I don't care how cool or good the content is in SL, if you dont fix class design all of the cool things you bring into the expansion will be worthless

So we can agree that the community/social interaction is almost non existent in this MMORPG unless you’re doing mid to top tier raiding/mythic+?

Yep you’re correct.

Not really their job, is it?

Classes need to feel “good” and “fun to play” for a very wide majority of the players to be successful. You don’t design classes, or take feedback exclusively from, the very few who could write an essay about it or put up with your interrogation.

Classes feel bad. Blizz even admitted they went too far with pruning and the GCD. That’s enough.

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My problem, after playing since vanilla has always been the “lets let all classes do everything” Here is my suggestion, I doubt it would ever happen but I can dream.
encourage people to make multiple characters. Allow sharing of ALL resources in your account, every currency is account wide.
Then make classes fit that role and only that role. Make healers be healers, No DPS spec, make tanks only tank and severely reduce their damage output.
Make each class fit a role and then you can login and play what you want, without this concept of “alts” rep is shared, essences are shared, Artifact power is shared, etc etc etc.
All currency or things tracked are account wide. you have ONE currency tab per account, one Rep tab per account, etc etc

dont! lol help teach em a lesson because of WC3R.

in general we as a society should stop pre-purchasing unfinished items because it has allowed game developers to get lazy.

I agree OP. Sadly, I have lost hope in Blizzard actually doing something positive for classes and listening to their player base when it comes to anything anymore.

I’ve seen people write books about what is wrong and what is good. They even add in the math and still it doesn’t matter. There isn’t anything wrong with simply going, “I don’t like this” and would be nice if Blizzard replied with “Okay, what’s wrong?”

What I personally would like back? Wrath style classes. My gosh how I loved playing them then.

I’m with you on class design. If Shadowlands doesn’t do something to make classes fun again I’m probably gone for good. They are just so boring right now.

You can’t make your class feel different then every other of the same class. Every class/spec running around is basically a carbon copy of the one you’re playing. They might have different gear but they play exactly the same which is boring. You can’t hybrid and make a class fun anymore.

And Blizz bringing back one or two skills to a class in Shadowlands is not going to change that in any way, shape or form. We need the ability to customize our classes so that we can make our class more to our liking/playstyle and not just a cookie cutter of every other spec of the same class. They could use the talent tree to allow players to customize every skill.

Shadowlands = WoW savior or bust for me.


After quitting BfA a few weeks after launch I came back a month or two ago. I’m enjoying it much more than I was when I quit and I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as these forums make it out to be. HOWEVER, I couldn’t agree more that class design is the worst it’s ever been. Idk if it’s simply a matter of losing our legion artifacts and legendaries or what but the classes feel hollow, slow, and boring af compared to basically any other time in wows history. It doesn’t matter how amazing the content is if the vehicle with which you experience it is busted. And IMO that’s what makes WoD a better expansion than BfA.

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Class design is the true problem here.

Louder, for the kids in the back please!


Class Design in BFA is SO DAMN BAD. Not a single class/spec I played was enjoyable. I have far more fun playing Classic than anything in BFA. And we all know how stellar Classics Class design/diversity is.

All classes and specs need a complete overhaul and entire remake from the ground up at this point. They’re all terrible.

Most of it is the general feel of the class. Like every class has their buttons to press and its easy enough to figure out which one to press and when, but often times it’s unsatisfying. Like holy in legion was super, but all through BFA it just doesn’t feel right, probably because you’re spamming flash heal trying to get your holy word off CD, all the while your tank is dying and guardian spirit’s already been used.

Personal experience though and I’m sure there are better examples.

Yeah, it is actually. If you’re hoping to complain then explain there issue your complaining about or nobody will have any idea what you’re talking about.

Which is why Blizzard needs feedback, same reasoning as my comment above.

Have we really reached a point where we need Blizzard to ask us what’s wrong before we give any extra input? Lol

Yep. One of the many reasons why I consider modern WoW an Arcade game.

There are factions and/or realms that are dead and struggle to get 20 good raiders together to prog mythic.

Please allow cross realm guilds already and be done with this mess.

It literally isn’t. And I’m not using “literally” in the new way that means “not actually literally”. I’m using it in the way that means, “yes, literally, actually”.

If you’re hoping to complain then explain there issue your complaining about or nobody will have any idea what you’re talking about.

And people do that. YOU then say, nah, that’s not good enough, do your job or shut up. You ask for more and then say people have no right to complain if they can’t produce a unique treatise every time you ask.

Which is why Blizzard needs feedback, same reasoning as my comment above.

Pretending for a moment that they actually have an intention of acting on feedback… Have you taken any of their surveys? These general “feeling” type questions are what they want to know about.

Why do I even bother? All you do is defend Blizzard at every opportunity, no matter what the issue. You’re one coffee delivery away from being an unpaid intern.

Okay, I’m sorry for replying to you again so soon, but…

Are you not aware of the BfA beta feedback forum scandal? How Blizzard asked for, received, and then ignored all the feedback because their development model doesn’t accommodate it?

And then they deleted the forum.

You’re amazing.

I took more from that post than just those 2 lines of dialogue specifically.

It honestly would be pretty nice to have some sort of civil discussion with Blizzard again.

The silence is deafening.

Maybe, but there won’t ever be an agreement between how separate pvp and pve should be. I prefer the current system, no separation.

If they would ignore pve only players and buff pvp gear quality and acquisition speed to be equal to that of pve it would be fine now.

No. You are playing a surv hunter, arguably one of the highest pressure specs in the game. You have the tool to pressure healers. There is no question non cd dmg needs to go up for a lot of specs, but surv is not one.

No one wants to hard carry your “custom” spec because it’s 30% worse than the optimal way.

I wholeheartedly agree with the above poster that every character feels like a carbon copy of another character of the same class.

Really, the only thing you have control over your identity now is your race/class combo and your mog. That’s a shame.

Of course what you suggest is not the answer.

I’m not even certain that the answer needs to affect performance. For example, it has always bothered me how every race of priest has been forced into the Human holy light theme.

I understand how these spell effects help normalise telegraphs in PVP. I’d like to think that there’s a possible solution for this.

Your post is just full of lies; there are hundreds of posts listing specific examples of what they want changed.

To make life easier for Blizz, revert to MoP class design and go from there.