'I Don't have time to level' argument

Classic is not going to be the same as it was and it never has been the same if boosts are there or not is my point.

I think the point is it’s not going to be a 100% identical to 2007.

Never was.

Saying “it wasn’t there in 2007”. Is not a good argument.

You’re right. Throwing in the towel is underrated.

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You’re living proof of that.

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Yes you are right, it’s not going to be the same.
Many things have change over the years in gaming and they should try to adapt the game to make the best experience possible.

This changes should not include microtransactions, they don’t make the game better, in fact it has been proven over the years in multiple games that they make it worse. And this is without taking into account the reason why people wanted classic in the first place.

A one time boost to get someone caught up is hardly “mico transactions”.

You are right, it will probably cost 40+ dollars, so we should call them Macro-transactions.

It’s difficult to call something that can only occur once… plural.

But hey. No facts on this post so why start now.

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Once per account.

And are you seriously thinking this will be the last thing they will add to the cash shop? 15 years of experience says otherwise.


They will eventually add the services that existed in Wrath.

You keep saying irrelevant things.

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boosts were not in TBC so why will they have to wait till Wrath? your argument does not make sense…
But i know I’m wasting my time responding to you, so this will be the last time.
Please use the brain that evolution gave to us humans before posting on the forum in the future.

God was really a jerk giving us brains to think. Been nothing but problems.


Yep, why would someone who buys his way to level 58 stop there and farm his own gold? Answer: He probably won’t. He’ll buy that, too. He’s a pay-to-win/pay-to-skip type of person.

The game would be better off if these people didn’t play, IMO.


you making an uninformed decision based on your own thought pattern. to say that those who level to 70 will have time to farm is purely subjective. Ill level 70 all be it a slow pace will i grind out the gold sure at an even slower pace than most, do i enjoy classic sure thing, do i enjoy retail to some extent sure, mainly for the story, for me i guess i carry the collector mind set, ill get there when i get there, and if blizz says here you can buy a level 58 once sure ill pay for it just for the collector side of it. will i do the same in retail be there done that a few times, well ok only used the free ones i got from ordering the collectors editions but hey ive used them, does that make me any less than a yourself, i should say not. i may not have all the time in the world but the time i do have i want to make the most of.

lets be real
there is only ONE argument
Bobby wants money

do you actually think players have any input?


100% true, still makes me sad tho, and as long as people buy it they will keep bringing more cash grabs like this, and we will end up with retail all over again only way sooner.

Whoever invented paragraphs was clearly a total jerk.


i blame virtual highscools

And as a result blizzard has been super cautious with their implantation (one per account).

Why do you think they would do something more?

your argument doesn’t make sense.


Still boosting a character tho, lel.

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