I don't care how cool or good the content is in SL, if you dont fix class design all of the cool things you bring into the expansion will be worthless

Class design is the true problem here. You can have the best zones ever, the best raids ever, you can have arthas drop down from a spaceship with varian and hand out snickers bars… it wont really matter if the classes dont feel satisfying to play.

I have been playing since wrath, and in my opinion class design in bfa is the absolute worst it has ever been. I play a lot of alts and classes just dont " feel " satisfying like they used to.

There is a lot on the line here and SL has the potential to be better than legion if you do it right. Make class design a priority and let’s make wow great again.


Class design is not in a great spot, but it’s still about 7 or 8 million times better than vanilla, let’s be real for a minute.


Rogues in vanilla were better than the dumpster fire of BFA.


Haven’t even pre-ordered.


me to, gonna have to see a lot to pre order, so far nothing enticing.


People always complain about class design, but fail to give any specific examples of what they want fixed.


They’re going to return some pruned abilities and that will help. I don’t want a three button rotation, that is boring. Give us our stuff back, especially the abilities that were moved to talents (regular and PvP). Stop removing stuff OMG!

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We asked for pvp vendors for years.

They aren’t coming in shadowlands.


Revert the GCD change.


One of the main reasons I have 0 faith in it. They do not seem to care about what systems we prefer as paying customers. This “de-pruning” I have a feeling will be its own joke before its all said and done.


inb4 hurr durr u don’t like gcd change but play classic?!

Unless they make PvP gear better in PvP again than PvE gear via scaling or resilience having a vendor isn’t going to mean anything.

PvP gear = PvE gear is the reason there are no vendors.

I am extremely against scaling because that destroys the gear progression aspect of an MMORPG.

What I take issue with is that a guy who literally listens to a DBM audio queue to move out of fire is literally being awarded more gear than me, than me who has to worry about tanking my rating into the dust if I don’t win games against another player (you don’t lose RIO score).

I am totally for PvP gear having some kind of unique stat or distinguishing feature that makes me better in PvP, but scaling was tried, and it was a failure.


Smart move. Preordering to Blizzard seems to be nothing more than a reason to ignore alpha/beta feedback. Maybe a lack of preorders will get them hungry enough to actually pare back some of the boneheaded decisions they’re bound to make for Shadowlands.


This leads back to the core issue being PvP gear not being uniquely better in PvP than PvE gear which IMO is the much more significant issue. Way more than a vendor.


“bUt hOw caN u JudGe tHE gAmE if It isn’t EveN Out YeT?!”


That’s not because of class design, that’s because of horrible balancing.


Balancing isn’t even better in BFA.

I played Classic. I like it because it is extremely bursty, things die quickly, every class can do that.

In BFA? Only Locks and fire mages can nuke you, everyone else fighting a healer does literally 0 damage to them because healers never OOM or ever take damage.


No? Every tank, healer, and dps are viable for whatever content they want to do. Not so in classic.


I might be a casual, but I just wish they’d go back to balancing classes around the class/spec itself and not random items like azerite traits/essences/now corruption.

I know SL is gonna have us pick a faction (oh boy…) to get 1 or so extra abilities, but god dangit can’t I just go back to being a rogue relying on gear and not extra abilities that aren’t even mine?