I don't understand how multiboxing is different that botting

Is it because you can’t 1v5 the multiboxer? You actually can - kill the pilot.

Yeah, so you’re saying pretty much the same thing twice.

i tried saying it once the first time

That’s just one facet of the problem.

I not only cannot 1v5 the multiboxer, but if he has any semblance of the classes he is multiboxing, I do not stand a chance. If you are leveling a warrior or a paladin? Forget it man. 3 shamans, 2 hunters. Shamans key is bound to heal, same key as hunter’s auto shot/concussive/etc. Very difficult to counter.

It takes away from the game world, in the short term and long term. That guy multiboxing 5 characters would have had to level them each up on their own. More people available to do group quests, run NORMAL dungeons not AOE farm, etc. If the counter argument, is that he would not have leveled them without multiboxing, I would ask, does he truly enjoy Classic WoW? An entirely separate discussion.

It makes newer players feel stupid. When someone is leveling one character, their first time, and then sees a guy leveling five at once. You know, because he can! And everybody defends it, like it doesn’t break the integrity of the game… these are a couple of issues. I know I said I wasn’t going to explain, but I truly despise multiboxing. It’s not that I can’t afford to, I just genuinely dislike what it does to the game.

Can agree to disagree, but many friends of mine have been affected by this. Does it break the game? No. Does it take away from it, in a major way? At times, yes.

I like the random ad hominem.

Okay… so what? You can’t beat 5 characters alone. That’s not really any different than a 5v1. It’s also world PvP, and doesn’t matter in the slightest. I don’t know why you expect to win against him anyway - even if it was 1v1, it’s not guaranteed you’d win either. Do you also think someone playing at level 60 shouldn’t be allowed to gank lowbies, since the lowbie can’t win?

Also… what? You think because he leveled all 5 in a party, that’s a bad thing? That he didn’t pilot 5 individual characters to 60, thus not adding himself to the pool to run dungeons with, or group quests? What about all the people leveling a singular character who don’t do those things anyway? Or pay for boosts? Is that also a bad thing, and should that also be made against the TOS? Also, if he’s multiboxing, he probably enjoys it that way. Who are you to say what someone can and can’t enjoy?

It sounds to me like your primary hatred for multiboxing derives from your own sense of entitlement. That you feel your way to play and enjoy the game is the only way that should be allowed.

Mutiboxers, just like any individual or group can be annoying. Being camped by a high-level, camped by a group, on and on. Having a very large, 40+ mutiboxer occupy an area and disrupt questing etc. can be very annoying, just as having a guild do the same would be.

The solution is the same in both cases, if it rises to the level of reportability, report it.

I sometimes multibox, usually 3 at a time. Personally I like helping out anyone I see in trouble, I find it fun, but that is just me :wink:

I don’t think most of the people arguing are ignorant of that. I think they know, but don’t care. They consider it unfair/lame/bad and are willing to be obtuse about how it works in an effort to get it removed.

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Why is account sharing bad/punishable? It’s not conveying any more advantage than the same number of characters could do.

I’m not allowed to use my friends account to multi box with my account. Explain that? Two paid subs.

I’m not allowed to play my friends char in pve or pvp. Why?

Oh because it conveys an unfair advantage? Why is it unfair to have two individuals play one character? Because the game was designed with one person per one character. You can do things one person could not. Like be logged in 24/7. Farming whatever, honor/rep/gold. Conversly having one play control 5 characters is inherently unfair. If it wasn’t you wouldnt do it.

Blizzard just allows it.

I play 2 characters at the same time all the time in retail, usually 2 bears. But switching back and forth between 2 characters is not actually multiboxing.

Multiboxing would be if I had it set up so when I typed ‘5’, they both cast moonfire.

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It’s definitely different than a 5v1. A 5v1 would imply five different PLAYERS, not one player with five characters. Of course it’s not guaranteed 1v1 either, that’s not the point. That’s not even the point I was making. It’s one player with five characters doing the work of all five, by only playing on one. My question to you, how is this not a problem?

