I don’t understand how guilds are clearing bwl day one in 30 mins

that’s rich coming from someone referring to spam-dispelling as a mechanic.

the 1 button hold true for most of MC.

get a grid UI with mouseover macro, bind left-click to some downranked heal, right click to dispell (which only really come into play for luci and geddon, as a priest). for every other fight you’re just spamming left-click … usually only on the MT too.

We almost killed Broodlord at the end of our 3 hour raid. The answer is preparation and skill. They are better players than we are.


Now I want you to ask yourself, if this is really different than LFR? Couple bosses that might need debuffs wiped (but probably even doable without it if you want to power through) and pointless to pay attention to mechanics because you are likely to win anyway. If you don’t, your next attempt is even more likely because it is designed to literally get easier.

I think you will find the answer is “No, not really” in which case we have an accord. Both LFR and MC are face roll easy. Sweet! We agree! Want to go get a beer or something?

They practiced for hours and hours on private servers.

Imagine your guild running BWL for months and where you’d be at. That’s basically where these guilds started out day 1.

Also, they’re prepared. They have every consumable and world buff imaginable as well as an optimal raid comp.

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Awww come on now

If it makes you feel any better. I laughed at your comment. :smile:

of course it is.

re-pointing the most notorious ones:

durumu maze, kil’jaeden soak, argus orbs, c’thuun orb, jaina icecubes… stuff that you couldn’t ignore or they would wipe you, even at 10 stack.

there’s multiple LFR fight who got nerfed to the point of oblivion cause the average pug couldn’t get through it.

nevermind that 1-button rotation don’t exist on retail… and I really do mean 1-button rotation in the case of frost mage, Hpal or healing priest… i’d usually lump warlock or Spriest in that too, but apparently we have to be really precise and every little extra click count when talking about MC… so lock putting up a curse before spamming Sbolt will count as 2 button ( gasp!)

oh and, elephant in the room: LFR is meant to be an interactive cutscene for people not interested in raiding… MC ( or naxx if you want) is supposed to be serious

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Are you in a guild that has been 100% focused on gearing every member of your guild and eliminating all mediocre performers?

Are you making sure every potential flask and buff is used for the run?

Are all of your raid members aware of how to get more than one mana boost within a couple-minute period?

Is everyone in your raid hyper-focused on being world-first?

Does every one of your raid members consistently log in the top 1%?

If you answered “no” to any of these, then that’s why. Who cares what tryhards do? If you’re not one of them, you won’t have what they have.

As opposed to what, moving a few yards or tank swapping? Its a video game.

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go take a look at M N’zoth…

I guess we’re just going to have to agree to disagree here. I don’t think LFR is any more difficult than MC. Never had any real issues with it anything LFR at all. That’s just the honest truth. You point and say these things are evidence the difficulty is greater and my response would be that things in LFR die too fast for them to matter.

I mean, sort of like every raid that existed since WoW was created, and was primarily the reason why LFR was created in the first place? So that people who were more casual could actually see the content? MC in classic is not the same difficulty as when it released. It still wasn’t super difficult then, sure, but it wasn’t even close to as easy as it is now.

I will absolutely give you frost mage and holy pally. Holy/Disc priest should be pressing more than one button. They may be able to get away with pressing one button, but they are at best lazy in that scenario.

When I was getting technical over the “more than one button” it was in reference to tanking sir. It wasn’t to be pedantic, I was literally just pointing out that there are few specs that get away with a one button rotation in Classic. Yes, they do exist, we can all acknowledge that. Hell, I’m a warrior tank, I don’t even get to have a rotation. Instead I have to go off of a priority system.

Understood, which is why it’s so faceroll easy.

Correction… MC “was” supposed to be taken seriously. The design choices that were made to this point weren’t done in a vacuum. Classic is doing a half job of implementing things in sequence with these “phases”. MC was always going to be faceroll easy in patch 1.12.2 with post itemization improvements and class overhauls that largely buffed everyone in PVE. Hell, it was easy to pug on freshly minted level 60s at the end of Vanilla’s lifespan back in the actual 1.12.2 patch. Again, no one thinks MC is hard now.

Now Naxx… Apes will absolutely wreck AQ*, and Naxx yes. You and I can call it easy once we actually step foot in it and start downing content. I’m not expecting it to be mythic difficulty or anything, but it’s not going to be LFR either. Maybe I’m wrong there though, we’ll see I suppose.

No thanks.

Did I say mythic? Said heroic not much goes into Heroic. I am base this off normal/heroic/mythic ToS comparing difficulty to BFA players.

These ppl that clear did years and a lot of time. You said method did weeks.

BWL I say almost heroic or is heroic difficulty compared to ToS.
Why ToS that was one of last raids I did from all difficulties with multiple groups. From pugs/guilds just anything.

Reason I say BWL is heroic.
If you take a guild of ok/good players into that raid, never did it, watch videos, enchanted all the gear, flask buffs. You would only get to 2 to 4 out of 8 first week or day. On average

In normal ToS first day clear with guild same day and started heroic.

Other toon I pug (no inspection just voice below average dps/hps)normal got to KJ.
Not many ppl enchanted nor needed any buffs.

I went with guild in to heroic got to avatar.

Pugged Heroic with randoms got the 3rd boss. I am sure if I pug with below average dps/hps no buffs/ no enchantments on BWL first week I don’t think I will get passed first boss.

Back to heroic ToS the last two were the most challenging which took 2 to 3 weeks one day per week to fully clear.

BWL will take average or ok guild one day a week about 2 to 4 weeks to fully clear.

Pugs in ToS heroic sometimes killed KJ and sometimes not after 4 to 6 weeks being out.

First day in mythic got to 2nd boss
Got to 50% complete on mythic before classic was announced and never returned.

Only a little in BFA only to pug the first raid tier on heroic just unsub it was a joke was at last boss with sub par gear.

Point: I would put BWL at Heroic difficulty. Is heroic hard? not really it get easier in time the more you try😊.

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You should do that.

Lol, I can’t even imagine believing BWL is equivalent to heroic difficulty in BFA. There are more than 1600 logged Nefarian kills already and it’s been out for 2 days. Weekend guilds haven’t even raided yet. Speed running the whole raid in under an hour is strictly for extremely well prepared and skilled groups, but clearing the raid in a normal amount of time is for essentially all but the most casual or disorganized groups.

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eagerly awaiting your reaction to stuff like Naxx’s heigan dance being equally laughable, since doromu dance is… Or Thaddius polarity mechanic, since shivara is… and I’d point out something similar to KJ soaks or g’huun orbs, but there’s nothing similar in classic…

Heigan dance difficulty is overrated, since you all but ignore Heigan for all of phase 2. He does next to no DPS, it’s the environment that will kill you. Also he has no enrage timer, so you can take as long as you want. It’s as simple as being in the correct quarter of the room at the correct time. Stand closer to the platform and you get to run even less. Movement mechanics were never hard…

Mythic encounters are hidden until literally the first time you step in. BWL came out 15 years ago

You’re having a better experience than guilds clearing in 30 minutes!