I dont care about Vulpira Give me th Zandalari Warlock I was promised

Dang. That was the exact gif I was going to post when I read the OP.


We don’t even look a like, our names don’t even remotely come across as similar, the only thing we have in common is we’re both rogues. If you can’t pay attention to a detail beyond “yellow lettering”, that seems a little lazy on your part, at work or not.

Not saying mine invalidates yours, I am saying there is a long list of things cut, and a long list of people demanding things that have been waiting for responses from Blizzard.

My opinion on the whole matter is “Blizzard can cut any content they want out of the game, whether we like it or not, and Zandalari Warlocks are not an important piece of content”.

You’re missing the whole point of “The WoD content” in regards to what they show and what they give, but keep on skipping that to further push the narrative that you are being put down. I am merely explaining to you that Blizzard cuts content, and what you want is in line with what other people want, which is a race/class combo that they decided doesn’t work in their eyes.

They can write the lore any way they want. We don’t have to like it, but it is their story to tell.


This is the closest thing you have said to an actual argument as it pertains to the op. It is their story to write and its our money to spend. Their lore establishes zandalari warlocks then they thoughtlessly say the lore doesnt support zandalari warlocks which makes no sense. As a consumer and customer I have the right to call them out on this nonsense. They have the right to ignore me. So do you. However it does not invalidate the fact that they are wrong on why this was gutted while everyone else knows the real reason it likely to satisfy alliance dogs that hate the hordes new toys and would cry bias even though it makes sense for Zandalari warlocks.

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Monks just punch things.

Oh i agree. But it’s just strange to me due to the Monk class being Pandaren tied. It’s my largest issue with the class.

We see Vrykul. And other trolls. For all we know any adventurer could have come and trained them. Vrykul are monks without being tied to Pandaren from the monk campaign.

We also see them as monks (brewmasters/drunks) in the same area as warlocks albiet them being undead too.

Agreed. But it still seems weird especially when some races are still not able to be monks. It’s a consistency issue i have if anything else.

Yea. I think the other races deserve monks too especially goblins. They are heavily featured in brewfest… Yet no bremaster goblins?

Well, there has been other Monks in the game not tied to Pandaria. Like ogres, the undead, Draenei and others.

Edit: I mean eredar, not Draenei specifically.

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Agreed, but unfortunately the way they implemented it makes it heavily tied to Pandaren. Which is what i have issue with. I wish it was implemented in a generic fashion.

:thinking: Agreed.

Same But they started to spread it out with the Vrykul monk lore.

Yes, and Kul’Tirans should have gotten death knights, too. They could have been added to the current DK starting zone without any changes.

The idea that a race can only have a limited number of classes to the exclusion of classes that would fit the lore is so dumb.

It would make as much sense as goblin or worgen DK’s i suppose.

Yeah I hate this. I’m all for races being restricted if it fits the lore, like undead paladin, but outside of lore that’s just absurd. Well maybe undead paladin is a bad example. Undead druid.

Honestly if we ever raise any kultiran thornspeakers im sure they will keep th ere druid powers as they get there juju from various sources. Death magic included.

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With Goblins, it’s a little weird that they join the Horde right away instead of going to the Steamwheedle Cartel first. And the whole Arugal situation with Worgen death knights is just messy.

IMO, the Kul’Tirans make more even more sense than either of those. They were a part of the Alliance for years before Wrath. They aren’t really limited to the heavy body type in the lore, so they could be taken for a mainlander and brought in to the Alliance with no more questions asked than a Stormwind human.

It’s just sad that death knights have gotten zilch in the way of new race options since Cataclysm.

Now that would be insanely interesting.

Im betting we will see more race class combos added next expansion. The hero classes are due for more on the allied race front. The other classes may get recent lore updates as well such as night elf paladin.

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Dude I hope so. Class lore has changed a lot since Cata.