I don't Understand the Mindset of #nochangers

What changes would you like to see exactly?

Guild banks.

Bigger inventory stacks, although this is a ‘nice to have’ not a strong want.

The problem with this argument is it isn’t a fallacy. It has objectively happened to retail. All no changers want is to avoid literally what happened to retail.

As the saying goes, it’s not paranoia if there really is someone out to get you.


A year worth of classic for the price im paying and the enjoyment I feel… yeah


And go back to another game if you feel otherwise.


It’s just a stupid barbershop. :roll_eyes:

I’l gladly stop at and only barbershop and fill the rest with addons (cause it’s a choice Blizzard allows me to make and it enhances my experience with them.), cause it’s completely cosmetic and some of us don’t like staying with the same face/hairstyle forever, hence why in RPG’s, they have these things to change your appearance if you don’t like the one you already have. If people want to waste their ingame money changing their appearance over and over again, let them waste their ingame money. And quite frankly, people don’t have the mental fortitude to go delete that character and level them up again cause their tastes have changed in their face/skin/hairstyle/hair color/horns/etc.

How would it be an economy sink? can you elaborate on that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


so let’s change the game that beat fortnite in viewership…and drive away those who just wanted an authentic wow to begin with. and thus drive down viewership.

would it? the entire point of classic wow was to remake vanilla wow for those who wanted vanilla. if you force them to new expansions, you literally invalidate what the initial goal was.

and yet it was because of thoughts like yours that we got to retail in the first place.


That’s why I said,

Anything that takes money from players is an “economy sink,” when that money doesn’t recycle back into the economy. It “disappears” gold from the economy, which has a wide range of effects on prices, etc.

Oh. You want inflation. Why?

Trainers make the gold “disappear” if you will and don’t recycle back into the economy.

The amount of stupidity in this post is staggering.

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Because the measures used to combat it are worse. Or, rather, we dont trust those who would implement them to do so properly.

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Correct. Any merchant, repair costs, etc counts as a sink. Illicit gold does as well, incidentally. I’m sure that’s a pretty major factor.

Duh? Basic MMO economy design is to map out your sources and sinks. Pretty much every MMO has a lack of sinks, so 1 minor one would be a net benefit to the game to help tone down inflation.

However, it is a change, which can lead to other changes. And it would have an affect in taming inflation a bit, so it wouldn’t have no effect.

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We will be in Bc when the content dries up

So essentially “suffer the way i did or nobody is having fun”.

Edit: or “it’s my way or the highway” if you will.

You do realize that’s cause theirs 15 years worth of information that isn’t an addon out there right? Why should you at this day and age ask somebody for directions? If the goal is to socialize, just socialize, but i think you and i both know we don’t want to waste our time pointing where that guy needs to go.

Would you like that if a bunch of people come up to you and asked you for directions now?

The World Exploration has been killed way way longer before Classic was a thing. Again, does WoWHead and Private servers don’t ring a bell?

Ahh my favorite… the ole “Addons play the game for me, so it needs to be removed”… I shouldn’t need to explain why this agrument is silly, but i suppose being a part time teacher isn’t out of the question just yet in my career to pursue so…

I noticed you left out explaining why it “skips the gameplay” as if i just log in my character and it just auto plays the game for me and i can sit back and watch Ed Edd n Eddy, and comes with free Bacon with the words “pride and accompishment” written on it. Addons simply display more information, and it’s still up to you to figure out what to do with that information. You still have to go to these places, you still have to do things, the mobs still oneshot you. You just have more infomation to you, and guess what? it’s all optional.

You know even if you take the Addon away, that’s problem won’t magically go away. It sounds like to me you got bigger problems then addons if this is the case.

If you want to preserve the integrity of the game, you leave the addons be cause they were a part of Vanilla. If Blizzard had a problem with Addons from the start, they know better to not allow them in the first place and removing them right now would just cripple both of their game’s success. And i want Classic and Retail to succeed.


Part of the reason for #nochanges is to keep the game as it was back when first released. Some of this is nostalgia for those that have been there before, it’s like coming home again.

Another reason is simply - how do you let some changes in without letting others? For example
Do you let in barbershop but not transmog?
Do you allow account-wide ground mounts but not flying mounts, even if restricted to ground?
Do you update quest tracking to automatically list open quests but not put indicators on the map?
Do you allow higher stacks on items for storage but don’t allow guild banks?

These are just but a few examples out there. Many players are looking for additions/changes to Classic, but not all will be viable or welcomed. How do you add some but not all?

The current state of the retail game has gotten to where it is by adding many of these things over time, which has reduced the challenges the original game had (for ill, many will say).

The only viable option for Blizzard, and the community, is to say #nochanges as this is the most fair and equitable for all!


I’m not even asking for the barbershop to cost a ridiculous amount of gold to a point where i have to pick between getting a new mount or a new haircut. If anything, i want them to be cheap or even free.

Going away from inflation (which i’l admit i know nothing and don’t exactly have a particular interest in it), what is wrong with simply wanting to customize your character appearance (not even tmoging, just simple changing your face, hair, skin all that.) in a game without paying for a service or deleting your character to do so?

As much the Classic is about the journey, this would really enhance my journey cause, what if my hair grew and i put it in a ponytail and become a discount druid rogue with my first aid skills and shave my head cause a fire elemental burnt it off and burned my face so i had to be dragged back to teldrassil and have my faced be healed and uncovered only i look like a night elf version of Christopher Walken? i want to reflect that in classic. That’s my ideal journey in Classic.

Besides, i enjoy spending my gold on silly things (which explains why i’m broke in retail. :rofl: ) , and theirs not much silly things in Classic as far i seen, maybe i’ve missed them. (Actually yea, i might’ve missed them. I have been playing Spyro the last couple of days, a pretty lit …uh heh, heh heh… PC port. :fire: :dragon:)

Classic is about the Lack of Quality of life.


Some people just simply miss the mark. Thanks for sharing your temper tantrum tho.

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Seems easy to understand. The changes in the past ruined the game they liked so they don’t want that to happen again.