I don't Understand the Mindset of #nochangers

I see MANY people on Classic+ discussion threads touting OSRS as their massive ace in the hole as to why we tell them that it’s not a good idea and why it wouldn’t work. I’ve even seen SOME who actually want to have the OSRS voting system utilized for it. Are you INSANE??? Yeah ok, lets put player voted changes into Classic…only that includes ALL players including those who play retail and don’t even LIKE Classic. Furthermore, OSRS has had changes/features put into the game that the community TURNED DOWN and voted NO on…yet the devs said “I don’t care what the vote result was, we’re gonna do it anyway” Blizzard has already proven to us countless times over that they CAN’T make good content (anymore), yet these Classic+ are so stuck on railing against the re-release of TBC/Wrath expansions (Because that is the road to retail) that they are DESPERATE enough to think that Blizzard can make something new in the vein of Classic that they would like. Which would be all fine and dandy, except that A…Blizzard isn’t going to devote TWO dev teams to work on Classic and Classic+ content…and B…These Classic+ people want retail features added into their custom version of the game. Lul whut? You just said that expansions were the road to retail…but you want retail features???