I dont think you guys who call for all these nerfs really care about balance

Imagine having issues with warriors who hit your 8k health pool for 500 damage per global on crits when you dodge 30-40% of their attacks. Have you considering getting good at kiting? It’s always funny when a hunter doesn’t realize he can literally stand on his freezing trap and if I walk up to hit him while he’s standing on it I will get trapped. Instead they try to do loops around it and bait me into walking into it. Like I didn’t rank against hunters with 100x your skill.

Have you considered that if you literally fd->slow trap and walk in circles around your trap the warrior has 2 charges and a hook that they will use and you will still have a slow trap up stronger than their slow and then you get to just melt them for free?

None of this is mentioning scatter or imp concussive shot btw

When did I say I had issues with warriors?
I don’t have 8k HP outside of BGs.
Wars are critting harder than 500 for sure.
I trap wars as they charge me yeah then they trinket. Then I deter until my next trap. and then they lose. Shoulda popped a frost reflector or resto pot bud or skull l2p.

First you complained about frost trap now your complaining about feezing traps ? If a hunter is kiting you in a circle in a frost trap and your unable to charge him, what is he doing? Cause he can’t shoot you that close aside from kill shot. And as I said if he is in range to shoot you you are in range to charge him. So I am failing to see what the issue here is for you? Do you not have fear bound? Do you not have grenades? Or any consume? Do you just think you should get to win vs a hunter? It doesn’t work like that in classic sorry bud.

Scatter DRs freezing trap bud, and you can IMP hamstring as well bud.

Also you are complaining about a 60% slow vs a 50% slow but with how leeway and lag work in the game you are still easily able to melee the hunter during this “lol im running in a circle while running 10% faster than you and doing my full ranged rotation somehow while your unable to charge me” idk how that works.

Nobody takes imp hamstring and you’re talking about a 15% chance at a root from a melee attack that is extremely likely to get dodged, you use piercing howl vs hunter because you don’t waste 8 globals getting dodged when you use pierce.

You have no idea how to play the matchup and just over-rely on your overtuned damage.

Scatter dr’s freezing, doesn’t matter though, you can scatter to panic drop your massive aoe slow that is stronger than any of warriors slows and just walk away from them. (or you could just be actually good at hunter and be pre-dropping traps at your feet when you suspect a warrior charge is coming)

Warrior definitely only crits higher than 500 during death wish+rampage windows, so arms warriors aren’t doing that unless you let a multi-stack BRE warrior hit you, which again, would be a massive skill issue on your part.

im fine with them nerfing bubble btw

Your hamstring gets dodged while the hunter is stunned from charge? interesting stuff.

So I am supposed to scatter you then put a frost trap at my feet and wait for you to charge me and then once we are both snared in my frost trap I can do my full ranged rotation while you are perma rooted, slowed and unable to charge? Is that what you are saying?

The matchup is pretty easy. Try to slow/trap the war as it dismounts to charge me then they get kited until they die ez pz.

Why would I drop a frost trap over a freezing trap? It makes no sense when the warrior can charge out of roots and slows. Makes more sense to freeze them and get max range then unless they have consumes it’s over. (But I guess you coulda ben a good warrior and used a frost reflector to cover your initial charge. Or if its a frost trap as you claim EVERY hunter uses just pop a fap…)

boomies and ele shams are not globalling anybody at full hp dude. This is simply untrue rhetoric bs outrage posting. Hunter can with lucky double crits, thats about it. Boomies, even well geared AND assuming a double crit on starsurge AND starfire, which has a cast time (not a global) is doing at most 5k dmg in that sequence). Even the squishiest low STA hp players in BGs with the hp buff is sitting at over 6k, most players have over 8k. Boomies arent globalling anybody, that is multiple GCD clicks and a CASTED starfire and they have to crit multiple times in that sequence. Boomy can throw in a moonfire or sunfire click after starfire and if that crits for 1k then the weakest players in BGs could die to all that, but that is NOT a global. Shaman straight up not even close to globalling anybody. They have great sustain and steady high dmg but again, NOT a global. Learn the terms before you use them. Only class I have seen consistently globalling anybody is ret pally right now

Because the warrior is trinketing your freezing trap after waiting charge/intercept cd and letting you walk away from the slow trap they should be in. Imagine not understanding this concept since mages literally do this with block, that is waiting for their cds to come back up since you’re lacking in braincells.

Charge is a 1s stun, intercept is 3s, the travel time is affected by move speed. If the warrior is slowed you exit the stuns long before the warrior reaches you. Also max range charge specifically usually takes long enough for the stun to break before you can hamstring.

But you wouldn’t understand any of those intricacies because you’re really bad at positioning and heavily reliant on your class doing way too much damage for no reason.

Imagine your win con vs 99% of warriors is to literally bait 2 charges and a hook then you have ~15-20 seconds to kill them totally unimpeded, and you think this is some massive skill gap when you pull this off when you have multiple rng roots, a disorient, slow trap that is stronger than other slows, and the freeze trap…

But nah those 2 charges and a hook, and the fear that breaks from any tick of damage including our bleeds and 4 class abilities that hit for less damage than 1 of your buttons, that’ll get ya.

Pallies very op, thats why alliance have a 90% win rate :thinking:

Is a hunter a mage? It makes way more sense to freeze them get their trinket deter to second trap then its a free win…(Ideally the warrior never even gets to charge but things happen.) I legit get to just walk to max range even while SNARED unless they get lucky and heart beat out of the trap. Then they are dismounted and I am 40 yards away blowing their head off.
And let’s be real how often is pvp trinket up? It’s a 5 min CD half the time the warrior just sits in a trap for 40 seconds.

