I’ll try that next time.
You say “few posters on twitter and reddit” which tells me you’re just ignorant and haven’t actually been to those places recently while the same few people who whine on this forum about DR definitely are few in number with no so few of those aforementioned few are just people sockpuppeting on their alts. Again, you, the other whiners, and all of your sockpuppeted alts make up a TINY and insignificant minority of the actual playerbase. Plenty of people who don’t vist this forum let alone know it exists, are just enjoying the new expac and DR. You’re voices are small and insignificant…again, end of story.
It is, but that doesn’t change the fact that all the stuff you claimec makes old flying too powerful, DR does better.
This is precisely why legacy flying should not be included in an expansion specifically designed for and around dragon riding.
sometimes people don’t tilt the dragon downward enough (and thus lose speed) always assume people have the base UI and no addons either (because lots of people are like that)
You have to handle it like tech support because unfortunately there are people that… well… yea…
Lol, fair enough.
Man I was just looking in one of the other DR threads and the amount of hoops you have to jump through just to get basic cosmetic stuff on your 4 (5 if you count the glad mount) lame mount options is insane. Multiple renown grinds, racing grind with RNG rewards, boss farm with low drop chances. And that just for stuff like colors and heads. Basic cosmetic stuff should be baseline, let people grind for flashy/gaudy stuff.
I didn’t think I could be any less interested in this than I was before, but after seeing what it would entail to just get something that looks halfway decent… No. Thanks.
Call me when I can use the mounts I like and not have to grind to slap together something I can tolerate looking at for 2 years, because the only one that isn’t hideous out of the gate is the Drake and that’s just because it looks like a boring generic dragon.
It’s funny, I’m just now getting some more time to play (got some time earlier this week and hit 61, forums haven’t updated) and even with base DR I’m having no issue getting across the zone. Dive, achieve max speed (blue flashes), steer up, occasionally hit spacebar.
It is not the most thrilling thing for me as I mostly use flight for gathering and this is like trying to gather being shot out of a cannonball. That being said its great for getting across maps or up and over things. I am not young and my reflexes are pretty bad but I got the glyphs in all 4 zones and maxed out riding in the first week. I do get motion sickness folks though that would be hell with this but at the end of the day its not mandatory.
When I first got into the Dragonflight zones and started with dragonriding, I HATED it, like I was actively cursing at my screen and decrying it as Blizzards dumbest decision ever. However, I put on my big girl pants, got a few glyphs, messed around with some more and now I LOVE it. It’s refreshing, and once you get the hang of it it makes travel fun. There are some things that are still a bit annoying, such as trying to farm using it because you overshoot everything, and it’s hard to be really precise landing on small areas. But it’s a massive improvement from having to run everywhere, and I like seeing how long I can stay aloft through the zones.
I do hope that we will eventually get normal flying unlocked, just for the ease of farming - but even then I can easily see myself utilizing dragonriding for just general movement.
It’s ok to love dragonriding, its a good feature and should be expanded on but its not wrong to not like it or prefer OG flying either. It doesnt make people bad to prefer regular flight. Some prefer the precision with the old, some may want to hover and look around or afk. Some people like my wife get a little nauseous with DR or just dont care to go super fast. Both sides really can co exist, just like those who like subs and those who prefer dubs. It really doesnt have to be one or the other.
Exactly. Well said.
I don’t think they should delete regular flying (let people fly slow if they want), but I totally agree dragon riding should be everywhere.
It adds fun to the open world. Its an excellent feature and I along with many others actually have fun with it.
You want a 500% mount so you can hit auto run and afk?
Woah OP, I bet you’re just as riveting IRL
Literally 99% of people who don’t like DR are only asking for their old 310% mounts back. That’s all.
See below:
Because pressing auto run is so engaging
he’s the 1% lol
Your concept of Dragon Riding is incorrect.
Does anyone remember Superman 64? And how you had to fight the controls to get the rings in 5 seconds or you lose? Thats what Dragon Riding is, but its easy.
IMO they need to make dragon riding more complicated. I hear that in ARMA 3 the vehicles are so complicated to use that you practically have to take classes to learn how to use them (which is why I never figured out how to use any of them or really do anything in that game). They should make dragon riding just like that
The OP said nothing like this. In fact, they say the exact opposite:
Just because you think something is the best thing since sliced bread doesn’t mean everyone will. Why are you and others of your view so insistent upon creating bad faith arguments to prove you are right? All you’re really proving is what bad attitudes you have.