I don't Understand the Mindset of #nochangers

No, it wasn’t the streamer as they weren’t level 60. It was someone who ran across their screen. Whoever ran across their screen I suppose could also be a streamer with fanboy donations but in the end it doesn’t matter. 1.5 weeks, epic mounts have been bought. People in their 30s sitting on 100+ gold from vendoring leather. At this point 60s can solo low level dungeons. Assume 10g from deadmines and 15 mins per run is 40 gold an hour by a terribly geared mage. The prices might not get as inflated as retail but without any kind of a gold sink eventually the prices will be higher than they should be.

Even small QoL changes affect balance. You either can level/grind/quest faster, and this is an obvious effect, or it is kind of gold sink, which affect economy balance.

I definitely am not no-changer, and I believe that theoretically Classic+ as a new Wow tree has some potential, but it will be seen in three-four months, depending on number of players in Classic.

I had people jumping down my throat for asking for the barber shops to be added.

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I mean seeing as WoW is the biggest game on the internet for now, we’ll see. I’m pretty sure classic has some solid staying power. Classic isn’t really losing any steam. They’ve added dozens of servers, increased the caps, and there’s still primetime ques on most servers.

no changes to the game. Wait until Wrath servers are released and play those if you want barbershops.

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Even something as simple as quest markers kills an aspect of socialization.

While I do understand the sentiment of your post, I have to point out that this is kind of an exaggeration. A lot of QoL features that were later added into WoW were added because everyone just downloaded an addon for it anyway. A huge portion of the playerbase tried out the original form of questing, disliked it, then downloaded Questie. And mind, this happened in Vanilla to with different addons. If it really destroyed socialization as you said, then it would have died the moment those addons were made.

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But the game has already been changed with itemization


the classic devs have proven they can’t handle classic+

that’s a no go

edit: not necessarily devs, management

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I’d personally love to see a classic plus that went a separate direction than tbc but it doesn’t seem that feasible. If they ever did something like this I’d imagine they’d have to leave existing classic servers alone and create new ones specifically for those people that would like to see a new route. I do think the games going to become awfully boring in a year or so at most when the majority of the community has experienced everything classic has to offer …a 2nd time around. But there will probably be many people who are content with that and keep on playing.

You can check the “Itemization in WoW Classic” blue thread but the TL;DR of it is items have been introduced in their last, often most powerful, state rather than the initial state they were in, and the altered stats is significant in terms of rate of gearing.

I am not 100% against changes if it means a better game. There are some big flaws in this game that could use some revision post phase 5. Namely the horrible itemization (a class set shouldn’t be worst than greens/blues for example) and perhaps making the pvp system more friendly to players who do not share accounts.


That might be a factor into why APES was able to clear MC with incredibly low gear compared to their level and with half a raid group that wasn’t even level 60 then. Give us weak items back lmao. Was part of the game.

They could let us edit our appearance on the log in screen for free maybe?

No changes to the in game environment through the addition of a barber shop. No economic effect by spending copper/gold…

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It doesn’t matter if people don’t like how questing goes. This conversation was just had with the LFG addon, just because you don’t like standing in town shouting LFM doesn’t mean you get to bypass that aspect of gameplay with an addon. It’s not an exaggeration either. Nobody asks for directions anymore and I don’t see anyone off the beaten path in the wild. That aspect of socialization and world exploration is obviously killed by Questie. Just because people still group up for quests doesn’t mean nothing has been harmed.

Besides if we took into account how players feel about the questing experience then should we just remove the need to decurse/dispell? After all people downloaded addons to do that automatically in vanilla, so clearly it’s just outdated and unfun game design like having to read quests to know where to go or asking for directions.

Frankly Questie and other addons like it that allow you to skip gameplay with in-game tools should be entirely removed. Auctioneer does similar things but for economy and instead of allowing skilled traders to do their thing anybody can just go slap a hundred of anything on the AH for one copper under the lowest buyout in seconds. It’s crap like this that forces people who would otherwise enjoy a pure experience to download addons to stay competitive with players who don’t care about the integrity of the game.


Okay…but you’re missing the point. These kind of addons existed in Vanilla. They always have been around. The point I’m trying to make is not every QoL feature Blizzard added was detrimental to the game, and many of them were already commonplace among the population. I’m not talking about LFG, I was specifically referencing the part I quoted. Because questing addons in fact did not kill the social element of the game, unless you’re meaning to imply that the social element had died half way through vanilla.

Classic was made to recreate the Vanilla experience. It really is that simple. People like the OP can’t grasp that simple concept. But that’s their problem, not the game’s.


People have been playing on Private servers for the past 13 years. If you think classis servers will be dead in a year with no new content added, your 100% incorrect.

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Those two sentences are in direct contradiction.


I didn’t miss your point. Your point is simply irrelevant. Something being “accepted” in Vanilla doesn’t make it okay and it doesn’t mean nothing was harmed by it’s adoption. It also doesn’t mean it should be allowed in Classic. E.G. automatic decurse/dispell. Edit: and you deliberately misinterpret me when I said Questie kills an aspect of socialization. I did not say there’s zero socialization anymore.

You know the LFG addon existed in a similar form in Vanilla, right? That doesn’t mean it’s in the spirit of the game or that it has no effect on the community or that people decided finding groups was a bad mechanic. It’s the exact same principle with other addons such as Questie, Auctioneer, and automatic dispells. People download these addons for two main reasons; one to take the path of least resistance, and two to stay competitive with those who already have.

As far as I’m concerned all that’s being illustrated here is that people can’t be trusted to not abuse addons in classic and thus addons should be removed.