I don't Understand the Mindset of #nochangers

Roll on a PVP server and there’s always something to do :slight_smile:

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Everyone who wants changes insists the changes they want are obviously beneficial rather than harmful.

And if you actually haven’t seen anyone say that about

then you’ve been taking pains not to look.


It won’t die if they reverse the nerfs to the endgame content from classic and then roll out burning Crusade and WoTLK. Up until the end of Wrath, this game was amazing.

Part of what we loved and missed WAS the extended travel time, the having to delete the lesser value things in your bags, the running out of mana.

It was difficult to manage all the facets, and that’s EXACTLY what we missed.


People want to know why players go the no changes route, just look no farther than this thread.

In a span of a few posts we’ve had barbershop, mob respawn, retuning, changing stats on gear, and altering the PvP system.

Where does one stop? In a way Blizzard chose this route because I don’t think they trusted themselves with it.


lol. The private server alysium has been running for years with the same content.
You underestimate the #nochanges because we will be around playing this game for years to come.
The population is gonna balance out but I bet you it will be here to stay.
People will keep coming back because no matter what rehash they put in retail, it’s trash and they will be back.
Just stay on retail as they make changes the way you want. We want classic to stay classic that’s all.


That’s not changing anything. Those items existed in version 1.12 on vanilla. Which is what they gave us. The devs didn’t give us 1.12 and then go through it and “alter” the stats of the items… That’s how it was back in 1.12.


You lack a fundamental understanding of the private server player base and those people in the community that fought so hard to see this as a reality.

You won’t have much to do. Those of us who have been vanilla for the last 15 years will be just fine.


I’ve never played on a pserver and I’m curious about this. What do people do on a pserver? Is it all PVP? Or do people endlessly farm/level-through unchanging content?

Or does the content change?

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Oh, that’s easy. Let me explain it to you in simple terms.



Just because it is unchanging doesn’t mean it isn’t good. It’s the same way a book you really enjoy can be read more than once and each time you read it you might take away something different.


This is exactly the attitude that resulted in the dumbing down of the game that led to Battle for Azeroth in the first place. People not liking the “grueling” methods that made things so inconvenient. So Blizzard listened to them, and over time took out many of the aspects that made the game great, and put in convenience items.

A game does not need “quality of life” garbage. It is about over coming the obstacles and challenges to achieve a goal. Not all of those are fighting monsters. The obstacles and challenges are what made success have a feeling of earning rather than getting stuff entitled because of convenience.

Classic WoW has those elements. Stuffing in a bunch of convenience will make it into what you have now in Current WoW. People here don’t want that, and since you like that so much there is a version for you to have it. Presto! Wish granted.


every little QOL change, one little change at a time, is what made the game suck.


Then yoy don’t get it. If youwant QoL things go back to retail.
It’s Classic! Get used to it! There was no QoL.


Because what benefits the game is entirely subjective. The fairest thing for everyone is to just leave Classic alone.


You might as well play BFD or retail if you need your quality of life fixes. Not going to happen in classic ever. Blizzard has already stated their interest in preserving the communities who begged for classic over the last several years.

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Also doesnt mean it harms the game, either. We have a list of things that lead to BFA. Theres a ton of other potential changes.

I’m not sure you notice the inconsistency, here.

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They are scared of the slippery slope fallacy is really all there is to it for the majority of em. I don’t know if having a logical discussion about it is possible because well…it’s a fallacy. It’s literally illogical.

Slippery slope is a mixed result of fear and lack of trust which are both subjective and highly irrational emotion areas. Trust and Fear are usually our worst offending emotions when it comes to accuracy which is why you are not really supposed to base your argument on them.

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no changes

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