I don’t understand how guilds are clearing bwl day one in 30 mins

glad we agree on naxx stuff being easy-mode.

Mythic encounters are hidden until literally the first time you step in. BWL came out 15 years ago

only the mythic endboss is hidden but yes, this also make classic even easier.

Pserver guilds have been training in a hyperbaric time chamber for this day. Even the best players in retail just can’t compete with the amount of actual practice these players have.

let me reiterate, “naxx stuff” will NOT be easy for guilds wiping multiple times on firemaw. it will be an uphill climb for those guilds.

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Maybe they are a lot better at the game than your guild?

The guilds that did this planned for it, and put a very large amount of hours in preparing for it, as well as probably a lot of hours in pirate servers perfecting the raid.

Dont take them as your yardstick, they are the exception and not what most people will experience.
You are seeing the raid exactly as you should, this is how people saw it in vanilla for the 1st time.

Dont try to oneshot the thing, you will suck all the fun out of it for yourself.

MC, by 1.12 patch was a combination of detuned, and overmatched by 1.12 toons, so it gives you kind of a false expectation.

Clear what you can, perfect your tactics, and continue to smash needed gear out of all the other content and have fun.
Dont worry about a few minmax guilds doing a many years perfected speed run.


Wrong. No guild is struggling with any raid in Classic. Pretty sure op is b8ing

This is not true.

I can tell you, with out any shame, that my guild is not ready to roll on BWL, we are not prepared.

I know i am not, i wont presently be able to heal through it.

Everyone is not on a high speed train run


Stuff dies real fast when all your dps is in GM/HWL gear

After all these years there is information on strats and comps and buffs and consumables and a lot have had experience downing BWL from long ago.

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The horse has been beaten to dust on this joke.

I am eternally level 58
I get the joke all the time

Lots of variables.

Raid comp.
Routes taken.
Time spent on trash.
Consumables at a raid’s disposal.
Player synergy.
Time spent distributing loot.
Emphasis on debuff priority.
Player quality.

For most guilds, working on time spent on trash, route taken, and loot distribution can shave as much as 30-45 minutes off raid times. One of the key advantages of a pre-determined LC priority list on gear is that loot is handled very quickly. There is no waiting on people to roll or bid; something drops, and the council has already decided before the raid who it’s going to first. Kill boss, and immediately make way towards the next with zero downtime.

Even an LC that isn’t pre-determined, where decisions are made between council members upon dropping, it’s still a bit quicker.

There are also certain routes in raids, much like dungeons, that avoid more difficult trash or entire packs outright. Time spent on trash is another thing that can be worked on via maximizing certain debuffs on trash to make them die much quicker.

That’s just 3 things, not even counting the others above shaving off even more time. The thing about Classic is that the “floor” - the requirement to clear raids in a decent amount of time - is very low. However, the “ceiling” - the maximum peak efficiency you can squeeze out of the game’s mechanics - is extremely high.

It’s more so than any other expansion, which have each narrowed the gap in various ways be it by nerfing just how much players can squeeze out(lowering the ceiling), or by making raids generally more difficult(raising the floor.)

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Vael is the first DPS check for bwl and you have 3 minutes before enrage. If your group isn’t up to par, you can’t manage the fight. Make sure everyone is doing the best dps they can. Helps a lot if everyone is in Tier 1 and better if they have their T2 pants and BIS weapons. However, I’ve been in guilds that took Vael with some members in greens and blues.

It’s also super helpful if everyone in the raid knows the fight and what they’re supposed to do in advance.

Brief recap of fight:

For the first 10 seconds of the fight, send MT and start counting. Off-tanks should attack shortly after. By the time the first 7-8 seconds are up you should have 3-4 tanks on him.

Healing in earnest should start about 3 seconds into the fight and at about 8-10 seconds into the fight, all DPS should add.

Vael should be at about 22-24% by the time the first tank gets BA.

At 20% Vael is vulnerable to execute so warriors should take advantage.

With 2 minutes of buff left , Vael should be around 18-20%.

When the buff is down to 1 minute Vael shoul be down to 10-12%.

Keep pounding away till he’s dead.

Best of luck. Vael is a very difficult fight and is responsible for a lot of wipes.

Back in vanilla, I remember wipes on bosses in BWL were from panicked clicking (rather than keybinds like today). Any of you have a pally back then that used DI on a tank during Nefarian…with the tank not knowing why he couldn’t control his actions? Ya, I’d be amazed to see that happen 15 years later, tbh.

On another note, I, Donny Kawano, unofficial ambassador of the Vulpera Rat Clan, would like to announce that we will be forcibly joining the Horde in the future. Look forward to your future, champions of the past.

You just wait. Donny Kawano will do his backflips before your very eyes, rather than in his own basement. One day, I, Donny Kawano, will be your ruler.

Donny Kawano backflips into his basement. None of these…um…champions have never seen an anthropomorphic rat before. He will convince his fellow rats to pose as foxes, then infiltrate the Horde.

What clicking?
I am still using most of my keybinds and macros from vanilla
Modified for a healer of course

Well, I’ll speak for myself then lol. I clicked a lot more 15 years ago than I do now! Was really just implying an accidental Divine Intervention due to clicking…though keybound, doesn’t really matter. That one was a real example I witnessed during original BWL progression!

Thats ok, i’ve lost my finger placement before and innervated the hunter.
Talk about embarassing

You can nit pick my analog all you want. How i described classic raid content still holds.

Raid content with TBC and beyond is where as developers the WOW team ups the difficulty.

For how you described things is more on par with the gamers of today. Still doesn’t change the fact original WOW was still like a trial and error for the developers.

Vanilla raids are ridiculously easy especially with patch 1.13 PVP gear now available, world buffs from valentine’s day and DMF. And everybody is good now, and knows the Vanilla Min/Max. Make no mistake, AQ40 and Naxx will both be cleared the first night also. It’ll just take a little longer. There is literally no challenge left in this version of the game, only who can blow the most gold on consumes to speed clear/face pull the whole instance to clear it a minute or two before your competing guilds. The days of having to gear a raid for weeks to down a final end boss are gone and they’re never coming back.

Is classic easy? No

If it was easy ppl would not be practicing, using buffs, sapper chargers, and whatever else addons.

An open book test is easy. Do you study for an open book test?

Anything you do multiple times will become easier in time. Using additional things makes it easier as well.

Not everyone has done Vanilla or pserver or even watch videos (shocking I know). To them do you think it’s easy?
Now if you say it’s easy explain experience would help.

As I run this addons to make blah easier, I have ran blah on blah server for 3 months, each one of my guild mates have like mind as me (which makes it easier as well), and so fourth.