I don't get the appeal of Dragonriding

Because it is so OP it would require everyone to use it. So you want us to have to travel with one and use another set of flying.

Picture doing that EVERY time you quest or go to a new area. Using dragon riding to travel, and slower mount for fine tuning.

That would be the worse.

I grew to dislike normal flying because it removes all the gaming from moving from point A to point B. By ‘gaming’ I mean, while you are grounded you have to plan ahead to a small amount how you get myself from where you are to where you want to go. Do I fight these mobs, run through them, or try to get around them? Normal flying removes that from the game and makes the world exploring boring. Sure it’s pretty while doing normal flying, but I find it boring. Dragonriding makes flying a game again. Even with all the glyphs you still have to plan your flight and respond to the UI in front of you, and flying your dragon to renew your vigor to get to where you want to go if it’s far. That’s fun, plain and simple.

When blizzard dumbs the game down even further for people who can’t figure things out for themselves, it ruins the game as a whole for us all. Like the person said earlier. If you can move your character, you can dragon ride its that simple. Everyone now days wants people to bend over backwards for their special thing. Maybe there should be a blue and white handicapped dragon or something for the rest of the folks who cant get it idk

I can’t dragon ride because it makes me feel like throwing up actually. Not a skill issue.


165 posts in and not 1 single argument has been made as to why DR and regular flying cannot coexist.

Other than a second button being tedious😂


For me personally it wont matter much, because i have a good handle on DR. I don’t think world design was affected by legacy flying in Dragonflight, so hopefully future expansions will follow suit.

I do get your point though. Im willing to give up legacy flying too. Though i doubt it happens.

Motion sickness exists. Not everyone is upset because they can’t figure it out. Some people are literally getting ill.


Which is something you don’t seem capable of doing since you don’t seem to understand why normal “flying” is bad game design and on the whole, unhealthy for the game. Just as i helped you understand your previous and very embarrassing error with the emjoi, i can also helo understand you’re VERY flawed line of reasoning(calling it that is very generous on my part, btw).

iTs A sKiLl IsSuE :dracthyr_no2:

Has nothing to do with button but everything to do with using the systems.

Picture how broken it would be, Right now I am doing faction rep getting these flags on top of mountain. Mastering Dr.

Do you know how much easier it would be with legacy flying? These flags would not matter at all, yet because such small spaces to land. It makes the flying so much more fun. (other ways to get it but whatever.)

My point being is this, we don’t need two flying systems.

Yeah. Giving customers what they have had for over a decade and still want is bad for the game.

Get real man.


What is with you people and bad attitudes like this? Holy crap, zero empathy in this thread from people that want to get rid of normal flying.

Speaking like a bunch of twitter and reddit people that want to sh/it on everyones parade.


ok, so deal with your condition and don’t dumb the game done because of it. You can also dragon ride with a friend, so just do that.

Sounds about right.

If you having motion sickness also, there are ways to help that as well.

Or figure out what is causing it and give blizzard feedback.

It sounds like you all want to use disability and motion sickness as an excuse to have more weight to keep your legacy flying around.

Right? It’s disgusting.


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why cant regular flying and dragon flying co exist?


I don’t have an issue with it, I am just not a self-absorbed ahole that is against something that has zero impact on me that helps someone else.


Because the people who are invested in having this forum as a place to complain every day are unhappy that the new expansion is being embraced and feedback is largely positive.

Finding something to complain about has been harder than usual, & the same 2-3 topics are all they could find. Today, someone got creative and added unlocking chapters of the campaign story via renown (like we did in SL) to the list of reasons they just can’t even with DF.

But yeah. That’s why. There’s no diversity in the complaint threads because most people are having a really good time in the game.


Sounds like you have zero empathy and hate your fellow man.