I don't care how cool or good the content is in SL, if you dont fix class design all of the cool things you bring into the expansion will be worthless

Eyes of the Beast is useless outside a few fun occasions and maybe RP.

Give us Kill Shot back for all specs (maybe renamed for SV), that would be far more useful.

I don’t see any issue with this. In order to become better you need to participate in PvP. You will lose many games because you are undergeared, but you will also fail Mythic+ or raids without the proper gear.

My only issue is pvers doing rote content getting extremely better gear in PvE, stepping into PvP for the first time and utterly destroying someone whose more skilled and just does PvP.

Simply giving us back abilities that we used to have and they took away isn’t enough. If as kids, our parents took away our toys in march only to regive them back to us wrapped up under the tree at Christmas… those parents wouldn’t have very many happen children.

The unprune is a good start but we need some NEW***** (I cant stress this enough) abilities to play with. Give us a new talent row at level cap in SL with new abilities to choose from.

Remove the GCD.

Give us some sort of justice/ valor point vendor system again, modernize it if you want.

Some of the idea for essences are cool, and some of the ideas from legion were cool with the legendaries. Bring some of these abilities into SL, as glyphs. Having to grind at max level for active abilities does not feel good.

SL is truly the last chance blizz has for many people, to gain back our trust and show us you know how to make classes/ the game feel fun again.

My only real complaint is Roll the Bones. Im constantly p1ssing away combo points on re-rollin the bones.

DBM isn’t going to automatically give you the boss kill any more so than arena helper addons like Gladius are going to win you the match…

You don’t have to enjoy pve, but it’s quite disingenuous to oversimplify the content for the sake of your argument.

I read your post dawgie. You stated you kept up in damage in an instance where damage does not correlate with how well you’re playing. I assume off your post you qued up for a dungeon just to focus on damage to stroke you’re own ego. Congratulations. Since we don’t currently have a bg that’s main objective is damage done I do not think it’s safe to judge how well you’re doing in a bg by how much dmg you’ve done.

Also this is not an attack. Please don’t be so sensitive. If you do feel attacked please turn off your computer and go to your safe space please and thank you.

Amen to that

Class design in vanilla was definitely not WoW’s greatest, but “MOST” classes design in vanilla/classic is skyhigh better than BFA, IDK how anyone could disagree.

Make classes be more about the Class and not the Spec, which thankfully is something blizzard mentioned they were going to try doing in SL, but ontop of that its basically:

  1. A lot of classes have an insanely easy damaging rotation, few buttons, nothing that you really have to track. WW for example, while some will argue that current WW design with its mastery is cool b/c you don’t repeat abilities, WW used to have to keep track of MUCH more, such as keeping up your RSK debuff for extra damage, or keeping up tiger palm buff for the armor pen, etc.
  2. Utility, classes used to have more game impacting utility that would seperate a good player INSTANTLY from a bad one, a few examples of this include:
    Zen Meditation for WW to eat CC or a chaos bolt for ur low HP’d teammate
    Shiv for Rogue was very nice in previous expansions, meanwhile it is a meh version of what it once was and is also a PVP talent (thankfully they are making it baseline)
    Intervene for Warrior, it was a very useful and fun ability to eat an ability for your teammates, similar to Zen Meditation
    List goes on.

Class design is byfar the most important aspect to the game.

Spamming frostbolt for the entire duration of an encounter disagrees with you.

Absence of synergy between skills disagrees with you.

Spamming a skill that does zero damage to hold threat disagrees with you.

Wasting 6 seconds to put down totems and not fighting disagrees with you.

And the list goes on and on.

70% of classes in BFA having a 3 button damaging rotation disagrees with you.
70% of classes having 0 utility in BFA disagrees with you.
70% of classes being a pruned version of themselves, further leading to 70% of classes having very minimal CC disagrees with you.

BTW, I kind’ve cba PVE’ing, so if your argument is that a mage presses frostbolt for 100% of a raid boss, then I frankly don’t care. But from a PVP POV, you simply cannot say with a serious face that class design and mechanics in BFA are this INSANE!!!1!!!1!!! thing compared to classic.

dw though, tbc will come out eventually and this argument will be irrelevant.