It’s funny you talk about skill non stop when all you do is cry about how bad warrior is because you can’t figure out how to win fights lmao

Why do I need to bait out all of that? The situation was a war is in range to charge me. I trap myself. War charges into a trap gets frozen. Trinkets if it’s up. If not, he is doing nothing for 30 seconds. If he trinkets I can deter and easily survive for 9 seconds then I freeze again and the next time he plays the game I’m max range gg you don’t get another charge or hook.

And this is only assuming the warrior got in charge range. The variables are unlimited.

At this point I have no idea what your even talking about. I legit explained how trap launcher and hunter burst works and you went on a tangent about FROST trap like it was the end of the world or something, And now your trying to explain how good you are at war but only achieving the opposite.

Also when did I say anything about skill? You brought all that up bud. I just stated the way the game works and you are babbling a buncha nonsense typical BUM behavior.

You’re the one lost on a tangent. Actually hopeless how deluded you are.

I don’t have issues beating most hunters, because I don’t just walk into traps, and the overwhelming majority of hunters, you included clearly, have issues landing the easiest “skill shot” in the game. There’s definitely a balance issue with how much damage the class does with how much CC they have.

You not understanding how the match-up actually plays because you apparently only know how to fight the lowest common denominator and then try to tell someone who is better than you how it works is hilarious.

You have literally said nothing and made 0 points bud. You don’t have issues beating most hunters but are CRYing about frost trap like it’s the end of the world.

The match up is prolly the easiest one in the game. Don’t let the warrior get into charge range and win. It’s not rocket science.

And the issues landing trap just go right over your head. You just don’t understand how heartbeat works. Go make a hunter bud. And shoot moving targets with your traps. And be amazed at how many of them don’t get trapped even if you land the trap perfectly. It has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with how the game functions.

As I said you can have a trap already placed sitting on the ground for 20 seconds. And someone can MOUNT right over your trap and not trigger it, because that is how the game WORKS. Sometimes you get trapped INSTANTLY before the trap even hits the ground… Because THAT is how the game works…

It’s amazing how high of an opinion you have of yourself when all you do is CRY. BUM

There’s no “issue” landing frost trap. It has a massive hitbox, show video proof of it “missing” outside of it’s arming time otherwise you’re just coping about how bad you are.

There weren’t even issues with landing traps when we had a 400 ms batch window.

Unbelievable brain damage as expected from a hunter.

It doesn’t have an arming time… AND IT CAN’T BE LAUNCHED… How dense are you. IT IS NO LONGER A PART OF TRAP LAUNCHER.


People WALKED over my traps ALL the time in original classic vanilla and they still do to this day BECAUSE OF HEARTBEAT THAT IS JUST HOW THE GAME WORKS.

Call me brain damaged all you want bud but you can’t even understand the fundamentals of game functionality…I think you have officially replaced throwinhands as KING of the BUMs

Where did I say anything about launching? Bro can you not read or what?

The only “heartbeat” mechanic in this game is related to cc’s breaking early.

Nobody walks over traps without them activating, traps will go off if you touch them with your increased hitbox from leeway so the hitbox is actually huge. stay in the trash you dumpster tier mongrel.

Can’t wait for the inevitable hunter nerfs and your inevitable crying thread because you can’t auto win every fight.

If you are placing a trap at your feet it obviously cannot be a skill shot…

Wrong… There is a hearbeat sensor in the game and that is how traps function and have functioned since vanilla launched in 2019. This is why sometimes when people launch a trap it INSTA activates and other times it takes a second to work.

This literally happens ALL THE TIME. It is more likely to happen the faster the target is moving and less likely to happen the SLOWER they move. Because there is a heartbeat tick that is ticking and determines when the trap can be triggered.

Keep being a BUM and losing to every other class all while CRYing about how BAD warrior is cause your too much of a BUM to improve.

The heartbeat you’re talking about is called batching. It was 400 ms in 2019. It’s been 0-10ms since tbc came out.

You’re such a moron lmao.

Show proof of failed traps otherwise shut up BUM.

It’s not there was literally a WA for you you could track it but it broke and never got updated.

Go make a hunter drop a freeing trap and tell someone to mount up and run over it and see how many times they just barge right over it without it triggering bud. You don’t even play the class and you think you know more than me.

Nah you made the claim it happens, I’ve never seen it happen in classic. The closest I’ve seen to what you’re talking about is scatter->fd->trap and either the trap is placed too far away or the scatter breaks early and you can walk away without your leeway hitbox clipping it.

So prove it. It’s on you to prove that this thing actually happens.

I don’t have to prove anything if you played hunter you would know. Ask any hunter that plays the game if people sometimes walk over their traps without triggering them. Because it has been a thing since 2019. I literally explained to you how it works the faster you move the easier it is to not trigger them.

Here ya go bud found this on another form. Yeah this is wotlk but the way the game detect traps is functioning the same way it does in vanilla. The game sends out a pulse IE Heartbeat that detects if there is a target to trap and if you run over the trap in between this pulse it may not trigger.

This is why you may notice in AV sometimes a couple of a people will run past a trap and then the people behind them trigger it but some how they managed to run right over it.

https ://clips.twitch.tv/ShakingSeductiveTarsierEagleEye-nmT_j2rPNeU5ThEu