I dont think you guys who call for all these nerfs really care about balance

What in the 400 pvp bracket am I reading?

Yea bro you’re really good at pvp, please if you see me fighting someone don’t break my kidney shot please.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: all these brain dead ret players out here doing damage into HoJ when they’re supposed to wait so it doesn’t break


Throwinhands for sure doesn’t trinket stuns because the next time he takes damage it’s just going to break it anyway.


def trinkets the poly though, you’re sure to sit a full duration poly in a BG

my man definitely trinkets war stomp too. it’s the only stun in the game that doesn’t break on damage of course

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His discord of hardcore pvpers are laughing at us! All this time we were unaware damage broke stuns.


Orc has literally the worst racial because who even cares about resisting stuns because they just break the next time you take damage anyway.

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Did AI write this?

Kidney shot is a waste of energy, you’re better off just gouging because they do the exact same thing.

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watch out or he’s gonna ask for your cashapp

I’m gonna go the opposite route and say everything except those 3 needs buffs to bring them on the same level

If everyone is OP, no one is OP, and the game is balanced

Didn’t know hunters could heal or tank. :thinking:

It’s impossible for blizz to make a good decision when listening to the community when theirs dudes like hands. This dude prob been playin the game for at least 12 years and still don’t know what’s good.

Shaman has been OP since P2, get over it

hunters have been op since the start of sod. get over it.


no you broke your own stun with flame shock according to the best rogue in the game

You get focused, you die. This argument is applied to all classes. Bad example imo

Not nerfing one overtuned class because another class is better (your words) is illogical. All overtuned classes should at some point be nerfed for good gameplay.

This would be a good start imo

honestly i wanted to avoid calling for nerfs on other classes as it feels bad when you get nerfed down.

but im over that now.

you wanna balance classes ?

start with moonkin then pallies and then hunters.

The nerf issue is that the calculations don’t seem to make sense to me. I shouldn’t be at 8k HP and after 2 hits by a Warrior I suddenly die. The logs don’t add up. SOMETHING is wrong with whatever it is they calculate these figures.

I play pally and it’s the same for if I hit someone. There’s no rhyme or reason with some of the damage output. I’m a competent player and can deduce how to manage versus certain opponents, but there’s times where it doesn’t make sense at all how people are being deleted.

Xtrasecksi is having their Joker moment

Such a hot take :roll_eyes: