I don’t understand how guilds are clearing bwl day one in 30 mins

All of the bosses in MC have mechanics.

Nope, we were fairly early to midstream on Arthas server back in the day - and you nailed it. The chaos in phase 1 was a s***show.

doromu, KJ, argus, c’thun… pretty much every end-boss in LFR actually have mechanic on par with BWL stuff.

you probably just didnt notice them cause the matchmaking make sure there’s a handfull of very-well equipped guy in LFR group in order to carry everyonelse.

Seriously. I don’t know how it get any easier. mage, priest, warlock… stand still in 1 place and spam 1 button is what you do for most of MC

right… forgot to specify that spamming dispell isn’t really considered a mechanic by modern standard. or moving 4 inches away from a static, predictable, not threatening fire…

They do? Dang they die so fast I didnt know they had mechanics.

What can I say, you were just bad. You failed to think of standing in the middle of the room spamming a party buff on hunter pets over and over. I mean what were you thinking, you probably tried to use CC or something like that.

Again, the kind of thing that in an actively developed game everybody gives a good laugh and then the nerf bat comes down with a wallop. But since it was discovered in 1.12 and the next patch was tbc prepatch, it’s “authentic vanilla”.


Absolutely, BWL was supposed to be significantly harder. However once you get the mechanics down, it’s not too bad.

Chances are you’re probably just missing a mechanic or two. Have you watched the videos? Make sure ALL DPS stay behind the 2nd (and 3rd) tank in threat. If ANYONE pulls aggro, it’s a wipe. If Vael does not transfer to 2nd tank when the 1st dies, it’s a wipe. Everyone needs to be on top of this. Everyone needs threat meters. You can’t do this encounter without.

Beyond that it’s not too hard. Keep tank alive until he dies. Anyone who gets the thingy needs to run away from the group so they don’t blow everyone up. If you don’t have enough healers to spam heal the raid (and tanks), it’ll be tougher. Maybe raid composition is your issue? Do you tanks have good fire resist?

Good luck and enjoy! I envy you! The guild that wipes 12 times on a boss will experience WAY more joy after downing him! 1-shotting is no fun! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I honestly don’t remember being over 14 years ago - we weren’t bad, just uninformed trying other stuff. You using a ‘known’ strategy at the end of vanilla and going in and doing it first time, while insulting me - says way more about you. Sorry I replied - carry on. :kissing_heart:.

I kinda thought the /sarc was implied.

Those are mechanics whether you want to admit it or not. If those things are not done - a wipe ensues.

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Well that happens when you take a level 120 into MC - derp.

Your expectations vs reality is far off.

Top guilds have practice for years, gear as in rank 14, flask, and world buffs.

Same as method doing retail. Do ppl think they really care about clearing heroic difficulty? Nah same as like BWL.

To top end guild or professional athlete it may look simple buts not as easy as you would believe.

Average raiding guilds May take 2 to 4 weeks to get 8/8.

Real pugs not partial guild with pugs may take 6 mos or longer.
I think real pugs on my server only get to gar on Mc or major D.

If you cannot clear them not getting to far in BWL.

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no… not really.

you dont dispell on lucifron? you’ll just have to cast a prayer of healing… heck, that,s how you pad parses anyway.

dont move on magmadar? well, if your healer are bored and want to parse they’ll keep you up… otherwise it’s not really a big deal if you keep going with 39 instead of 40.

But I might be expecting too much from someone who consider MC bosses more than interactive cutscene…

hum. still take top guild hundred of pull to get through mythic… 12 hour a day for over a week… and that’s on top of 3 week of prep, 5+ heroic split and a hundred million + gold debt.

Smh. There are mechanics on every boss in MC, pal. Its a fact. Dont make an azz out of yourself just to win an argument.


coming up next: auto-attacking is a mechanic.

I don’t think this is the case friend. I think LFR is easy, because it was designed to be easy. I think MC is easy, because it was the first real raid Blizz ever did, and there were 2 years of patches that ultimately nerfed the content to the patch we see now. Ultimately, LFR difficulty is pretty close to equivalent to MC difficulty. Anyone who thinks LFR is more difficult than MC is bad at Retail. :wink:

This sounds exactly like LFR to me… for the exact same classes… :thinking:

As a tank in MC, I do more than spam one button, but it is really still no more difficult than LFR, not any less difficult than LFR either though. I mean, there is no chance of anyone ever peeling threat off me in LFR as a tank, and a really motivated warrior could probably do that now in classic MC, but again, still not hard.

Neither of them have any mechanics that are difficult or worth writing home about. Many of the mechanics are easily ignored by the majority of the raid.

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no movement, no taunt swapping, no soaking, no CD rotation, no external rotation, no DPS check… the list goes on.

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Your criteria was literally “spam one button” that was the criteria we were using. If you want to start moving the goal posts though…

Again. Not claiming MC is hard, but claiming LFR is harder is still laughable. It’s just not man. I would be mocking the opinion of anyone saying MC was harder than LFR too. In short, if I can pug an instance with a full group of 40 people who I don’t really know and only text chat for comms, then it’s equivalent to LFR. Not harder, not easier… equivalent. MC and Ony are the LFR of Classic.