I don't get the appeal of Dragonriding

you would be absolutely amazed at how little the average customer does while getting upset about a product.

This isn’t actually about the people who have motion sickness anyway. It’s about the people who want noclip based flight and they are white knighting for the very few who would have actual problems with new flight in comparison to the old one.

DR can literally work with a mouse and the spacebar as long as you point the mouse directly up and then mash the space bar to gain height (and speed) then when you hit the peak of your flight to tilt downwards to maintain speed while pressing space bar on occasion to maintain height.

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I am well aware of how it works. I love it personally and hope they expand it to the whole world and continue to have it as an option in all future expansions.

HOWEVER, that option is the keyword. I lose nothing by them adding legacy flying.


No you just have self esteem issues, and want to attack someone to make yourself feel better. When I gave samples of why I feel the way I do. Why I don’t want it in the game, and why I think we are better off without it.

Instead you all want to use disability, and motion sickness as some moral factor of why we need legacy to stay, like it gives more weight behind keeping it. When it really does not.

You are sad.

Thank you, imagine thinking wanting both as option is considered white knighting.


Calling me sad from a person like you is a compliment. I don’t want to know what you think is happy, because I’m sure it is something miserable.


You lose any incentive for the dev team to try and come up with any kind of outdoor stuff because old flight legit nukes any challenge with navigating outdoors for design. The dev team has been trying since WoD to try and come up with stuff to fill that niche but as you can see with all the ‘anti flight’ stuff in past patches to make the world feel more alive and dangerous they kinda have difficulties doing so.


I am happy with being a white knight for being empathetic towards people. Empathy is free. :slight_smile:

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It’s fun and it’s also simple. I feel like it was put in the game for no other reason but fun, and that’s something I really appreciate.

If that were the case we wouldn’t have this expansion. They already said they were adding legacy flying later. Is the content just gonna up and disappear?

Don’t be absurd.

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Not if you tell the devs you want both and can’t wait for them to work with both. Instead of stating the devs to get rid of one, you should just say they should just add both. it doesn’t take dev time away, legacy flying doesn’t need any more work.


They put motion sickness controls in the game, but I don’t know if it works for this dragon riding stuff. I have this problem with PS4/Xbox games. And it’s bad because I wouldn’t just be sea sick at the moment, I would feel sea sick for a week, but World of Warcraft is different. The only thing that ever made me sea sick in the game was this dragon riding thing and something a while back with the goblins. I can’t remember exactly what it was anymore, some weird ride they had for a quest. I don’t know if it’s still even in the game, for some reason that made me strangely ill when nothing else about WoW ever did. I don’t know why. The racing makes me sick, but not just flying in general to get around and do quests.

because creating a challenge now and enabling stuff like hovering and whatnot later after we have cleared the challenges has been Blizzards MO since WoD.

If we ever get fluctuating open world environments Blizzard would be much less desireable in adding it for the obvious reasons

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Apparently people can’t be happy unless someone else is unhappy.


That sounds like a made up problem you just had in your head honestly. Legacy flying is coming but that isn’t getting rid of taking time away from DR type content.


It’s the twitter/reddit mentality. After tumblr got rid of the saucy stuff, all those angry people left those sites and ended up on reddit and twitter which megaphoned their unhappiness to the next level.


I’m being trolled here right?

It is a video game, You can still have empathy for people and still say that you don’t want a feature to get added because it makes the game worse for you.

Some of you got some serious issues here, and need to understand what a game is, and why limits are needed in said game.

You can still feel bad for someone who disable and can’t play said game, while still not wanting something that would make the game worse for you.

It is not the end of the world, and it is not being cruel.

Stop trolling please.

I really did not like this at first, but I got more used to it as I progressed with it in the game.
I learned having all the glyphs helps tremendously (I still have to wait for it to reload often, that part I don’t like). I can’t say that I am in love with it, or blown away by it, but I don’t hate it.

I just don’t get the appeal of being angry all the time.

Ah well, to teach their own I guess.

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imagine thinking empathy for others in a video game is trolling. Nope, we just actually care.


There’s nothing else to talk about besides DR and professions, so that’s all the threads we get!