I don't Understand the Mindset of #nochangers

If I wanted QoL I would play Retail. There is no reason to add anything to Vanilla WoW. You want QoL, then play Retail.


I mean if you read the quest text, it’s pretty obvious where you gotta go

if you want QoL edition of wow, go to retail.
Its been QoL’d to death for over 10 years starting with 1.12


Its already too late, you lost. Games already out. Go away.

If you’re PvPing and get beaten up by someone who appears to be in greens, maybe you shouldn’t assume to roll up on someone and think you’ll win. Gear rarely equals skill, this is such a lame excuse.

Farm for stuff to disenchant, now gear is worth something. Before most stuff was worthless because you couldn’t use it because you out leveled it too fast. Run dungeons with guildies who will let you shard everything. Isn’t this supposed to be a team game? Again another poor excuse.

Nah, not really. You can have that opinion but the idea itself isn’t silly. I think new world events in the vein of Vanilla would be awesome down the road.

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We’ve been here before.

Adding the QoL changes had a negative impact on the game before. There’s no reason to suppose it wouldn’t this time.

Besides, the game is perfectly playable without those changes.


QoL became a nasty word due to blizzard.

In regard running out of content a year down the road, your showing your lack of experience with vanilla, Unless your in the top raiding guilds, most people wont top out for likely 2-3 years if at all. To add to that , just like retail, they have the option to make a new toon to level up.

Best bet is see if the game is successful enough for them to release BC. Overall BC was probably the best expansion as it addressed a lot of the long standing issues found in Vanilla. One thing I didn’t like about BC was flying mounts, but parts of outland kind of require it, personally i think they could find a work around, and make those areas accessible.

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I like BC fine, but I’d rather have new lv60 content produced in the spirit of vanilla WoW than just move into BC.


I’d be happy they just come with TBC :slight_smile: I do miss my Blood Elves.

2 different products designed for 2 different audiences. Saying “retail did this, so classic will too” is a fallacy. They are unrelated.

Not only is it a fallacy, hypothetically, if we are /equip tinfoil_hat and saying blizzard wants nothing but money, it makes NO financial sense to create 2 retail wows. If they introduced a classic+ they have chance to ANOTHER 10+ year game exclusively for the classic/BC era players and a retail version for everyone else. They can capture both audiences. So even if we want to spitball and say blizzard only cares about money, the argument is still illogical because they lose mass money creating 2 retail WoWs.

The only reason people fear classic+ is because they chose to appeal to a different audience in retail and that is a fallacy.

I got some bad news for people like you and myself and all of the #nochanges folks…


Blizzard will have some MAJOR explaining/damage control to do if they don’t keep Classic+ separate

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Yes, that is what happens over 10-15 years. genres change and appeal to new audiences trying to predict the next generations of gamers growing up. Whether it’s MOBA, FPS, MMORPG, RPG, Suvival, etc. they are all massively different than 10-15 years ago. This isn’t new.

Yes because your reasoning is, “it happened here, so it may happen here”. That’s a fallacy. It’s not logically valid to base your entire argument over, “look it happened here”. I didn’t make the rules, they are open source for anyone to research.

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I mean look at what changes got us… all of the QoL changes you want are in BFA and thats what Qol got us… BFA so no, dont ruin classic with this trash.


The problem is that basically ANYTHING changing is a “slippery slope”. A lot of the changes over the years when looked at individually seem like a good idea. The issue is that the aggregate effect is damaging - death by a thousand cuts.

A lot of people asking for changes aren’t asking for the same thing. There would be little agreement on what one or two changes should happen. Cater to a handful of people on changes and we’d end up with a hundred different little changes that add up to destroying what we’ve all waited for in the re-release of Classic.


Whatever the Jagex team was on when they did OSRS is what I want the Classic devs to be on… They made OSRS such a great game and blizz has the chance to do that with this game. I personally do not want TBC, I want new content no one has had 13 years to theory craft around. ( I want to see guild banks, jewelcrafting and glyphs though. maybe RBGs and arenas, but the issue with those is that is when class balancing started.)

OSRS is a bad example due to the voting method used to decide on whether or not changes are made. I personally don’t want retail folks voting on changes to the game AT ALL or we will have their QoL crap in Classic and who knows what else. Furthermore, there were several changes that the OSRS community REJECTED, and the devs opted to ignore the vote results and put them into the game anyway. Sorry but if that ever happens to WoW I will unsub immediately.


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…and then its some other little “harmless” change, then another, then another, then another!!

You see where this is going.


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Why is it so hard to understand that the game is going to decline eventually anyway and that there’s nothing wrong with that? Time is going to be the death of the game, not the so-called #nochanges crowd. The #nochanges folks just want to preserve an experience that’s as close as possible to the original, which frankly makes a lot more sense then trying to extend the life of a 13-year-old version of the game. Just enjoy it for what it is now and forget about what it’s going to be a year or two from now because that doesn’t matter.

Yep, but OSRS still has more than RS has and ever had.

Voting could require having a 60 or something in order to vote.

this is a perfect world scenario though. I just don’t want the same stuff for years that has been constantly theory crafted with nothing new added. I don’t want BFA or those new xpacs, and I do not want TBC.