I don't understand the black blood elf drama

You know what else doesn’t make sense? Black humans, Asian humans… pretty much any race other than white, because WoW humans descended from vrykul (Scandinavian-inspired giants), and the first human kingdom was Arathor. If you’re going to complain about one, you should also complain about the other.

But you won’t. You won’t.


Honestly, considering how vain Blood Elves are, they simply need to put in a few NPC’s talking to each other about skin tones.

“But, your skin is so dark now.”
“I know! Isn’t it lovely? I just needed a change, and NPC name here, discovered this incredible magic that allowed me to do it. I can make myself any color of the spectrum now.”
“Even… Blue?”
“Oh I wouldn’t go there, someone might mistake me for a Space Goat.”
“But you would need a tail for that!”

Boom. Lore problem solved.

Repeat ad nauseum where necessary.

We’re in a Fantasy world with lots and lots of magic. Let “A wizard did it” work in favor of positive changes for once.


w9p8573y289347 threads on this exist and you felt the need to make another. Stop.


I don’t blame him

this whole situation is pretty confusing to most normal people


The dudes that were manufactured in giant, people producing factories?


Thrall:Twilight of the Aspects has a blood elf by the name of Devi. Who is Khadgar’s apprentice and is described as a dark-skinned high elf.

Before this gets going too much I just wanted to point out that they are present in the lore, though easy to miss because she’s a minor character in one book and is never shown in game.


I can be blue or green in Shadowlands.
That’s pretty cool.

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Is also from an alternate dimension.

So is Yrel, doesn’t stop her from being any less canon.

It makes her not proof of anything in the MU.

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Maybe they came here due to some mishap in Silvermoon?

with all the retconns they have done to make a cool thing the want to do fit, you really want to deny this based on LORE? What if Blizz offered you an olive branch. Humans can be any colour, and in return, when you roll a white human, you start the game with a transmoggable MAGA hat?

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If her being dark-skinned was an AU anomaly, it would have been noted in the book :man_shrugging:


Why wouldn’t it?
The only change was that Thrall never went free. Quel’thalas was not changed in any way.

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It’s actually in the lore that darker skin humans come from Stranglethorn and the southern islands. At least implied in the travelers books.

There is also a few dark skinned Elves in lore so it’s not a stretch either.

The only one that doesn’t make sense is Gnomes. Since they live underground.

Stop this.
Something suddenly changing would warrant a lore explanation if it was never present before. Don’t start applying ill will to those who would want one, and don’t know about the one from the book.
Wanting Blizz to put a lore explanation for elves being the opposite color than they’re described in most media is no more racist than wondering why mag’har were brown back in BC.


Brown gnomes are already possible to make. Even in classic. So it isn’t much of a stretch for those that are even more brown to exist. Same with dwarves.

You know. Melanin exists and people can tan. They don’t need a ‘lore’ to justify basic biology.


I have no problem with dark skinned humans because they were never stated to be a fair skinned elven race. They were just humans and they also never say they’re not like humans in real life in any way other than where they came from.

Also there have been dark skinned humans since the get go, so adding different darker shades isn’t anything new.

The big issue / distinction is trying to take a fantasy character designed to look a specific way and say “They have to have dark skin because it’s racist if they don’t”
No, they don’t. If an artist creates a fantasy race and says this is what they look like, you can’t demand they look a different way and say if they don’t, the person who made it is racist. B

That being said, I would have no problem with dark skinned high elves / blood elves if we had an explanation / some depiction or anything in the past that shows that they’re not just doing this purely to try and make more money. Blizzard forcing their look to be different in hopes of making more money. Money shouldn’t drive decisions in the game.


That isn’t how it works. Her existence is only mentioned in an alternative universe (in one of the myrid of branching timeways) which precludes her being used as proof of anything in the MU. The only proof of anything she provides is that in an alternate timeway there is at least one dark skinned elf.

Edit: Also if being dark skinned was a normal thing for High Elves, why would they have even of mentioned it in such a minor character?