I don't get the appeal of Dragonriding

A few reasons I can think of off the top of my head.

1: It’s fast. Like really fast.

2: It’s somewhat involved. Only slightly mind, but having to think a little about where I’m going and how I’m getting there has been nice so far.

3: Because it’s fast, it lets the world be MASSIVE and truly feel immersive / alive. The drop from valdrakkan to the waking shore makes storm peaks look like a children’s play set. I feel much more ‘proprtionally accurate’ I guess you’d say compared to recent expansions.

I’ll absolutely welcome the addition of regular flight for finicky tasks like landing on specific herbs / mining nodes, as well as for those who find dragonriding disorienting or uncomfortable due to any sort of condition, there’s no reason they can’t both exist. But I absolutely applaud blizzard for finding a way to build a set of zones for flying, that doesn’t also feel like it’s skipped by flying and I really hope this philosophy is carried forward in their world design for future expansions.

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Yes, that game was universally panned because of its ridiculous gameplay.

This is why it was so hated; it’s terrible game design.

This is just what I suspected. I don’t care how easy it is, it’s still crap at the end of the day. If this lousy, spiteful mini-game replaces real flight, I am permanently out, as I’m sure countless others will be as well. Blizzard will then have to lie in the bed they have made.

It seems weird that flying is such an essential feature that Blizzard can never exclude it from future expansions (without upsetting people), but also the expansion that finally enabled it in the majority of zones in the game was a net negative because it removed some old quests not many people were doing anymore.

I think what really happened is, people were bored in Cataclysm because dragon-riding hadn’t been implemented, so they had to fly long distances on a totally boring mount that moves at a constant speed and can’t accelerate, not even if you dive off Mt. Hyjal

Its fun full stop.

And I don’t get why anyone would think raids, pvp and M+ are what the game is about. I personally think it’s about doing quests, leveling, stories and other fun things, which raids, pvp and M+ are not. It’s all opinions and we like what we like. /shrug

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Are people saying that ?

Because yes, this is really weird.

It’s better than not flying, the alternative is a long pathfinder achievement only after the 2nd major patch.

anyone find it ironic this guy plays a BM hunter?


To me raiding pvp and m+ is fun but I don’t do a lot of it because I enjoy other things more.

This game wasn’t made for JUST you. They added a lot of things to the game so there is more to do than just quest and raid.

I have severe ADHD and get burned out easily doing just one thing in game so I’m happy there is tons of stuff to do while I’m playing.

Also you must not have been around very much in TBC because I remember everyone being super excited to be able to fly. Then in CATA when we got the ability to fly almost anywhere was amazing.

If you don’t like dragon riding every much don’t do it just like I don’t like raiding very much somi don’t do it.

It’s kind of a step in the right direction to making the game fun again, I think they’re working on experiments to see how people would enjoy it. First it’s dragonriding, then maybe more TMOG, then character customization, then maybe housing.

Oh, so easy answer for you!

Out of all of the various lanes of play, you scope yourself down to but a handful of them. This is perfectly fine and what most people do, but your handful is not the majority handful nor the only handful.

The majority of WoW players spend more time in world content than any other. In this lane, mount/pet collection and achievement hunting tend to be hand in hand. Dragon riding is more engaging than just flying up, pushing num lock, and checking your phone for a bit.

But it also breaks up the tedium of farming! While the old flight would allow me to autopilot and farm while watching a show, I’m actually paying attention and appreciating the details of the world around me for the first time in over a decade.

So why might dragon riding save the game? Well THAT is the short-sighted take, but the nuance is that Blizz managed to not only execute 5he riding really well, but more importantly, they managed to craft the world and world flow with it in mind really well.

They’ve also been on an effort to revamp much older content that players lament sitting around and rotting, and it’s where these two things intersect that you find your answer…

…they’re televising a slow and steady revamp of the core play experience, of which dragon riding bestows great confidence in regarding an area that’s traditionally been a weakness.

Now, not every player is going to articulate it as such, but this is the core of what’s going on.

And it IS a good thing if they keep the momentum, pun intended, as “end game” could one day include older content on a rotation with new affixes in a season, much like the boon of M+ we’ve been seeing

So it’s a “total package is doing the saving” with “but dragon riding demonstrates a commitment to a desired vision”

And for players such as you, who prefers narrower lanes of play? Well, casuals pay the bills! Revamping 5he leveling and casual experience is how you grow a new generation of players, and those players are cash money, and cash money is the largest bottleneck to the content you prefer!

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oh hey Mr. Grinch , are you stealing Christmas next ?

I personally hope the old flying mechanics get removed from the game. DF is how flying should feel, and should play. Maybe the birds and stuff don’t have vigor and such, but imagine a world where the different family of mounts have different feels while flying and different stats and skills. Would be a whole lot more content for people to learn and would be much more immersive (this is why I personally like DF, it’s feels much more like I’m actually in a fantasy world versus using some cheat code to clip).

In my world, If you want to AFK auto travel, use the flight paths.

sorry, deleted post by mistake lol
you did a great job summarizing why legacy flying is my preferred method of travel!
having to use 2 active hands, one on mouse and one on keyboard, makes dragonriding un-usable for me.


Spoken like a true ahole. The tiny isignificiant majority here is you and your ilk that want to get rid of things. I want options. Only ignorant one here is you. Keep trying to sound right, it just makes you sound condescending.


Gladly, blizzard doesn’t listen to people like you who want to get rid of options because you have an ideal how to play the game.


The people that begrudge others about DR are just adult babies, they get upset when others use big words and disagree with them about anything.

Thats ok. Not everyone is going to enjoy the same things.

For me I never considered it a centerpiece of the expansion. I did end up enjoying the advanced dragon riding courses. I’d really like a leaderboard for times because I think I’m pretty good.

But that aside - I can get around faster which, as the bottom line, is the main thing I care about.

“I personally hope cabs get removed from the world. Private cars are how the driving should feel”
“Just afk riding instesd of actively piloting a car is lame.”

Sounds pretty dumb, yeah?

Just because you prefer one thing doesn’t mean the other thing cannot exist. Its almost like different people like different things.

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It’s interactive and fun. I’m really enjoying it. I think people just need to get ahold of how to do it and they will see how much better it is.

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