I’m just talking about the entire game, because I’m not sitting there pretending 90% of the game doesn’t exist because “i jUsT pVp”.

I NEVER SAID classes in BfA are THIS INSANE. I didn’t even say it was good. All I said was it’s better than in classic. That means BfA class design could be 2/10, classic 1/10, they’re both crap and nowhere near the best versions of themselves.

BTW you might want to go play retail for more than 10 minutes and then fix your incorrect numbers before people call you out on that.

I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but from the perspective of a new player / first time pvper looking to try it out, who is going to sit through 1-2 weeks of getting *$&% on by other players before being able to stand a chance?

In D2 someone can go into pvp with vastly inferior guns but still have a good chance to kill people assuming they can aim. In Halo you can beat someone with a sniper if you have a pistol assuming you are good at faking out the shot and dodging.

Even in Overwatch you can grab any hero and go, you don’t have to unlock abilities or “earn” your right to do decent damage.

But in WoW, as a new player of moderate skill, someone would stand no chance against a second rate player who has done a lot of BGs and has that full set of resilience gear. It was a gated system.

PVP needs something to distinguish the gear from PVE gear, unfortunately the things Blizz has tried have failed, and I am not knowledgeable enough to tell them what would make it work.

We need a complete rollback to MoP and an end to Pathfinger. Nothing short of that will ever see me back in retail.

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Either PVP is a balanced game a skill, or its a gear treadmill where playing longer gives you more power.

You cant have both.

Yes I am speaking from my perspective

You are one of the few that I have heard say that the shtstain that is BFA class design is actually better than classic, which is quite a joke, so either 1) you didnt play early on, or 2) you likely accomplished some achievement that you think is “good” in BFA to the point that your now “bFa iSnT tHAT bAd!!”

I only raid log on classic, too busy getting glad and going for r1 on retail

It’s quite funny your argument’s that you make up to try to make yourself seem correct. I now have no more time to argue with an idiot.

Your probably one of those cucks who also thinks that TBC is “worse than retail!!”

They won’t, they have no plans to

In before 404.

Some of the abilities being returned to base class (raise dead) would be nice, but I think anyone on the front lines (literally everyone with the spell in some form) should have Battle Rez. Seriously, “Absolution - Raise all fallen allies. must not be in battle.” Which one of the raid members (indoor raid) is going to idly wait by for the paladin to get that last whack of the final boss in, and wait for the 30 second cast when they could spend 1 minute flat getting “there” on foot anyway? If the paladin isn’t primary healer, the tank isn’t dead, but a few dps got over their heads in threat, Absolution (all specs, seriously) should be castable in the heat of battle.

Pretty sure Anduin didn’t say “Okay, my fallen comrades. The battle for Lordaeron is still raging but because I put down my sword and no enemies charge at me at this moment, I can cast a healing miracle to revive you all. Oh, wait, incoming elite. Brb, one sec bros.”

A) most of the time you can’t release during a boss fight anyway
B) mass resurrection spells take 10 seconds base

If you are going to make an argument for something, at least keep the hyperbole reasonable. Then you have this little gem

What are you trying to do, remove any potential challenge from the game? Battle rezzes have a limit, based on time, for a reason. I’d only go this route if those rezzed by the spell capped at however many battle rezzes you had available. Otherwise, you would be opening boss fights to so much cheese that Blizzard might as well hand you the loot after tagging the boss

Anduin is a lore character, in terms of power/ability he should be above us just like we should be above the rank and file soldiers of either faction, things like plot armor and such not withstanding.

So in the spectrum of the entirety, “The lore character who did nothing and gets all the credit should have abilities we have but better.”
Got it.

Lore characters have access to things us players do not, like Tyrande is some kind of hunter/priest combination, Velan is some kind of super priest, as is Anduin (when he is not trying to be a paladin).

They, unfortunately, do get all the credit when all is said and done because out characters are not really cannon in anyway but a mention as “an adventurer”. In essence, even if we play through the part you described, it can easily be written as though we were never there. In fact, someone could pull the “Anduin had to resurrect the troops because there were no adventurers to do it for him”.

does it take away the lame? Yes, yes it does.
How come? it doesn’t, but we’ll say it does.