I dont care about Vulpira Give me th Zandalari Warlock I was promised

Promised? You know all that stuff is pending till launch, right? No one ever said “We promise you can be a Warlock”. Plus, you said that like you would say to your girlfriend if she cheated on you. “But, you promised that you love me” So dramatic.

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Yup. Next patch also has some lore updates for gnomes… they have a “garden”.

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crosses fingers for Nightborne Demon Hunters

Nightborne look like the perfect druids though O.o was soloing the Nighthold the astromancers would make PERFECT balance druids!!! With glyph of stars or a star like boomkin form <3

I think they would be good spellblades if they gave shamans the ability to use swords as well. Those 2 bosses in nightholds are something that would be cool to play as.

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Nightborne Druids would be cool too, MANA KITTIES!


I don’t understand this reasoning either. Sure demoniacs are in the game, so it makes sense for them to be playable.

HOWEVER. Blizzards statement was that Zandalari did not tolerate warlocks. Who tolerates warlocks? Who cares if we’re tolerated? A warlock can just go into the wilderness and practice their dark arts.

The whole idea behind warlocks is they’re bargaining for dark power by taking any means necessary. Waiting for the acceptance of your community isn’t something I see warlocks doing.

“Oh I didn’t realize siphoining the souls from living creaures was wrong, I’ll stop right now” - Said no warlock ever.


Rastakhan might have had them all hunted down and killed after that whole “demon invasion” things a few hours ago.

That made me laugh, it really does feel like that.

Possibly. Executed order 66 the moment the demons got hairy.

Good thing Talanji is taking over. Maybe under her rule we can get some warlocks in the mix!

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Undead warlocks rule you, troll.

You cannot even begin to compare to our abilities to dominate all in our path.

Trips over a pebble.


What Zandalari are warlocks? As from what I can find, there is not a single Warlock amongst the Zandalari. Demoniacs are not exactly a warlock, but something more.

Demoniacs are similar to Demon Hunters, in which they fuse themselves with demons.

Since (from what I can see online and in-game), the Zandalari AR is focused solely on the Loa. And since they have no connection to fel magic, it makes sense for them not to have Warlocks in their service.

Yupp. Everyone. Absolutely everyone knows this. Nice generalization by the way.

Careful now, your bias is showing. Not everyone cares about Zandalar Warlocks. I could really care less, but you seem to have this hard-on not to accept that Blizzard backed out of making them possible, and are just now making irrational excuses and insulting Alliance players (for whatever reason) just to justify your complaint.

They are mostly in Vol’duun along with other exiles. Some are zombies inflicted by the pirate curse.

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And you are coming off as very entitled.

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Nice contribution. Thanks for your comment.

You’re welcome.

Look people already told you that Bliz said that the warlock thing was a mistake when they made the announcement.

There’s a lot of things that Bliz has announced that never make it to live.

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Exactly. So lets shut down the forums because in the world you control opinions on things announced are not valid. There is no point in having these forums if blizzard makes a statement.

You’re only getting the tude from me because you came here deciding to have an attitude with everyone else.

I hope you realize that. Drop the attitude, then we can talk like adults.


Blizz really needs to add KT Paladins, Dwarf druids (they make the most sense via the Wildhammer, no DI Dwarf druids though), and Zandalari warlocks. Also, if you’re going to do the whole “monks can be anyone” you should add lightforged monks, and worgen/goblin monks. Aside from this, that really rounds out all lore appropriate race/class combos, IMO