I don't support AOE capping anymore

honestly, if thats how you take it, then id agree with you. but its far from it.

There are abilities that i need to kick. i need to watch what the tank is doing so i can CC at correct timing. watch for directional spells. Affix changes every week, i need to help with explosive, i need to help tank kite on necrotic weeks, i need to, in general, help manage incoming damage. You have to react to alot of different situations.

It’s far beyond just pushing your own buttons efficiently. objectively, i am pressing more spells in my kit than any other pve content. but if you found it boring, i will have to agree to disagree with you. and again, i had thought exactly like you little more than a month ago. actual doing the content changed my mind.

Doing the content is something I’ve been working on, until other things came up that have kept me off the game. I actually had someone teaching me that runs 20s-- you can see I’m not close to that, but I’ve certainly been “doing the content”. And… Yeah, I hate the “gather everything up” and AoE it down mindset and gameplay. It’s boring and mindless. You’re not changing how you play based on what you’re fighting, you’re changing how you play based on how many mobs the tank rounds up and what CDs you have available.

On a pull-by-pull basis, what changes for you? Think more Shrine of Storms differences than “This mob has a stun!” Or “We have to DPS this pack extra hard!”

I’m being silly, but no offense intended. I think that Shrine of Storms level of gameplay, where pulls can play out differently from pack to pack, is a good thing. I don’t know that an AoE cap is necessary for that, but I do enjoy that gameplay more.

you replied to a guy replying to me and said you cant use logic. i mean how else am i supposed to take that?

There is one thing I noticed when I started doing a bit higher keys.

The lower keys? 10, 11, 12, don’t play out the same as higher ones, like 16 17. They feel completely different. Most spells of trash are not threatening enough, and can be simply healed through. Leading to a case where every single mass pull basically feeling the same, where I’d just ignore kicks and just air everything down.

Can’t do that at higher keys. Trash mechanic 1 shot you. Especially most push week are fortified weeks. Tanks frequently can’t just sit there and take the pounding. Standing in a frontal cone is certain death. Which is also a reason why immunity classes are quite dominant in keys. Maybe we are actually talking about the same thing. Each pack eventually do begin to play differently.

As Argorwal already pointed out pretty much all classes still have a weak AoE that’s uncapped. Perfect for farming old content.

They’re called blizzdrones and they defend everything Blizzard does no matter how bad it is.

People aren’t in favor of the aoe cap. People are in favor of making abrasive posts just to annoy others. That’s literally the only reason someone would “be in favor” of the aoe cap.