I don't get the appeal of Dragonriding

Irritating to farm items with, or get to a specific spot with? Irritating to land with? A bad energy system that runs out constantly even at max if you’re farming stuff or going back and forth? Something that lets you go ‘up’ without losing momentum or requiring ‘vigor’?

I don’t think regular flying is any of that.


I have all the upgrades and was mining last night and I never ran out of vigor; most people who have all the upgrades will agree that they almost never run out or need to wait for it to regen


Most people with complaints I think are fighting the dragon rather than using the abilities properly.


Or trying to gather and have to stop and go a lot.

Its fine for general travel but DR sucks monkey sack for gathering


I run out constantly, full upgrades?

Nah. Completed advanced courses already which I don’t think either of you have.


I’ll tell you what is going to happen. Legacy flying will be available later on in the expansion, to the joy of some, but what will happen is the vast majority of players will opt for dragon riding in favor legacy flying while both are available. Their internal analysis will see this, and dragon riding will be present and expanded on in future expansions. No matter how much you put on forums, they have player data.

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Even gathering doesn’t expend too much unless you are using the abilities incorrectly.

Use skyward ascent then tilt slight downwards, when that vigor recharges, skyward ascent again. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

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they should keep both rather than alienate some. People will quit if one or the other is removed, very few would quit if both were available.


You can gather a lot and still have basically infinite vigor if you know how to make it regenerate though. If you want to make it easy, there’s a weak aura that shows your dragon’s velocity and acceleration and can help you know exactly what speed you need to keep to maintain Thrill of the Skies, which gives you 1 vigor every 5 seconds with max upgrades

That dungeon in DF is a nightmare. Hate it so much


There’s often 6 nodes all on the same level and nearby, you don’t go up some and then just fly down long enough to regain any vigor.

You literally cannot. Feel free to video yourself doing a full route and not skipping ANY herbing/mining nodes you see and never run out. Both professions, at once.


The problem is that a lot of mining nodes are super high on mountain tops. I dont want to spend 2 minutes flying around in circles gaining altitude when i could just spacebar straight up. Like it has been for over a decade.


If they are close together and on the same level then you don’t need to fly to begin with.

use dragonriders cultivation in the dragonglyph dragon talent tree. Literally mining and herbing recharges your vigor.


That’s fair. But we were addressing the claims that vigor was the issue. It’s not if it is being used properly. You not wanting to use it properly doesn’t change that.

They’re far enough that being mounted is faster than running, so they sorta do.

Only if you stay on the ground for 10 seconds, and it’s only 10% faster for a short period every so often. Incorrect, again. That requires you to not be dragonriding, but to ‘wait’.

i’ve done a ton of herbing and it’s really not annoying whatsoever

it’s like not more / less annoying than regular flying. it’s just herbing, and i can’t even do it on my mount yet (which im looking forward to)

It’s just better than walking on the ground.

yeah, and that is fast af, you really on need 3 vigor anyways since it recharges so fast. There is no way for you to be running out unless you are just bad at riding.

Literally minding the nodes will recharge the vigor while you’re doing it. I have no idea how you losing vigor so fast.

It’s an update to a system that’s not only been in the game for years - but has been a staple of it (flying).

For the first time since Mists of Pandaria they’re adding things to the game that will hopefully be expounded upon in the future, unlike Torghast/Island Expeditions/Garrisons which were just abandoned.

If you dislike it that’s your opinion. But the excitement around it is based on the significance compared to the game’s recent history. I, for one, am all for it.