You keep wanting me to explain how it’s bad for the health of an MMORPG, and I have. Explain how multiboxing makes the game better, for a change.

Funny you call me entitled, yet you think people willing to blow money on a 15-year old MMO should be more entitled than those who can’t. Sounds like you advocate for paying to win. This argument is over.

It’s not a hatred for multiboxing, it’s a dislike for anything that takes away from the true core experience we were expecting.

Believe it or not, there is a right way to play and a wrong way to play. I’m not afraid to state my opinion on what that is. Guess what? Money talks. When people unsubscribe from the game, that will tell you what is right and wrong. 2 of my friends quit the game because of A) loot drama and B) multiboxers taking our farm spots. I’m talking multi multiboxers. EDIT: Yes I tried to help, yes we got completely floored because there was simply MORE of them than us, despite trying to find help. They’re paying to win, with multiple accounts.

It’s your turn. Explain how that is good for the game. Since I’m the entitled one, for wanting the original experience. What most people wanted. I think we’re done here, unless you have a strong counter argument.

Multiboxing was a thing in vanilla. If you say you want authentic, you should be willing to go with what was authentic.

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Privacy information, and trying to avoid potential problems in future that might arise from said friendship going sour. Plus the more people who have access to one account, the less secure it gets. Also, people were account sharing to get r14 in vanilla WoW, which is an unfair advantage where it actually matters.

See above, and because one person playing normally on one character and two people playing normally on one character is a direct, tangible advantage where Blizzard does not gain any additional revenue and there’s no actual downside - multiboxing comes with some very big downsides. One key one is the people on the multiboxer’s team if they’re in a BG really don’t like them, since usually 5 individual players would be more effective.

Also, 5 characters, 1 person is very different than 5 players, 1 character. It’s certainly unfair in a 5v1 scenario, but even 2 or 3v5 and the multiboxer usually loses.

Correct. And that’s what matters most.

It wasn’t nearly as prevalent, or as widespread. There’s the problem. On Herod I came across so many of them. A couple are nice, one even grouped with me for a couple quests. Vast majority basically take over the sub zone and flip you the bird.

It is what it is. I’m just stating what I think about it. I do think there is a fine line, and there is a right and wrong for the game.

No, they aren’t exploiting and distorting the economy. My mage makes 300 gold per hour solo. There are solo mages with 100k gold. No multi-box setup comes even remotely close to that. And yes, the solo mage even surpasses lotus campers (btw, not just one those per zone either which is why they lose to solo mage).

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It’s definitely a problem if you’re in a BG and they’re on your team, I’ll agree with that. But other than that? No, not really. If that’s how they want to spend their time, good for them. It doesn’t really matter in world PvP or whatever else.

It doesn’t actually make the game better at all. It doesn’t have to in order to be allowed under the TOS. There are definitely negative aspects of it, but so what? It’s the same thing as a Paladin speccing Ret instead of Holy and going into BGs. They’re having a negative impact on the group as a whole, but they’re playing the way they want.

Yeah I’m not sure what you’re suggesting here by the, “more entitled”, but no. Multiboxing conveys advantages that don’t really matter… at all. So they kill mobs faster? So what? So they can nuke a person down in PvP? So what? They’re still very easy to deal with and 5 people are almost always going to be better than a multiboxer running 5 accounts.

Multiboxing has existed since vanilla. Alternative play styles have also existed since the game began. You shouldn’t expect everyone to conform to your idea of what is appropriate.

I don’t really need to go any further than this. You’re entitled, you’re opinionated, and you believe what you think is right and should matter to everyone else.

Good for them, if they felt they had to stop playing for what is relatively a minor problem, I don’t think they were enjoying the game enough in the first place. I hope they find a game they enjoy more. However, in Blizzard’s eyes, those 2 subscriptions were lost, but they still retain the 5 subscriptions of the multiboxer. If you think Blizzard cares about their players past their subscription, you’re naive.

