I don't care how cool or good the content is in SL, if you dont fix class design all of the cool things you bring into the expansion will be worthless

I’m not asking anyone to carry me. If I raid I make sure I can carry my own weight. Games with only one way to play are a terrible idea and I see your mindset is still in the “There should be only way” of playing which is ancient. And games are for fun not to be taken seriously which you seem to do.

WoW should not be for hardcore gamers only. I haven’t raided since WotLK but back then I could play my own way and I did better then most players I’ve been matched with. I also use to be in top 3 damage in BG’s consistently and won the majority of those matches because I would also communicate with teammates. All this while playing my own “custom” way.

If you don’t want to fine tune your classes that is up to you but for those of us that want to and feel like that got removed over the years we should have that option to.

To each their own.

Well…you did just say that people should be giving extra input beyond just saying, “this is too pruned.”

My point is that it would be nice if Blizzard communicated more and took more of an active role towards there customers… In the forums and outside of them.

Because damage is an awesome stat to gloat about when referring to bg’s…

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I wasn’t gloating I was proving a point that playing “my way” did just as good or better then “the only way” playstyle. I remember for a fact that I wasn’t using the meta for a lot of my skill tree and I still performed as good or better then others who probably did use it.

Get rid of this trash GCD on cooldowns. It’s been 2 years and no one likes it.

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You’re probably right. If you only focus on dmg done during a BG, and use that as a metric of you playing successfully. It really wouldn’t matter what spec you’d play. Cause either way you’re most likely fighting in mid or on roads. Not paying any attention to the objective of the game. Being pretty much useless to your teams victory.

I agree, but think about how the posters would conduct themselves. The moment any Blizzard employee says anything we have a zerg of rabid players frothing at the mouth ready to crucify that employee, no matter what they said. Almost any time Blizzard says or does anything there is a number of posters who flip out and rage. The developers have even been given death threats, that’s absurd. If the players would learn to act like adults and have a civil conversation then I bet Blizzard would communicate more often.

Guess what happens when my kids acted like spoiled brats and wanted to throw a temper tantrum? I spanked them and sent them to their rooms, I didn’t sit there and try to talk nicely to them or coddle them. I’m not sure why players expect Blizzard to coddle the player-base and give in to the demands of communication when they will just flip out anyway, Blizzard saying anything usually only makes matters worse.

If players want communication then players need to drop the pitch forks and start communicating, until that happens then I don’t expect Blizzard to do anything else.

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mm, Kaplan seems to interact with the players on OW forums. It’s a shame.

Players don’t try to crucify him en masse every time he says anything either. So there’s that.

LOL, No.

So were:


Classic class design is so far superior to anything in garbage retail it makes me laugh even to compare them. LOL

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The prune skills will be added and they will call it new content! Funny when vanilla make a class feel unique while current content is so homogeneous…

Kind of like getting a tax refund. It feels good till you realize it was your money in the first place.

Only things I want from classes is to actually feel like I’m doing damage and a 1h and shield melee dps spec based on the magic knight architype.

Not what I use to do in BG’s but you obviously are a judgmental person that didn’t even read what I originally was responding to. And I was using overall dmg in BG’s as a point that I wasn’t doing 30% less dmg then those using the meta. Read what others are responding to before you start adding your own crap to the pile.

And it was possible to do high amounts of damage back then while defending or capping. And sometimes there would be huge battles mid that everyone was involved in and you could still get back to defend if needed to. Plus, the huge BG’s like AV and Tol Barad would have you running into enemy players everywhere. And I would back cap a lot in AV so that’s adds up especially when you’re taking on more then one other player at a time.

Again, before you attack someone you should read what they are responding to.

Warriors feel great in Classic tho

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Naw. Vanilla was a magnitudes worse.

They are supposed to be doing some de-pruning, so that should help. They still need to get away from putting moves like Berserk (feral druid) on the GCD. When you use a damage-increasing move, you want to use it and start doing stuff immedietly, not stand around for a second before your abilities come back online. The same goes for Innervate as healer. Sure it makes spells cost 0 mana for 10 seconds, but you have to wait for the GCD before you can even start casting anything (so I guess only 9 seconds).

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I agree that PVP gear needs something to distinguish it. However, the recurring issue with that concept is that it ends up gating any newcomers from PVP. I remember back in the resilience days, having to grind out 1-2 weeks of honor for gear before I could even contribute to damage in a PVP match. That isn’t fun.

There are ton of problems and yes class design is one but not the game changer you are making it out to be.
The RNG ontop of RNG within RNG is a huge problem. Poorly designed gearing, visions, lack of communication with paying customers, needles grinds and time metrics. I could go on and on.