Bro you’re still quoting a purposively writing reply to make fun of 90% of people crying about OP specs without even knowing what talents/specs/skills are.
Hence the reason I didn’t fix it after you quoted it.

PvP gear is not bad at all. Still has strong offensive stats and big pieces have like 52 stamina each on them
This is just not true. I have both full pve and pvp gear on 3 seperate toons.
PVE gear outshines pvp gear and its not even close. The stamina on R13 gear without Tier bonuses would need to be buffed x2 to even make a dent in SODS absurd damage.
The entire point is that if you do not ENJOY raiding you should still have a place in wow.
If pvp is your thing than pvp gear should be BIS for pvp… Currently 90% pve gear is BIS
I am all for PVE people, i hope they get what they want as well. PVP has been vastly ignored.
They could do SOOOOO much more very very easily. Its shocking how many amazing ideas have been thrown around and R13 gets a flat stam buff…