I dont care about Vulpira Give me th Zandalari Warlock I was promised

Zandalari warlock was in the bfa blizzcon panel. It was promised to us then removed. I do not care for the excuse blizzard made that there is no lore to justify it because it is wrong for two reasons.

First is that Demoniacs are in the game. They are Zandalari warlocks and Blizzard is retconning them. Demoniacs are already a part of this game since classic.

Second they can make an intro quest line that explains why and how they were brought in post battle for dazaralor. It can be a quest of redemption for them as they will be needed to fight the alliance and they would want to fight for their homeland.

Blizzard just give me what was promised. Hope someone sues you for the lies you shared.



Was it? Anything not in the live game is always at risk of being changed.


More excuses for lazy development.


There ingame just not playable sadly : /

Not in the slightest.

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Anything can be simply made up. This is a world of flying cities and magic balls of fire explained simply as “magic”.

Its not an issue of canon or lore. Its an issue of gameplay.

As said, anything can be simply made up. Regardless of the consequences or the cringe faces people would make even at the notion of ALL races getting all classes.

They simply didn’t want to give the Zandalari that many class options.

IMO they should give Zand Warlocks and Kul Tirans Paladins. It won’t affect your gameplay either way but it’ll give people what want.

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Sure, can we take back paladins? As you were not supposed to have them according to that same panel.


Hes got you there.

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Show me exactly the promise. One. Promise.

Yes, they originally planned to make Zandalari warlocks at the exchange of Paladins. BUT the community outcry for a paladin class came at the exchange of that.

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Anything in development is subject to change. How have you not figured this out after almost 15 years?


I was actually hyped about being able to have Zandalari Warlocks. Then they didn’t happen. I have nothing against the Paladins but I would have race changed my Horde Warlock to one in a heartbeat.
Oh well…


You believe things blizzard promises?

I imagine politicians have sold you a handful of bridges too.


Omg there are 6 Horde Warlocks to choose from and one is a troll… which you’re currently playing. It’s not that big of a deal.



They took them out so the alliance wouldnt feel bad about us getting 10 classes from one race imo. Even though giving alliance mages gave them more overall race/class combos.


I don’t think this is true. They could have easily just thrown in Dwarven Druids to compensate. I think they just screwed up the panels.

Hell, I’m still scratching my head at monk being available over Warlocks…


They wouldn’t throw in an old race/class combo. There is no precedent for that. Each new race/class combo came with an expansion. They know they messed up with lightforged/highmountain class numbers imo.

While I agree. I don’t think folks would have been bummed with them essentially adding Wildhammer to the Alliance pool. Hell, I think Horde players would even be happy if Dwarves got some Wildhammer tattoos.

Idk. Zandalari getting all race combos ‘do’ make sense due to them being THE race of Azeroth. But Dwarves getting all combos made sense for years as well (imo).


Give me high elves first.

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