I don't get the appeal of Dragonriding

Lol, no. I know you are joking. But, just to be clear.

People still liked leveling with those quests. And didn’t like how the world was wrecked visually. Also, some class quests were removed.

Good thing I don’t have to “try to sound right” because I am right. :man_shrugging:

Nope, you aren’t but keep trying. Narcissism is indeed you.

Some people like fun. Some people like acting special. Which one are you?

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LAMP /10char

I thought the talent system was a little weird at first but it ended up being a fun mini-progression system! Cute. I like the races now too

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I’m actually having fun with Dragonriding and I’m even doing the races, no it doesn’t replace flying but because it’s faster, fun and I’m not grounded I will continue using it even if they give us normal flying.

To answer the original question and try to not engage in the insult war.

For me in particular exchanged a part of the game where virtually didn’t matter if I was or not afk, and exchanged it for a much more engaging and fun system, with some challenges and even a dungeon built around it, which makes it feel more than just an afterthought.

In regards of other activities, I personally can mine without problem without skipping nodes, although to be fair I mine and herb in two different toons and sometimes I’m left with only two vigor (which is what I need to recharge to max), so maybe for dual gathering is a bit more waiting time.

I think Legacy has its place in the game, but mainly as an accessibility and collection feature since so far DR personally has felt like a pure upgrade in almost all regards.

One last thing, my hot take, I would not mind Legacy coming back in a future patch, but a) I’d allow then DR in the old world and b) I’d disable Legacy if you have Warmode on. This last week has made me realize how bs is Hover in World PvP scenarios, and that comes from someone who plays on the losing side of its server.

Ah, and this is my main toon of the post above, just to show I’m not trolling for those who care about that

Reminds me of Flappy bird. Beat the space bar to go up and keep hitting so you don’t land.

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It reminds me a lot of the glider in Breath of the Wild. I’ve been finding it pretty fun.
Now if we could only do shield surfing… :slightly_smiling_face:

… what?

It’s ok not to like it. It’s not going to be for everyone.

Personally I’m really appreciating something more active and hands-on, something at least attempting to approach actual flight, instead of the “air swimming” we’ve had since Burning Crusade.

Yeah yeah I kept hearing the same thing about garrisons and followers in WoD.

It’s fast and easy! Speaking of, how do you guys think Sylvanas is doing in SL?

When you are 50, that was recent.

Kinda the same for me. I hit 61 and I’m like 90% through almost 62 and I just don’t feel like playing lol. I did the starter quests to get to dragon isles and gor dragon riding and i was like I got almost 2 levels already wth?? That was Friday after work, I logged off uninspired with no desire to play. I didn’t boot wow up the entire weekend which I was off and had plenty of time to do so. Usually at the start of an expansion I’m gung ho and get a few toons to max to see what all the fuss is about but not DF. I can’t quite put my finger on it but it just feel meh to me. I’m not a fan of the talent trees either where I’ve lost some baseline abilities I’ve had and/or have to choose between them. The “illusion” of choice isn’t a good thing… 4/10 for me currently. Zones are gorgeous and riding the dragon is interesting. Quests and classes fall flat for me.

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i could see them for hovering, but i personally would never use them for actual flying. it just lets you afk too easily and takes away from the game.

You can say whatever you want. At least I can play the game without crying on a forum.

good point, my ignore only goes for 1 year, not joking.

lots of previously ignored shills popping up now…

forever is no longer an option…