Flags are still tied to the Character. Pick a day where there is in influx of nonsense or a super hot divisive topic. Report until you run out of flags. It is 5 per 24 hours. Switch chars. Your new char will have all the flags again.
Various times I have had to explain to people that switching chars to mass report, even though the software lets you do it, can get you in trouble. Sadly they don’t seem to really moderate well to prevent it.
Yeah I saw that. I considered that nothing more than an acknowledgement of the CC. The Community Council, to be fair, has done their part as far as I’m concerned.
Blizzard always talks about improving communication. They say a lot of things. What actually happens doesn’t often line up with what they say. So we will see! I am not holding my breath. And maybe I wasn’t paying attention-- I don’t see how 9.2 could have been based off of any feedback from anyway. That’s just me though.
I can attest to this. I wanna say some time early last year? Someone said something nasty about me here and it really pissed me off, so I alt hopped to flag and hide the post. I was almost immediately actioned though. I didn’t contest it. I also never bothered to do that again!
I agree, but I mean you can’t even disrupt anything even with flagging even assuming that this is even true. Blizzard unflags things that they don’t agree should be flagged.
wasn’t talking about how elite/not elite they are, was talking more how most of them have nothing constructive to say but a list of demands. most of them talk no different then a regular forum poster. they just have gold text.
I think it’s good to get people of different levels of gameplay as I think this game has focused on hardcore raiding to much and is pushing even casual raiders out of normal mode, but they don’t get rid of the useless ones when they say something stupid where a regular forum poster if you say something stupid it’s not in bright colors for all to see like your opinion matters more for some reason?
I view gold text the same as most streamers basically, they think their opinion matters more and give a list of demands like they speak for the entire community. Also this foum is notrious for mass reporting different opinions
(like wanting changes in classic LIKE CLASS BALANCE/HD models got me banned for trolling)
Yup, people just use flagging as a means to “downvote” someone more than anything. In most cases, the mods see through it.
It’s quite cringe though when people encourage mass-flagging or consistently say “you’re breaking the rules!” even after a mod removes the flag. It was out of hand with the MVP program and it’s out of hand with this one.
there isnt a purpose for them. blizz either forces them or they choose to hide behind alts such as the trolls and doom and gloom posters. some of the CC members also addon to the Doom and gloom WoW is dying.
Id be fine with it if they rotated people in and out for different voices overtime and if they were never active they get removed. I assume there’s a sizable chunk of the council that has made 0 posts
and this is my opinion of DOOMERS (not to be taken seriously) that is also not to say things have not been ruff with COVID and PR drama
wow will continue to have peaks and dips as people play different games and people have short memories as shadowlands was considered a GREAT expansion at release.
Then 8 months of 9.0 and then later 9.1 drained people of excitement due to covid/employee drama as these were the longest content gaps ever between patches and only thign longer was from mist to WOD
I think my only gripe is that even though I barely see gold text as often as you should, not a lot of it is constructive. Then, it’s almost as if we have to uphold the post on a different pedestal as if their opinion is worth more than a normal poster. At the end of the day though, it’s just a color change.
You really should not. As you said, posters are posters. Value the post for the content not the color of text. You don’t have to put anyone on a pedestal.
Except, by default Blizz put you guys on a pedastal in a role you chose to apply for, whether or not we should treat you guys different is inconsequential as Blizz is treating you guys different.
It sucks but it also causes you guys to be scrutinized more than a regular GD poster as Blizz has said they’re using the CC forums to better recieve feedback from players. Saying the pedastal doesn’t exist is a bit disengenuous as well.