And if you think paying to win in an open world farming spot (which is a bad place in general to farm) or in random world PvP is a bad thing, I’d really hate to see what you think of games where there are actual, meaningful things you can pay real money for that offer an actual important advantage.

I in no way have suggested multiboxing is good for the game. This is simply you trying to create a strawman to argue against instead of proving that multiboxing is bad for the game for reasons other than your own selfish ones.

And, again, multiboxing existed in vanilla. Classic also is not vanilla at all - we’re at the end state, not the transitional that was the bulk of the game, and there are a number of key differences.

A person doesnt have to share their account info to account share. You can just have them physically log in on your machine. Still punishable.

Do you know what also wasn’t nearly as prevalent or widespread? The huge gold values we have now. The amount of knowledge the average player possesses. The abuse of world buffs. The min/maxing that has much more of an impact on the, “real” experience of vanilla than multiboxing ever has.

You aren’t just stating what you think about it, you’re making broad claims and bold statements about it.

Correct, but that still leaves the potential for the other things I said. And logging in to your account on the same machine still breaches the privacy and security measures Blizzard set in place, and can lead to compromised accounts.

There isnt a rule against using someone else’s machine though. I’m allowed to log into my account from my friends machine and vise versa. I’m not allowed to then let them play my character though.

I think it’s a problem anywhere it’s happening too frequently. WPVP is a big part of the game for me, so I take that as seriously as if I were in a BG. To each is his or her own.

Right, something does not have to make the game better to be present within the game. However, if I argue it is taking away from the game (one opinion), and one cannot argue that it adds anything of value… I question its presence to begin with. That is on a fundamental level.

I don’t think it’s identical to a Paladin playing as Retribution. If he put time into his character, gearing it up, leveling, the way it was meant to be done (my opinion), I have no problem with someone playing a “subpar” spec. It’s when someone puts effort into one character, and gets four additional max level characters out of it, because they have money to blow… there is an issue. Also, I would argue Ret provides some benefits to the group, while multiboxing doesn’t really benefit anyone but the multiboxer himself. Which is fine, in of itself.

I do have money, I could multi box if I wanted. Not for me personally, I am not jealous of their bank account. That would be petty of me. I think there’s a point where Blizzard steps in and only allows you to multibox 2-3 characters, as a compromise. I don’t think this would be a large issue, and appeases both sides. Alas, I am thinking outside of the box.

Killing mobs faster, killing players faster… yes, those things do matter. I don’t see any position you could argue from, where they wouldn’t. Those are two of the most basic mechanics of the game. How quickly I level (the majority of /played for most) and how much fun I have in the open world. People value different aspects of the game, it’s fine. Those 2 things are pretty significant, I’d say though.

I understand it has existed since vanilla, but it wasn’t nearly as prevalent or widespread as I stated above. You saw one every now and then. Things become a problem when they become too widespread. I want to see players in the world, not one player with five stacked on each other lol. If this isn’t important to you, we can agree to disagree.

I still don’t understand why you keep calling me entitled. I’ve been playing this game for 12 years, I own everything that I’ve done in the game. I don’t think I’ve insulted you in any way.

Yeah, I’m very opinionated, and I am allowed to be, as are you. Hence why we are having this discussion. I would argue we are both as opinionated as each other, considering we both keep replying? Not sure what you mean. I’m allowed to be opinionated on a product I pay for.

It’s not a strawman argument, if something arguably is bad for the game, and no arguments can be presented why it is good, that raises a pretty significant point, doesn’t it?

Trust me, I’ve played BDO, I know what pay to win is. Doesn’t make this any less annoying for the average player. You don’t have to keep calling me entitled though, it’s a bit insulting. We’re allowed to disagree. I stand by everything I’ve said, I’m just not convinced multiboxing is anything but negative. I’ve addressed all of your points.

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Of course you’re allowed to do so, it’s just a risk and Blizzard would recommend against it. Logging into their account on their machine is account sharing, though they have no real way to detect it unless you goof, or log in from a different location. You also don’t own their account, whereas a multiboxer owns all the accounts. So that’s why it’s also different.