For those who like it the appealing part of dragonriding is that it takes some marginal amount of brain power to do, and as such feels more like actual gameplay. You can’t toggle autorun and watch Netflix on the other screen until you arrive at your destination, you have to engage, and that’s something some players have been looking for in WoW for a long time.
Nah, I’ve been reading posts on MMOchmp, reddit, and twitter and most people on those platforms love DR. should further accommodations be made for those that are disabled? Absolutely! Should normal “flight” be the answer to that? Absolutely not. Again, it’s poor game design. DR can be made to accommodate those who need those accommodations. End of story.
I don’t think I could ever find myself against someone else’s need if there was not a tangible negative affect on me.
Instead of attacking someone’s character you could just focus on why there’s 0 reason to not have both systems.
How are you going to accommodate people who get motion sickness without changing the mechanics of dragon flying which would impact us all.
Any ideas? On how to make DR more accessible?
No, not end of story. Legacy flying should make a come back. Just because you and a few posters on reddit and twitter, which are horrible places btw, makes it so. MMOchamp just hates everything. They already were angry when transmog first came out because “now I can’t tell if the person is weaker than me at a glace” and so much angry “get rid of transmogs” threads.
So I never take that site seriously.
Really it’s kind of stunning that flight as it has classically been known has persisted so long. It’s so obviously a TBC-era hack with how it’s just swimming with a mount model duct taped on and is incongruent with the rest of modern WoW.
I will attack their character because their character is their whole reason why they don’t want it. They don’t have actual reasons, and their personality is why they are being the way they are.
Some people just want to ruin the joy of others because it makes them feel better.
You mean like how the DR dragons aren’t actually mounts, but are coded as vehicles, which is what causes a whole bunch of lag related bugs?
Well I mean that’s how WoW development usually goes. It’s a pile of hacks, but at least DR is built on a newer hack.
They probably should write a more robust replacement for 11.0 if DR turns out to be successful though.
Dude…that’s just wow in general or any game. Look at half life 2, the trains that run around? Yeah, it’s legit a human NPC model with a train model on top of his head and they have the human model run through the routes for the train station.
by you clicking the options designed for you to turn the streaky wind animation off as well as (it looks it to me) shrinking the size/particle density that surrounds the mount itself. while also centering the camera behind you.
Once you realise how many games are just hacked up codes put together, you will be shocked. Not just games…the defense network systems in the world as well.
And you don’t think they have already done that?
You can attack it that is fine, I really don’t care.
What I said was true, and most people who play a game would agree with me, even if it makes them feel bad.
It is the same way as playing a board game and your friends just have house rules, and MUST play it. You find the house rules boring, but you got to use it because of how stupidly strong it is. Yet it takes away from the game.
As i said if your motion sickness is so bad, that you can’t do it. I wonder how many players have it that bad? The select few who do. Is not a big lost for the overall quality of the game, and from moving on from it.
People feel the same way, just too much of a coward to say it.
Hah yeah I’ve heard about that story.
In the same vein, in Halo CE projectiles for guns and vehicles are actually part of maps, not the game itself which means you can edit them in your custom maps. Back in the day I modded the shotgun to shoot needler ammo and the Banshees to drop tanks in my modded Blood Gulch map. Wild stuff.
Spoken like someone who never got told their sh/it stinks. No, you aren’t right and no we don’t all feel the same way and are too much of a coward to admit it. We just aren’t bad people. Good day!
I love DR. Trying to complete all of the gold (advanced) courses now.
Some of them are pretty insane.
I also enjoy Dragonriding for farming ore etc. More interaction and much more enjoyable than just regular flight.
I think it’s a positive addition to the game and I also don’t get the hype. I wouldn’t rather have a 500-800% mount because that’s not additional gameplay. Having a little mini-game going from point A to B is more engaging so I’m all for it, but that’s all it is. It’s a cherry on top…
I think your point is… it’s sad when people settle for scraps and then aren’t even honest about it. They may honestly feel “oh that’s nice”, but are so hopped on copium, so dependent on WoW being good, that they pretend it’s more than that. It’s like people that say they “love their job” but actually gave up on their dreams a long time ago, which never included having a job in the first place.
Maybe that’s not true for you, whoever is reading, thought it kind of seems like this to me. Maybe I’ve just been playing the game too long (on and off since 2005)… and most of these pet-battle playing, raid finder-using players, just aren’t my crowd and the game that’s designed for them just isn’t for me. They haven’t spent nearly as much time as me doing the same old collection quests so it actually is relatively fresh for them.
I just went off on a tangent sort of venting. Don’t take it personally.