How often do you need to hover? But fine take hover away for all I care, that’s not why I want legacy flying.
I was going to agree with you here but…
At best, it reminds me of Spyro flying sections really… without the dumb drift mechanic and easier races thankfully.
And i say that as somebody who still suffers Spyro YoTD’s Race PSTD.
Perfect! Everybody wins!
Flying at 3x the speed of normal flight will never get annoying.
And why is everyone obsessed with going super fast all the time? Lol.
Gran Turismo is that way
People denying others feedback to simp for multi-billion dollar games/figures? Yep.
And WoW is right here.
Im fine with that, but i really think those who even think they want legacy flying, will stick with dragon riding, or complain that legacy flying is ridiculously slow comparatively. Where going 800 plus speed on DR, and peeps are just going to be ok at 300 speed? I seriously doubt it. Thats why i think DR will dominate use even when legacy is activated.
People are totally dealing with the same frustrations you are, but they are denying it to simp for Blizzard?
Christ on a cracker you guys are a mess.
I hope it is activated for those who need/want it, but I will never ever ever go back to regular flying.
I don’t want to go that fast I have motion sickness so yeah I’ll happily drag myself along on a slow mount, worth it to not need to depend on someone else every time I want to do something since navigating on a ground mount is awful in DF.
Blizzard is awesome. just saying.
it appeals to the rush rush mentality
back in my day “slow mount” was 60%. the horse was faster…
It appeals to anyone who can actually figure out how to properly use 3 buttons.
No we all lose.
It would become tedious for everyone at that point.
Games should have limits and rules, that is what makes them games.
it is time for Blizzard to put foot down on the limits to players. Now that we have a better flying system, we don’t need the old one. So glad reddit and twitter players pushing and putting pressure on Blizzard to get rid of it.
That’s fine, but i do believe that kind of preference is very rare.
doesn’t appeal to me and I can use 3 buttons just fine. I play world content to relax - all these people rushing around is sort of ruining the game for me
then they should just let that minority have regular flying just like some people may have still used ground mounts instead of old flying.