It’s an mmo, it literally is with playing with others. Don’t like it? Play a single player game where you don’t interact with other humans.
I like playing with others who don’t for their disabilities down peoples throats in order to get game changes that don’t need to happen. If you can’t dragon ride, i suggest an easier game like Tetris or something.
im giving away free glyph carries if anyone wants. we may hate it but at least youll have the achievements done
I have zero problems with dragon riding, I love it in fact. I just don’t think getting rid of legacy riding is something that needs to be done because I care for others as well who can’t DR.
I’m not a toolbag like you. Calling empathy “shoving it down my throat”, there is something wrong with you.
They can, and they will. After the first content patch is released. As per usual since forever.
The map was designed for people to find treasures, explore the world, and visit the content for the first time without legacy flying (which trivializes many things). It will get added when it always gets added.
In the meantime, DF is the only expansion we’ve ever had with this much freedom of movement on day one.
You make good points, but I still think dragon-riding will be the massively prefered option. Im not attempting to prove that to somebody who prefers the opposite. As that would be impossible, and a waste of time.
Yeah, I will use both because I like my mechanical mounts more than dragons but I will also DR to get to places quicker. Thing is so fast and fun
It’s fast and it’s engaging. That’s it, not sure what’s so mystical about dragon riding that people don’t understand.
Lol tetris is harder though right?
I will probably occasionally use the regular mounts as I have store ones I like, but for real travel I can’t see ever using them.
Tetris is so much harder than DR. DR is super easy and fun. Tetris is a strategy game with tournaments
Yeah, im absolutely not complaining. I think its fantastic.
I’m just a bit shocked at how hostile people are to the regular flying people.
Dragonriding is pretty easy IMO too. I mean its the same flying as in Zelda SS, and Zelda games are known for being very accessible with difficulty.
You know what if I had the power to delete dragon riding, and therefore ensure content is NEVER designed around it again, I still wouldn’t do it, because I have empathy for people who prefer different things than me, and that would be mean to the people who like it.
Genuine question. Is it possible to be empathetic, and also disagree with certain game decisions?
Ditto, but it’s literally like 5 posters who are aggressively going to each thread and trolling the people asking for legacy flight. I don’t like how unkind some of them are being, but it’s a very small number of actual posters behaving that way, thank goodness.
I feel for the people who can’t play it due to motion sickness. I super sympathize with that. But…flight will come back on its usual schedule. The majority of the complaints I’m reading, however, are not from those who suffer an impairment when trying to use dragonriding. They are from people who did not level it, refuse to just take an hour and go hunt the glyphs or practice the new flight to learn how to use it.
I was frustrated with dragonriding at first, but long before I’d finished the tree out, I was figuring things out and getting better with it. Precision landings are pretty hard, and there is no hover, but I’m getting pretty darned good at landing right on my herb after only one week.
It’s like any new system in the game. Some people legit won’t enjoy it, and that’s fine, but most of the people saying they despise it…haven’t actually tried it. That irritates me a little, not gonna lie. It’s like a kid with new food on his plate breaking down because it just “doesn’t look like something I would like.” Like, take a bite, first, and then we’ll talk.
Depends if the decisions impact you, imho.
My position is that DR is so akin to flying anyway, is anything really damaged by just enabling it right now so that everyone can enjoy a new launch equally? I dunno, maybe its just a vocal few like you said and it’s really not a problem.
As for me, imma just keep playing how I like and not poke other gamers in they eye just to moisten my own fingertip.
Aye, in fact I would add a feature that all mounts that can fly can both do dragon flying and legacy flying with a switch. That is it. You play how you want to play.
Mhmm, well thats quite the conundrum, because in a way, even if something doesn’t directly affect another player. It may indirectly affect them, but it seems like Blizz found their position anyway. As legacy flying is coming eventually.