I don't understand the black blood elf drama

It’s representative of people with brown skin in real life, just like white elves are representative of people with white skin. The only reason it was added is to make PoC happy that they can have an elf with their skin tone.

I like making characters that look like me (I’m white, if that matters). It makes me happy. I like it when there are options that reflect what I look like in real life, even if it’s on a fantasy race. My orc, for instance, has black hair and pale gray/white skin. This reflects how I style myself in real life, which makes me happy. It enhances my player experience. My orc having hair and a look like mine doesn’t make him into me. That’s impossible. But it does make him reflect me.

Why does that bother you so much? I really would like an explanation, and I think you’re dodging the question a bit.

Also, poor point, because I have seen ire directed at other races getting different skin tones and faces. But why are people so much angrier about elves? I’m not sure. None of the reasons given have made any sense.


Just quoting Evitel. They retconned the paleness stuff in chronicles… so yea they do make lore sense.

Except that those elves became fair-skinned because of the sunwell. If they were some long lost tribe with no contact with the sunwell they would have the same skin tones of night elves.

Dark skinned elves, undead paladins, draenei warlocks, godzilla gnomes, they are all the same. Heavy handed, poorly implemented, lore breaking gameplay stuff.

Were you around after that was announced?

This will end well.

It doesn’t rise to the level of “bothering me so much” but I do think it looks bad. They just look like regular elves that got stuck in a tanning booth.

The reason probably doesn’t make sense because you disagree and apparently think it’s secretly because people are racists. So when someone gives a reason other than “I hate other races” it would be confusing, I guess.

The only thing I ever saw about non-white human models was people asking where they’d been before now and other people saying they must have come from someplace else on Azeroth than where the European-looking humans came from.

Yeah. Were you?

Pretty much this. I wanted a lore justification. I haven’t read the books (obviously),but knowing it was a thing there for a while now? That makes it A-OK for me.

Besides, I can’t vote Trump anyway. I’m not American :rofl:

Have you seen the bajillion blue eye BE complaint threads?

They’re so racist that they go full circle and start hating blond-haired blue-eyed elves by accident! Someone stop them!


Options like skin colour and such don’t hurt my subscription or game-play at all, so if ‘skin tone X’ is added or ‘eye colour y’ is added, it’s no big deal to me.


Because, for goodness know what reason, when Elves went from nocturnal to diurnal their natural purple/blue/pink skin tones turned human flesh coloured and because they have human flesh coloured skin they now have to have the whole rainbow of human skin tones.

This isn’t the mistake; this is a compounding of a mistake made years ago.

However, in both cases, it was/is good for the game. Then because it saved the Horde and now because it make the game more inclusive.

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This has to be one of the most primitive things to ever argue about


No no no, I can think of something even more primitive:

Should Uhnk take rock and hit Gazelle and then ‘RRRARGH!’ scream?

Or should Uhnk take rock and ‘RRRARGH!’ scream and then hit Gazelle?

(If you haven’t noticed I am really bored today.)

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This is even more primitive:


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Maybe Uhnk eat rock?

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But do Uhnk cover rock in grub jelly first?

then it doesn’t matter and any argument against a dark skinned elf is irrelevant and not based on anything other than some statement ion made before the options came up. Ion is not canon.


That’s false and has never been stated.

Black is not purple.

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No. They’re not lol.

Seriously, what’s your legit reason?