I don't Understand the Mindset of #nochangers

Game has been out a week and a half and people are already epic mount outfitted. Probably not as a long as you think.

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While I agree with your general stance they do have some excellent arguments. The long-term economy alone could easily prove a problem.

I have yet to see a single epic mount. Are you speaking of those layer-hopping? Because that is going away eventually, if not sooner if Blizzard deems it abuse.


Don’t know if they were a layer hopper or not. Saw some horde people with epic mounts in a twitch stream.

Not when Classic WoW has beat Fortnite in viewership, its not.


Right, classic wow.

Not classic+.


So they have an indirect effect on gameplay? Hmmm . . .

That’s true. Chess also failed after a year because of a lack of new content.


Was it a streamer? Since streamers have been given gold by their fanbois for whatever reason.


He said Classic +, not Classic Wow is silly. Classic + would be what we have right now in terms of Classic, with the added bonus of stupid QoL changes. The variation of the game that is currently out is the variation of the game people who were crusading for Classic servers were asking for. Don’t become the loud minority on these servers because yall are used to the quality of life additions made in Retail.

The point is that it would be a massive failure on Blizzard’s part not to capitolize on success and make more content. Either TBC or 1.13. I would prefer a classic expansion seperate from retial and tbc more than any piece of content that they could release.

Retail is garbage and beyond saving. TBC, while enjoyable, isn’t something I look forward to more than other hypotheticals.


I don’t mind convenience QoL. I’d like bigger item stacks, mount tabs, and pet tabs for example. MAYBE a group finder, just as long as making groups was all it did and it was only for your server. No dungeon finders immediately tossing us into dungeons.

The concern, of course, is where would it end? Do we trust Blizzard to know when to draw a line?

To me that worry is why I would lean more in the direction of no changes.

It’s likely they will go down the road of releasing TBC.

Retail is garbage, dont assume that’s what I want. Retail is beyond saving. They would need to remove dozens of features that the retail players cant live without, in order to make the game worth playing again.

A classic expansion is the best way WoW as a product can advance into the future.


This is what gives the idea of more content post naxx a bad name. Screw tabs, your mounts and pets are tiems. If you want to group, you better socially interact.

Classic and any classic advancment needs to hold the spirit of classic in mind, not the spirit of retail.


Yes, and Burning Crusade servers are already being asked for. Which I am for, because I am a TBC baby, but don’t add rediculous quality of life changes into the game people were asking for. That’s just going to defeat the real purpose these were created in the first place: to bring people playing on blizz-like vanilla private servers back to Blizzard run servers.

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I’d argue that the addition of flying in TBC is a huge mistake and removes a lot of the feeling of long form adventure. 280 flight speed for those who grind is beyond reasonable and a purely negative addition to the game.


Because those changes are what ruined the game and made it what retail is today… A dark hole of non-social garbage where no one speaks to anyone and complains anytime they are “forced” into a group where they don’t even have to acknowledge that others are there.

We want the community back. Period. Those QOL changes are what began the demise of the community, server communities specifically.

If you want that, stick to retail.


Y’all people get really salty when I say there are changes I would like to see personally but would lean more towards no changes if forced to pick a side due to lack of faith in where changes would end.

You’re implying people didn’t have to already basically fully explore every aspect of the Outlands in order to get to 70, then do it again in an effort to grind the money needed to buy flying. I believe the biggest mistake was allowing Alliance access to Shaman and Horde access to Paladin.

Don’t justify a slippery slope, or justify the ability to num lock alt tab to get anywhere in the world.