People talk about this like it’s the best thing added to the game since ever but it feels pretty meh to me. It was very nice to be able to fly immediately but I would have rather just had a 500-800% speed flying mount. The races are easy as long as you don’t hit a tree and vigor becomes a non issue once you get the glyphs (which is also very easy to do).
I just don’t understand why it’s being talked about like Dragonriding will single handedly save the game. The obvious comparison was Torghast so I suppose that may be part of it.
TLDR: Dragonriding is a mobile game at best and I don’t understand why people love it so much.
-Yes, it is a mobile game. Or really a flash game as I remember playing something almost exactly like it ages ago. No I do not recall what it was because it was just a silly flash game.
-I don’t begrudge people who like it, I’m just still confused about the hype. To me anyway, the game is about raids, pvp, and M+. All things that are not affected at all by Dragonriding. I don’t recall people being this excited about the original flying mounts in TBC. Really not trying to take away from your fun, just saying I don’t get why everyone is so excited about it.
It’s not going to single-handedly save the game, but it’s a system that a lot can be done with, and for the first time in a long time it’s an actual fun system they’ve added in. while it won’t save the game it is a huge step in a good direction for the health of the game going forward.
I go very fast and get to my objectives faster. Active flying also appeals to my ADHD that generally lost interest in doing world content due to travel.
Because it’s fun and actually healthy for the game unlike regular 'flying". As others have said, thia sytem opens up other possibilities as well for movement in the future.
its also funny you say this about dragonriding when mission tables, and battle pets were built to be actual mini-games. meanwhile, dragonriding is fleshed out and has a lot of cool content build around it.
While I agree, I must also say the battle pet system is really good. One part of that goodness is it’s completely optional and doesn’t give character power or campaign progression. Unlike garbage mission tables.
Sorry i didnt mean to compare those two and for it to seem like im saying because they were a mini-game they were bad. Mission tables are and will always be terrible, but pet battles are fun i just feel like its more of a minigame system for wow.
Mobile game? There is not one mobile game out there with Dragonriding mechanics and feel. This is what flight in WoW should be. Little bit real life aerophysics is not bad at all. Should stay and be transfered to all other areas and mounts aswell.
Make it permament feature and send us to Dragon Isles at level 20 to learn how to fly.
Because it is fast, Requires us to pay attention more with flying, and it feels good.
Along with the world design based around it. How huge the world is, and all the cook places to zip around.
Along with all the other cool stuff wow has done. Anyone who does not like dragon riding I question if they know what fun is. And people who get motion sickness. Learn tricks on how to deal with it better. You missing out.
Yea but you never get a flying mount in the beginning of the expansion , its alway the ground mount until you unlock the flying which is mid expansion , fact that you can fly day 1 is a good thing not sure why people are complaining lmao
I wish they would add dragon riding to the other mounts but I doubt it’s ever going to happen. Maybe a few of them but definitely not all. They don’t have the required animations and there’s no way they will rework all other mounts.
But I do hope we get to use dragon riding at the other flying areas