I don't agree with the Community Council structure and I opted to not read people with golden texts

this. a million times. this is exactly how I feel about the entire concept of the CC.


the fact that we apparently have a customization thread in the community council and blizzard answers customization questions with “when do you want it” shows you how important the community council is

like bro we said we want it now back when shadowlands was launched

I don’t have any issues with the members on the council. And while there has been more blue posts over in that forum than we had been seeing, there still isn’t as much consistent communication as I hoped there’d be.

There is one thing that is bugging me, though. They are only posting feedback threads in the council forum for the new expansion when they should be asking the entire player base. Why weren’t those threads posted in GD?

I hope they don’t think the council represents every player because there have been a lot of posts over there that I have disagreed with.

lol you misunderstood

community council is not asking the community and posting feedback

its about posting threads on what they think and asking the community to comment on them

No one council member will represent the entire player base. We represent our playstyles and experiences, some of which you might agree with, some of which you won’t. There’s posts on the council I don’t agree with either. It’s not there for everyone to agree with each other about how perfect WoW is. We don’t and it’s not.
The council is there to provide a more streamlined feedback channel to Blizzard. Whether they choose to act on our feedback is completely up to them. We’re just giving it to do with as they please.


You misunderstood what I wrote. I didn’t say the council was posting feedback threads, I said Blizz was.

nah i did not misunderstand

trust me the community council rarely even bothers to ask the community for their feedback

they dont exist to represent the community views they exist to represent what they think is feedback its why blizzard picked them


I think that’s really the main issue with the whole community council thing. It’s really the implication of what everyone else’s feedback means now. Realistically, Blizz can’t spend all day rummaging through GD to read everything. But with the creation of the CC area, how much LESS are they paying attention to this side now?

Like you mentioned, after the expansion announcements, they made posts on the cc thread, asking for feedback about the new xpac, LK classic, professions and something else (I forgot). At the very least, the next expansion one SHOULD have been posted here
 I mean, new expansions are some of the most hyped parts of playing WoW, and even in this one instance, there was no interaction over here. It’s pretty much a let down.

Something about applying to have your voice mean more also seems pretty iffy to me. It’s a video game.

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Tbh,have they ever asked us for feed back before they even posted it to Blizzard?

Until Asmongold gets on the Council, it can never be of any true value!

Ah, that’s different from what my point was.

I never expected council members to solicit feedback from other players, just to give their own personal opinions/viewpoints since players didn’t pick them or ask them to speak on our behalf. I think the use of the term Council was probably not the best idea lol

I think they catch and action people pretty fast for doing that.

Yeah, this is pretty much what I was getting at :slightly_smiling_face:

Pls don’t mix up his persona and his real character.
I wouldn’t want asmongold on the council
 But Zack could be there anytime, if he wanted to be.

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A lot of hate? I can’t really understand why.
I mean depending on how you would structure your comment it is just your feedback.

Like I would probably title such a link:
“Today in the CC: phase4 blah bla.”
And in the body:
“This is my thought, and what do you think?”

I can’t really see anyone getting upset about that. But ok I also never tried.

I’m basing my previous comment on the statement of the golden people that linking and discussing is possible and likely encuraged.

I have a guild member who is a Community Council. They keep telling me they have no actual authority on getting things done whenever I ask them for a mission table in ZM.

Apparently they are just people who play the game. Who knew.

I completely agree.

He has had a direct line to Blizzard CMs and Devs for many years. He has a larger “voice” than all the Council put together.

Those are targeted feedback threads they use to get the feedback organized into topics. Rather than have everyone just making a ton of threads, they wanted it contained into buckets.

For the General forums they know people are going to provide a ton of feedback too.

The Community Managers get paid to collect that feedback, so it does get seen, esp anything major.



To be fair, streamers like Asmongold seem to regularly promote ideas I actually identify with personally, including:

  • making all reputations, currencies, etc account-wide
  • remove timegating/artificial slow-down elements that just waste the player’s time
  • adding new BG maps (especially)
  • design the game for the “middle” 80% of players
 not just the bottom 10% and the top 10%

I know streamers get a lot of snide remarks/hate on here, but they really do nail a lot of key-points changes that the majority playerbase wants made to the game. Streamers are popular for a reason :joy:


I don’t care for them. I know they’re regular people just like us who were randomly chosen. The gold text doesn’t make their opinion any more valuable than mine.

I do read them however, since they’re upheld to a higher posting quality than the other forum goers. At least I’d assume so.