I don't understand the black blood elf drama

They don’t. There’s one mention in a book that people has given about a very minor characte who is described as “dark skinned” and that’s it.

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So…you just think brown skin is ugly? That’s your argument here? I don’t mean to be like “yikes sweaty” but, uh…yikes, sweaty.


This, this right here. Its like sun isn’t a thing the denizens of WoW sit around.

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What’s confusing?

It’s a game, its a form of customization

stop caring about stuff that doesn’t matter

/the end


This whole dark skin elf thing really shows just how unjustifiably racist most of our playerbase is.

Lore isn’t the reason otherwise you’d be making 30 times the amount of posts about the botched story that was BFA.

But because black representation is finally being appreciated in a game where the majority of you are white (seriously I don’t think we have one brotha or sista in a damn cinematic) youre going to blow your absolute lids.

You can sit here and make 50 million posts about “Lore”, we get it, you dislike Dark Skin people… woooo…

But just so you know, Blizzard hasn’t made any change towards a Dark Skin blood elf, so curb your unadulterated racism and get used to the fact that its GOING TO HAPPEN.

The quicker you accept it, the quicker your life will move on.


Nope. It shows that many people like to spin this around to be about ‘prejudice’ and ‘racism’ instead of storytelling and world-building counter-arguments.

Many did. Go read how many posts there are about how this expansion’s lore sucked, the rage for/against Shadowlands for ‘potentially’ breaking the previous lore,…etc. At BlizzCon people flame the devs all the time when lore is broken and need to be corrected. People care about world-building and storytelling more than you do or think. Blizzard had taught us that it is important. You see it in their art design, race ‘kits’ (why the look of a certain race or character, their backstory, their traditions and customs…etc).

Not white, proud middle-eastern here (and do have a human btw with darker skin because it still fits the fantasy and was explained in the lore). You have not debunked one argument why the lore should be broken when things could have been approached in a much more elegant and classier way (we can still have the representation we want but done right). You are not playing as ‘yourself’, you are playing as a ‘character’ in that world, in that setting that has a backstory, heritage,…etc of its own. In real life I don’t have pointy ears and opaque eyes. Now, in the case of colour (which is something we deal with in the real world that explains our heritage and backstory), this was to establish and tell the story of what happened to that particular race. Night Elves were mutated (became purple), orcs became green (corrupted),…etc. This was all established in hundreds and hundreds of pages of lore and chronicles that people invested in. When it is broken, people feel ‘cheated’. Just like when magic is applied to be a ‘solution’ to every problem in fantasy people feel cheated as well. It is bad writing.

Again, you have not made one rational argument against why lore should be broken in this case. You are using your emotional response to ‘label’ people either racists, ‘internal racist’ (wow I must hate myself, gotta go check), or whatever other ‘ist’ you have in your bag. Here is a hint for you: Orcs from Draenor are brown ( back from Warlords of Draenor). Do you see anyone saying how come orcs ar brown, they should be white? No, because Blizzard had explained the lore behind it perfectly. It all made sense. Those orcs from Draenor never drank the blood of Manoroth (the demon).

Some people are racist, yes (video games or otherwise), other people like ‘fantasy’ to have ‘rules’ to be able to relate to how the real world has rules. When you start ‘breaking things’ for no reason even in a fictional setting, then you can’t relate to it. The reason people did not take fantasy ‘seriously’ in the past (before The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones came about) was that fantasy meant ‘anything goes’. I can do what I want, have any ‘magical power’ I want, defy every law of physics because it’s a ‘fantasy’. As a result, fantasy was labelled to be a genre for children or people with ‘slow minds’, which shouldn’t be.

Get over everything to be about ‘racism’, prejudice, and victimhood all the time. If you want to have a rational discussion (even debate), let’s do it :slightly_smiling_face: !! If not, I will leave you with this: It could have all been done like I proposed in an earlier post. Blizzard could have introduced an entirely race only with darker skin, African or Arabian features that have awesome backstory, heritage (like they did with the Pandaren),…etc. They just needed to put a bit more effort in their storytelling. Instead, they took the lazy route.


It’s a cosmetic difference, that gives access to a more unique Avatar that may help people feel more at home with their toons who look like them.

Why are people fighting about this is beyond me.


So cute!

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I’m normal and it’s not confusing.



Asmon said it best today, Blizzard makes the lore. All they have to do is make a story up, that they found an island with black elves, and someone asks, “Hey want to join the Horde?” and they reply, “Sure.” Lore fixed.

It’s simply people letting their racism out. Same thing happened when the customization for humans was revealed.


That’s honestly pretty terrible. The darker skin blood elves should have the same background as the rest. The best lore fix would be that they were there all along.

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The point is, they can create the lore to explain it. Even if they don’t, I don’t really care. When I raid on my main or do anything else for that matter, Lore isn’t even in my mind. I just like having fun.

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In a world of magic, abundant fantasy races, and distorted timelines, skin tone should be one of the easiest things to accept.


That is indeed what I asked for. Considering how many people I’ve seen complaining about the lore specifically saying they are supposed to be fair, but am yet to see anyone back it up.

If it says it, fine.

Drizzt is fine, thank you very much.


Meh, just blood elves with a darker skin tone.

I get all my dark toned elf needs met by night elf and nightborne.

No reason at all, your “Willion” reminded me of this vid. :laughing:

Cause for some reason, it’s only a problem for elves, never the humans. If it’s not a problem for humans and other races, then it’s not a problem with elves. If it’s a problem for elves, then it’s a problem for humans and other races.

I grow tired of this inane double standard, is it too much to ask for consistency here from these people?.. :roll_eyes:

…Wait, really? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


”Sunstrider led the high elven fleets across the world for many long years. Their goal was to find places of considerable ley power for them to build their new homeland. After landing on the Lordaeron continent, they moved inland and formed a settlement in the Tirisfal Glades. After a few years, however, many were driven insane. The belief at the time was that something evil slept beneath the Glades, so the high elves abandoned the region and moved northwards. They wandered the land for years.

Around this time, they had become completely severed from the life-giving energy of the Well of Eternity. This meant that they were vulnerable to the elements and had not received immortality from Nozdormu and the World Tree. They had shrunk in height and their skin had become a peach hue similar to most dwarves and humans”


I agree.

Before we keep on with “yes it is” and “no it’s not”, answer me this: Are you ok with people asking for the likes of orc druids and gnome demon hunters? Because if you are, there is no reason for us to be having this conversation.

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