I don't get the appeal of Dragonriding

Yea, i know you said that. I just haven’t seen people wanting to delete old flying. Has there been some? I mean i doubt that ever happens. Everyone’s collection of mounts would be kind of useless in current content forever.

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Let me know when it is not true.

This is a video game kiddo not real life. When you design a game, a set amount of rules and limits.

The developers on record saying they don’t like how old flying system is. Do you think they should keep it just for a small amount of players who can’t do dragon flying?


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Um me? I said why I want old flying gone.

It was overpower, and if you bring it back. We would be using both systems to fly around. One to get to point a to b. The other for control.

It would become tedious. We only need one flying system. And Blizzard on record saying they don’t like legacy one. So why keep it?


DR isnt a problem for me. Im literally doing racing rn on other monitor.
I just cannot see a reason that both can’t coexist.


It matters because people bought the game in spite of dragonflying because blizzard stated they would put regular flying in later. Credibility and trust matters.

And you should be careful not to tempt karma like that. Everyone is important even if you don’t think they should be given consideration.


Perhaps, but most players will still use the legacy flying once Pathfinder comes out - let’s not kid ourselves

Being able to (safely) afk while hovering-in-place and not having a “time limit” on your flying is just too good

And for exploring hidden areas/hidden treasures/hard-to-reach areas, legacy flying is better for that too

The only advantage of Dragonriding is higher speed, that’s it. For all other aspects of flying, legacy flying is waaaaay better


Thats a good point. Though is it worth deleting just because of this?

I don’t think most people are. That person is just incredibly weird and rude.

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THANK YOU!! like sorry we shouldnt suffer because you cant figure it out

Wow, you’re such a fracking karren that it isn’t even funny.


Not when there are people who literally get sick from the only option.


how do you suffer if you can use dragon riding and I can use normal flying which is a disadvantage due to being slower?


Your “tedious” argument is fail.

Is having more than 1 damage ability tedious?

Tell your raid your only going to heal with renew because using other spells would be tedious. Lol.


Yes, because picture how tedious it would be.

Also think about future game design. We seen right now what they can do with exploring, and world content with dragon riding. Picture if they expanded it, and got rid of the old system. Future expansion and content based around a new flying system.

I am willing to give up legacy for that.

How do you suffer if they add regular flight alongside dragonriding?

I’ll wait.


I really dont think so. DR is way faster, more efficient, so all the gatherers will use it. Even questing and getting around on general is way quicker. I think that will take priority over ease of use for most of the players.

It is not a fail at all. Having two flying systems being used sounds great on paper, but it would get old really fast.

Sorry but it needs to go.

Regular flying is a means to an end; dragon flying is an end in itself, because it’s fun.

I was going to say, if regular flying is so good, why aren’t there any quests where you race on a regular flying mount? But then I remembered that there are quests like that, for the netherwing questline—and those quests are so bad, it’s no wonder they haven’t done them again many times since then (if at all)


I love it because it’s interactive, it’s incredibly fun, and I can zoom.

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I will absolutely 100% never touch regular flying ever again short of it being the only option.

Even flying from the Org portal room to the DMF teleport was agony and that is like 100 feet.

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