I don't support AOE capping anymore

why the DHs though.

what they do.

what blizz needs to address is defensive’s and ultility (which they may be doing but i havent checked).

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Cleave originally was off 1-2 extra mobs (cleave being an actual warrior ability) where aoe was everything.

Tons of original attacks, especially for non-casters, were only 1 or a few extra mobs.

Sweeping strikes
Multi shot
Chain lightning

That’s about it because every class gaining aoe didn’t really start until Wrath.

AoE would have been things like:

Arcane explosion
Rain of Fire

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Yeah paladin is one of the worst so other classes might not have such long cooldowns so i cant say for those. Ret is so bad with cooldowns you can be sitting there with no buttons to press for over 5 seconds mid fight.

I feel like the obvious answer (aside from just not capping it) is just to have your aoe abilities hit everything, but deal diminishing/divided damage on targets over the desired limit. This would accomplish the same thing in M+ while also still allowing legacy mobs to be round up and nuked.

I think this is how most AoE currently works anyway, isn’t it? No target limit as far as how many can be hit, but past a certain number the damage starts to get divided among them.

What if I told you can be both? The AoE cap is a horrible idea, but DHs need a hard nerf.

100% agree. on my main account on argent dawn i had a DH one shot me for over 620K… thats insane!!

It worked like that from TBC until Legion.

Legion and BfA have no diminishing returns.


Huh, I missed that change! I guess that explains why this whole AoE meta came about in the first place, huh? :sweat_smile:

Pretty much. It coincides with mythic+.

Also, I’d wager the vast majority of players rarely pull more than 8 mobs at a time in most mythic+ dungeons and in practice will be relatively unaffected with these changes.


Around 7min 30 seconds. See for yourself.

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I can believe he did, wouldn’t surprise me, I just didn’t remember.

AoE zergfest is for Diablo, not Warcraft. I think it’s super boring and turns everything into a numberthon. So yeah, I’d say it’s pretty degenerate.

I honestly think its a way to make M+ harder. Put a cap on AOE so a tank can grab a whole room and just AOE it down to nothing. This way you are forced to do smaller groups which makes M+ a ltttle more stragetic.

This has been their design philosophy for a bit now. They seem to have endless issue with how players choose to play the game rather than strictly follow the path the developers want us to consume the content. They want to micro manage us like they do with their employees.

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Don’t think I ever mentioned you. But if you are looking for a reason to be “outraged…”

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From the way Shadowlands dungeons look right now where there’s a single big “dangerous” enemy every few pulls, it looks like their dungeon design is doing more for this than an AoE cap will-- the AoE cap should only help to shut down cries of “Everything is too hard, we can’t AoE it down!”

I used to think like this. But then while actually doing it, i found that i am using far more parts of my toolkit than i’d expected.

Mobs don’t just stand there, tank don’t just absorb all the damage. Tanks needs to kite. Strategic use of stun slows down damage and allow healer to catch up. many things needs to be kicked, even when your kick is down, you need to stop that cast or it’s a wipe.

i am finding that im using my pvp macros and thinking when dealing with some of these pulls.

So when i reflect on it, i don’t think it is boring at all. I use all my spells, my CCs, im thinking about my CD all the time, thinking about timing and paths to ensure that i have my CD for critical packs, while also using my cd as often and as effectively as possible. how can it be “Boring”?

Look at all the things you mentioned; paths, CDs, timing. While I’m sure they are a consideration, nothing about the enemy even jumps to your mind. No abilities, no mob types, no mechanics; everything happens on a meta level. All the gameplay turns into “how efficiently can I hit my buttons”.

Which is fine! I think it’s better for a game like Diablo, and that’s not a game that appeals to me because it’s incredibly boring.

I swear to god that monk needs to get his beta revoked

That monk had options to 1 hit every single one of those bugs

This has got to be one of the worse cases of “omg look how bad this is” I’ve ever seen

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