Anything else you think or wish it to be is nothing but a construct of your own making.

I’ll say it agin … if you want Retail modifications brought into Classic, you do NOT want Classic. Because as soon as that would happen, you would not be playing Classic; you’d be playing some bastardization of Classic. You would also guarantee it’s near-immediate demise, since those who fought for so long to have Classic come back, would abandon it and (likely) abandon Blizzard Entertainment.

Play it as is, or stay in Retail where all the things you want are in the game. It’s okay if Classic isn’t your cup of tea; not everyone likes the same things. That means you go find something you DO like and leave the things you don’t like to the people who do like them.


The only changes I wanted to 1.12 (or 1.13 now) was for them to create a vendor that sold the unarmored mounts (they existed in Vanilla therefore belong in the museum) as well as let the people who got Murky have him in Classic, because he was there too. Those are the two main changes that are purely cosmetic that I’d like to see.

QoL can be covered pretty well with addons. I’m already rocking one big bag (Inventorian?) and Questie, I might go for the auto-pilot if I get too bored. I seem to recall early in BC before they adjusted it the XP was identical to classic, and characters would start to bog out for me in the 30’s. A “most efficient” way to push through that, get my mount, and get to 60 might be necessary. We’ll see, I’m only like halfway through level 10, and 30 seems at least a week away especially with all the . . . garbage being thrown at the servers.

i have over 15 toons, i dont need an addon any more to tell me where things are, its (mostly) burned into my brain. you wont see me wandering off the beaten path like i was the first time through (until i got bored with that and installed a quest mod)

i’d say the vast majority of people are recycled players who know where stuff is - i wouldnt expect to see very many people off the beaten path at all in classic.

so #nochanges doesnt apply when you want it? theres a word for that…

addons were a part of classic, a large part - you either get the entire “classic” experience or a bastardised version of it - which you dont seem to want - so youll just have to put up with them.

classic was not the pure fun experience you, and many others, recollect, you’ve got your rosy glasses on blurring out the pain points. classic had its issues, which is why we ended up with lots of changes to it over time.


many of us asked for this. and i think you misunderstand what no changes means.
no changes doesn’t mean “no changes from 1.12” it means “no changes from outside of vanilla.”
so having original unarmored epic mounts? completely reasonable.


Some of us need those addons. I’d have capped so much earlier in BC (and then maybe had a chance at some normals) if I’d had a questie type addon, back then I was afraid of addons cause I’d never used them and was afraid they’d hurt my performance, and I’d just burn up /played running around in circles with bears chasing me until I was bored with the pace. Knowing where I have to go, though I still remember the starting zones at least quite well, will keep me pushing when I might otherwise give up.

Fair enough, last time I was here there were actually people arguing against them because they weren’t in 1.12 and that’s the iteration we got. Always thought it was kind of dumb for someone to argue against something that was indeed in the game throughout it’s cycle, yeah they were only on the AH by 1.12, but they still existed. I like the plain mechanostrider for my gnome, it’s iconic, the flashy 60 ones with flames I’m okay with (dat goofy airhorn!) but I’d prefer to ride the basic chicken, even if it cost some ridiculous amount of money I’d have to save up. Keep it true to life, I’m sure they weren’t cheap being no more were being created by 1.12 anyway.

I understand #nochanges pretty well now, the only thing I could possibly concede to that’s just not Vanilla would possibly be the token, and that’s only because I get spammed by gold sellers at least once a day. Working as intended I suppose, I got spammed my first day in TBC too, and I’d prefer not to have the token because it makes people with fat stacks play for free while the rest of us give up hope of ever getting our mount or whatever and just spend extra $20s, which I’d rather not be tempted to do, because I inevitably would, it’s just too sweet a plum. :slight_smile:

pretty sure that is the ones who don’t like no changers and use no changes in this instance to rub it in there face. trust me, plenty of people are not happy with blizzards decision to go with just a pure 1.12 classic.


I want classic+ but I don’t want class changes because it’ll just be hybrid players whining endlessly until they ruin class design, again, just like they did 15 years ago.

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WoW when it was originally announced wasn’t going to be a “trinity” tank/healer/dps game. They scrapped that though and stuck to Everquest standard and in Vanilla pushed too far in the other direction. If they wanted dedicated healers they could’ve just devoted a few classes that people who wanted to heal could pick, what irks me about hybrids in vanilla is that the trees make it look like you can do everything, and you can, you’ll just suck at pretty much everything but healing, because that’s what they decided your class actually does. I pity the fools who just bought the game and fired up a cat druid or something and had to find that out the hard way.

It would have been better received on my end had there been better transparency. Either make the class a healer or don’t, don’t dangle other possibilities just to let them rot as inferior.

Believe it or not hybrids were the main point of skepticism that prevented me from trying vanilla the first time around (it was fixed to my liking in TBC in that I could do most things with any tree), I didn’t like how they were handled in Vanilla and, coming from D&D, the idea of a druid only healing seemed dumb to me. It still does. Especially when their other aspects are in the game just stupid weak sauce.

The trinity clogs queues in retail to this day. Not so much in Classic at least, but I’m a mage there, and they’re a dime a dozen. So many people are avoiding hybrids I suspect we’ll be overpopulated with “pure” classes at cap. They can’t trick people into rolling a hybrid then hoping they decide they’re okay with healing this time around.

I don’t really want to fight 17 other mages for my drops, if you know what I mean. But I’ll still run a main frost mage (like everyone else) over even attempting a balance druid any day. That’s how it is, I’m not asking them to change it in this particular product (I like where it is in retail so I always have that), just saying a knowledgeable player will stay away from hybrids unless they want to heal, and having two dead trees just feels bad. I’ve seen my share of holy priests and whatnot just getting to level 11, so people do want to heal, they just went about it in a way that almost felt like they had plans for true hybrids then scrapped them at the last second.

For the record, again, I don’t want them messing with it, I don’t trust them to not make it OP in some way (or even not enough), but imagine how richer classic would have been if every tree was playable? I’d have bought it in '04-'05 if that was the case. I started not long after in TBC, at least in that one all the trees seemed to have a use, or at least more of them (cat druid was a thing in PvP I recall). Not complaining, just explaining. :wink:

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That’s not speculated opinion at all. It’s pretty much factual based on 2 minutes of thought and a fabricated sentence from that thought and opinion. IN YOUR OPINION and possibly others opinions, classic wow is the preferred game. That’s problem with this retail versus classic/vanilla wow. Everyone is talking in absolutes as if they have some insight into direct data. You can guess and estimate, but you don’t know how many people want each of what, how or where.

I think most people would be acclimating to many QoL changes, but as with almost anything in the modern world, a slip in here and there sets precedence. You let one thing in, then a group of people wanting something else cites “one thing,” potentially making their argument valid. Sooner or later, “one thing” turns into something disguised as a QoL change but is actually just a flat out change to the game’s authenticity. Then you end up with things like current Retail.